No End in Sight for Twilight

Sep 5th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

On there is a short article on the decision Stephenie Meyer has made to put Midnight Sun on hiatus.ย  To read about it, click here!

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11 Comments to “No End in Sight for Twilight”

  1. alyssa says:

    I’m so disapointed about this. Noooooooooo ………… it’s not fair = [

  2. Wray says:

    Just shooting from the hip here, but Stephenie Meyer’s decision to put Midnight Sun on hold will not have any effect on the Twilight movie. She has already ended the series (or at least Bella and Edward’s story). Like many others, I would love to read Midnight Sun, but the decision about whether or not to complete it is ultimately up to her. I respect that. I enjoyed Twilight very much and it looks like the movie will be good – I am looking forward to it!

  3. Cristina says:

    omg! why is she going to leave us all on a cliff hanger, I mean we do know what is going to happen but its hillarious to hear what edward (not to mention everyone else) is thinking ๐Ÿ™

  4. Bella J. says:

    i don’t think it’s fair for her to punish all if us for what one person did. i want to know how it ends!!!

  5. Bella J. says:

    **** all OF us***


  6. sou says:

    I just wish people would stop talking about it. ๐Ÿ™
    Like seriously, i just want to move on with my life and every time I hear about it, it just ruins my day all over again.

  7. Julia says:

    Clearly Reelz Channel isn’t aware that Midnight Sun is not one of the “sequels” to Twilight… why would the halting of MS have any effect on the movies? It wouldn’t. They really should have gotten their information straight on this one.

  8. Emmett's Home Girl says:

    I don’t think the intent is to “punish” her loyal fans.

    I personally think she will finish it when she’s gained some perspective on the situation. We just have to be patient. She won’t disappoint. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Kim says:

    We all know how it ends. Remember that it is twilight from edwards perspective. We just may never understand completely what he’s thinking exactly. But if you read the chapters that were leaked that she made available to us on her website you pretty much get the idea of how he thinks and reacts.

  10. pookie says:

    i just finished reading his point of view i know how it all ends but it would be great to know in his mind we all know bella’s i just hope maybe one day she will write his point of views… i just cant get enough of edward and bella

  11. sean says:

    i think that it makes perfect sense for her to stop writing it, because if she continues with the bitter feeling she has about whoever leaked it, then the ending will be as bitter as the thoughts she has.

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