Stephenie Meyer Vampire Empire

Jul 24th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News

(That’s a ton of rhyme there!)

logofrom.gif has posted a 4 page story on Stephenie Meyer. It’s a great story and you should really read it to get some scoop on how she writes and who she is!

Check it out here!


Meyer writes facing the kitchen, with music headphones on to tune out the joyful antics of her sons, who range in age from 6 to 11. She used to have family photos on her website, but she and Pancho have decided to remove the boys from the public eye. Occasionally she’ll receive a fan letter at her home, which is unlisted, and those always go straight to the trash. And she’s started getting random calls on her cell phone from fans, who stutter and giggle when their unsuspecting hero picks up. ”Numbers are easy to change,” says Meyer with a shrug. ”Moving is harder. They’ll have to drag me out of this place on a plank.

***QUESTION** Did anyone else catch this…“The message boards are bursting with dismay, the fans having gotten their first peek at Breaking Dawn‘s cover. Of course they don’t yet know that Meyer herself helped design the image โ€” featuring a chessboard with a white queen piece and a hovering red pawn โ€” or how it relates to the story.” I never heard that she helped design this one!ย  Am I just catching up or is this something new?

*Note:* There are a lot of parts of this interview that we get to see how much pressure Stephenie is under. She talked about the publicity and how much more she has to do. Stephenie doesn’t want to disappoint us so keep that in mind as you read Breaking Dawn. It may not end up how YOU would like it, but it’s still something truly amazing. She knows its about the writing, not about the politics! She really is my literary hero! -Chelsea

10 Comments to “Stephenie Meyer Vampire Empire”

  1. Katie in Ft. Worth says:

    I can’t help but think that Bella is going to stay human. I don’t want her to, but it seems like Stephenie is really trying to say that Bella is perfect the way she is because it’s who she is. Make sense?

  2. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    I just want more story! I hope there is that closure Stephenie talked about, because I can’t be left hanging. I’ve already read the first 3 seven times!

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  4. Jamie says:

    It was a great article, I didn’t realize all of the crazy things some of the fans do though. It makes me feel kind of bad for her. I love the books/covers/actors for the series, but I wish other people weren’t so critical. She rocks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Just Visiting says:

    I think you might just be catching up, Chelsea– seeing something you didn’t see the first time. That’s the same article that was in EW when Twilight was their cover story. The revelation that Stephenie designed the book jacket was by far the most informative thing in that article, and I was surprised more people weren’t buzzing about it. when the article first came out Another quote from Stephenie said the reason the books have stretched to 4 volumes is that Stephenie has had a harder time giving up Bella’s humanity than Bella has. Besides New Moon, all the book covers are a major symbol about Bella. So the white queen, in combination with Stephenie’s wistful quote about Bella’s humanity, said to me that Bella will finally be transformed in Book 4. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. Erin(: says:

    That picture of Stephenie is so amazing! It seems so Twilightish(<– that is so a word!) and I LOVE IT! We surly won’t be dispointed with Breaking Dawn as long as there is one! We LOVE you Stephenie Meyer!!!

  7. katylynn prack says:

    OMG i love stephanie meyer and the twilight series it is so awsome!!! i’ve read the 1st 3 and now i’m waiting in the 4th so that i can read it i’m a huge fan!!! i can’t believe that Bella wants to get married to him though it seems like she’s lost. 1 sec she doesn’t want 2 get married the next she does. i love the books. ttyl

  8. Merna says:

    I really hate it when Jake imprinted on Renesme I hoped that he and Bella will somday get together!
    And the story is so boring without their complicated relationship!

  9. Merna says:

    I really don’t like it when Jake imprinted on Renesme. I hoped someday he and Bella will get together!
    And the story is really boring without their complicated relationship!

  10. alex (i'm a girl) says:

    Omfg i love twilight so much. I just thought it would have been a little better if Jacob could have imprinted on leah, i don’t know why, that’s what i thought was going to happen but whatever i still LOVE twilight and all the other books<33

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