New Twilight T-Shirts!

Jul 27th, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

hottopictwit.jpg has images of two new Twilight t-shirts available at Hot Topic!

7 Comments to “New Twilight T-Shirts!”

  1. Chelsea says:

    Ehhh, I’m not a big fan of the poster myself, mostly due to the fact that Edward/Rob looks funny in it, and you can’t see much of his beautiful face. I’m just glad they’re making more merchandise!

  2. Michelle says:

    LMAO I’m sending my mom to the mall to buy me one to wear to the BD Concert and to the book release parties

  3. Sasha says:

    the closest hot topic is one hunderd miles away and i need to go there NOW!!! MY TWILIGHT !!!!

  4. Alexi says:

    omg i love this shirt, but i think bella looks too pretty isnt she supposed to look plain??

  5. edwardsababe says:

    omg! i love twilight so much! here are some of my fave quotes from the books/icons-

    when life gives me lemons, i throw them back and demand edward

    because we all secretly own two copies

    sorry harry, i’m holding out for edward cullen

    what if i’m not the good guy. what if i’m…the BAD guy?

    …and so the lion fell in love with the lamb…

    do i dazzle you?

    Stephenie Meyer makes me want to move to a small town, buy and old beat up red truck, and search for a silver volvo owner with a crooked smile

    you are my life now

    i dream about being with you FOREVER

  6. Kerri Molloy says:

    Love this top, im so in oove with twilight, and i would like to see more jacob black tops cause hes kinda cute 😀 x

  7. Cute says:

    Thanks for showing this.

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