Quote #21
Jul 31st, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Book News
Here is the next quote from Breaking Dawn! OME you guys, it’s down to hours! AHHHHHH!!!!! Bella: “Should I be afraid?” Edward: “Terrified.”
Here is the next quote from Breaking Dawn! OME you guys, it’s down to hours! AHHHHHH!!!!! Bella: “Should I be afraid?” Edward: “Terrified.”
Entertainment Weekly is streaming the Breaking Dawn Concert live from NYC tomorrow at 7:00 EST here! You can check out the details on their site. Be sure to tune in!
The Wall Street Journal has an interview with Stephenie Meyer as well as an article on “The ‘Twilight’ Zone.” You can also listen to Stephenie read from Breaking Dawn here!
Business Week has an article on the various fan sites devoted to the Twilight series, which includes many prominent web sites!
The Chicago Tribune has an article on the key ingredients in making the Twilight series successful. To check it out, click here!
MTV has 2 new interviews, one with Christian Serratos, and another with Stephenie Meyer. In Stephenie’s interview she has this to say about any upcoming Twilight movie sequels: “I really think they’d have to do five movies,” Stephenie Meyers revealed exclusively to MTV News Thursday morning, sitting down with us on the eve of her
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GMA’s interview with Stephenie Meyer this mornnig is now available here on their website! They also have an article here! Enjoy!
MTV has a new interview with Stephenie Meyer on the eve of the Breaking Dawn Concert in NYC! (This is Becka interrupting Krystal’s news post — Kim Stolz is going to be hanging with us at the podcast, and we’ve been encouraged to pick her brain on the interview. win/win, yes?)
The Costco Connection, has a brief sum. of Breaking Dawn! Bella Swan and her finance Edward Cullen, are just a few days away from their wedding. Bella has come a long way from being the clumsy new girl in town – she’s got the diamond ring and fancy new Mercedes to prove it. But with
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Hey guys, Due to the large amount of spoilers that are coming through our comments approval queue, we’re going to be disabling comments until after the release of Breaking Dawn. We’ve made it quite far on moderated comments and we’re very happy with that, but things are just getting out of control. If you guys
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