Your Dream Director for New Moon?

Dec 8th, 2008 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

After the surprising news about Catherine NOT working on New Moon, we just have to ask…

Who would be your Dream Director for New Moon?

Leave your answer in the comments section, and we just might read it on the next podcast!

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74 Comments to “Your Dream Director for New Moon?”

  1. Marci (major obsessed) says:

    How about Stephen Speilberg

  2. Jennica says:

    Joe Wright!!
    I have loved every movie he has done especially pride and prejudice and Atonement Those are both based on books and keep fairly true to the story!! And her has the same composure for his scored who is amazing!! which bring tense emotions into the movie which new moon need!
    I would love Joe Wright!!

  3. Shteff! says:

    TIM BURTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Robby says:

    How about Stephenie Meyer =D?!!

    although the chances of that happening is very low :(…..although it would be great if she was the screenwriter!

  5. J says:

    I second Joe Wright!

  6. Tara K. says:

    Possibly someone who worked on a Harry Potter movie. Those movies had a lot of special effects that looked great, which we will need since New Moon has the transformation of the Werewolves and of course the vampire special effects.

  7. Jenn says:

    Someone who worked on a Harry Potter film. They would be the best.

  8. Teri says:

    Alfonso Cuaron!

  9. lesliejoy says:

    “Alfonso Cuaron!”

    I was going to say the same thing! Joe Wright is a great choice too.

  10. Sara says:

    Alfonso Cuaron or Tim Burton

  11. Marissa says:

    I have no clue but I do have some criteria, the director needs:
    1. To be approved by SM
    2. Has to have read the books ( all of them) and has to love them like we do and can make the characters grow
    3. Preferably female

  12. Heather D says:

    I would say Alfonso Cuaron because he is really good at the darker movies, which is what New Moon will need to be. The feel of Prisoner of Azkaban was darker, the lighting and colors and the mood. Little Princess was like that too. And Children of Men was an amazing movie. Just as long as the werewolves dont look like our dear Prof. Lupin, b/c i didn’t like the way he looked as a wolf.

  13. The REAL Mrs. Edward Cullen says:

    Sofia Coppola? idk she had a funky vision for Marie Antoinette and I would love to see what she could do for Twilight.

  14. Andy says:

    Alfonso Cuaron! Great minds think alike!

  15. Amanda says:

    Terry Gilliam, hes really good at fantasy films. He did ‘The Brothers Grimm’ which was awesome and hes doing ‘the imaginarium of dr. parnassus’ right now.
    Maybe Alfonso Cuaron, I guess. I was going to disagree because he totally screwed up Harry Potter 3 (in my opinion, i agree that it’s debatable) but yeah he might do okay on this one since it is kinda the darkest. I agree that he shouldnt do any Lupin werewolves though, lol.
    I dont think that Tim Burton would do it because New Moon isnt obsure enough for him. He’s amazing, but this isnt quite up on the level of wierdness that he is able to achieve.

  16. kp says:

    lol the only director i really know of is george lucas and i don’t think we’re gonna need any R2D2s in new moon or anything like that… i wonder how he’d do on the romance aspect of the movie…

  17. Hannah says:

    I’m gonna fourth Joe Wright. He’s a legend!

  18. Samie says:

    hahaha i agree with Robby! Stephanie meyer would be awsome! not that it will happen. but it be kool if she did… lol… but i think she have a hard time cutting things out, and makeing it differnt for the movie tho.. lol oh well i can dream tho cant I? lol

  19. CullenCrazy17 says:

    hmmm…i dont really care but it better be someone who knows the books and will kept them similar!!! lets just leave it at that

  20. Ellie says:

    I’m not really sure about Tim Burton for New Moon and Eclipse. I like him and all, but just not for these films. But Alfonso Cuaron would be great! I loved HP POK and the Little Princess. I think he condenses stories very well and there is nothing that is introduced that is not explained (yes, i know the marauders, but they aren’t necessary to introduce in pok)
    I like Guillermo del Toro and Peter Jackson. A great female director, if we want to make a trend for the Twilight movies would be Sofia Coppola.

    what about Judd Apatow???!?!?! hahah jkjk. like seth rogen is edward. hahahahahha
    oh and i like joe wright too.

  21. Kate says:

    I just need them to have read all of the books, and have SM approve. I don’t care about gender.

    But a Harry Potter director would be very cool!

  22. Ellie says:

    Oh and I second Terry Gilliam!!! I love him, but for some reason i completely blanked out when i was trying to think of his name, then i realized there was such thing as….Google. lol

  23. Ellie says:

    or Iain B. MacDonald, who did Mansfield Park with Billie Piper. I love jane austen <333

  24. Michy. says:

    Robby, I agree with you. How about Stepheanie Meyer. She did direct that music video and just think her vision will come to life. But maybe it would be too expensive but that would be something. I bet she would make them at least 3hrs long….

  25. Chelsie says:

    Renny Harlin directed The Covenant which was an awesome movie with great special effects (plus he’s worked with Steven Strait so maybe we can get him in New moon too!)

