Posts Tagged ‘ the short second life of bree tanner ’

Vote for Stephenie Meyer!

Mar 18th, 2011 | By | Category: Book News, Contests, Fandom, Featured Articles, Site News

Stephenie is nominated in this year’s Children’s Choice Book Awards as AUTHOR OF THE YEAR for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. We know she’s YOUR #1 choice – so be sure to vote here. Voting closes on April 29th and the winners will be announced on May 2nd! Good Luck Stephenie!

Leg Hitches, Freaky Fred, Edward and More…

Jul 15th, 2010 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles, Site News, Stephenie Meyer Interview
Leg Hitches, Freaky Fred, Edward and More…

Kallie is ripping Stephenie’s head off (with Twifans help)!  We were acting out the final ‘Bree-Beheading’ scene… and there were NO stunt doubles! LOL! Leg hitching, Freak Fred, Edward, Bree and Jane… It’s a lot to cover, and we are only getting started folks!  Enjoy this transcription… or click to listen! [audio:|titles=Fan Junket Clip] Fan
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Stephenie Meyer Releases A New Book!

Mar 30th, 2010 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles
Stephenie Meyer Releases A New Book!

Stephenie Meyer is releasing a new novella called “The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner,” a short story about the newborn vampire Bree!  A dollar from all US book sales will be donated to the Red Cross, but you will also be able to download the book for free starting at noon on June 7th
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