    I also liked ‘Blood and Chocolate’ director Katja Von Garnier. She’s already turned one book with werewolves into a movie, I bet she would do a good job with this one too.

  26. Ellie says:

    or the guy who did love actually!!! See how much i contribute to this? and you ppl say like George Lucas. LMAO

  27. Dana says:

    george lucas or just someone completely able to do the job. that has turned a book to a movie

  28. Rachel says:

    I would have to say that keeping Cathrine for director would have been best because the entire cast and crew have all become really close when shooting Twilight. But because her and Summit have agreed mutually that she will not direct New Moon or Eclipse or Breaking Dawn for that matter i would have to go with James Cameron who directed Titanic. I say this because their was so much passion in Titanic and I really think that James could really dig down deep and bring out the passion behind the entire Twilight Series.

    Love The Podcast Girls,

  29. Skye says:

    I would love Joe Wright to do it! AND he’s great with action scenes! How much is Summit willing to pay for a new director? If Andrew Adamson wasn’t already signed on for Dawn Treader and another movie for 2011, I think he would have been amazing for the job as well!

    Every movie goer’s dream- for Peter Jackson to direct their movie. Summit would most likely not pay for Jackson, not to mention, Jackson wouldn’t want to do a teenage romance film. Too many fangirls, not enough nerds. -shrugs-

  30. Wray says:

    Joe Wright or Alfonso Cuaron would be great of course.

    Terry Gilliam is a genius, but he almost never finishes his movies and is notoriously difficult to work with.

    As much as I admire George Lucas… please. If you all didn’t like the dialogue with Twilight, don’t even get me started on Star Wars I, II, and III.

    Why are we all talking about directors who did special effects?

    If only we could get Emma Thompson to help with the writing – no one writes better dialogue than she does.

  31. Kelly says:

    if we absolutely cant have catherine then i agree with robby!
    about SM!

    and marissa if we cant have catherine or SM!

  32. Elizabeth says:

    I think that Alfonso Cuaron or David Yates would do an amazing job. But maybe thats just cos Im a huge Harry Potter nerd. Haha. But I really do like the style that they brought to those films. They were able to caputre the dark nature of the story as well as the lighter points. And thats important.
    I would love for Tim Burton to do New Moon, but its honestly just not his style. And I know thhat he would NEVER go for doing Eclipse. haha.
    I dont think that it needs to be a female director, I do think that someone who can put themselves in Bellas place would be important, but I really dont think that it needs to be a girl. As long as they can understand what Bellas going thru.

    Love the podcast,

  33. lizzie says:

    Robert Pattinson….Hes so amazing…..ahhhhhhhhhhhh

  34. Elizabeth says:

    P.S. I love Stephenie Meyer, but as far as I know she doesnt have any experiance directing films, so I dont think that she could do it. Im not sure she would either…

  35. shaili says:

    I think it should definatley be a woman but one who does really dark movies but is still creative

  36. silvi says:

    peter jackson!!!!*
    he done an amazing job with the lord of the rings i think he can do a great job with twilight too 😀

  37. Alex says:

    Ummm, well I lve the Movie Titanic, so i will say James Cameron, he did such a great job with Titanic and other movies, it would be great to see him with New Moon (hehe)

  38. lanni says:

    how about mimi leder or nora ephron

  39. ... says:

    (just kidding – but you have to admit, it’s a good idea!)

  40. Sa'Misty says:

    Stephanie!!!! She would be perfect because it would be how she envisioned the books in her head. That would just be amazing for us to see 🙂

    she did come up with the idea for The Resolution video… it could have been practice XD

  41. peeves says:

    i would love to have tim burton but i doubt he would want to do new moon also he is to great for it

  42. Victoria says:

    George Lucas. As long as he’s not in charge of dialogue.

  43. Olinda says:

    I think that DJ Caruso
    he is like my favorite director
    he did the “Disturbia” and “Eagle Eye”
    he will be perfect because the
    special effects thet he makes
    look real.

  44. Haley says:

    i have to agree on one of the HP directors doing it! i thin though that Alfonso Cuaron would be the best choice. I wasnt so crazy about Mike Newell but i also think that David Yates would be a wise choice but he has commitments to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows so he is probably out of the question.

    I think that Stephenie Meyer, the brilliant person she is, would be great as director because it would follow the book really well!

  45. Jocelyn says:

    i would love stephenie as well after she directed the music video. also she would make sure she got all the key spots in which would also lead into eclipse and breaking dawn. who cares if it was 3 hours!! (im sure you would all still watch it!)

  46. CarenM says:

    Gullimero Del Toro ;D
    or Julie Taymor

  47. Courtney Woodrum says:

    Terry Gilliam or Tim Burton would be awesome

  48. RDL says:

    Nick Cassavetes!! Dude, he directed the Notebook for Pete’s sake!! He’ll be awesome. Plus look at the other films he’s worked on:

  49. Karina says:

    i have no idea but i do think some of the directors said above can be good choices! even though i liked the twilight movie, i did think that it needed a lot of work. a lot cheese at some points and sometimes just bad editing in some parts. i liked catherine as director dont get me wrong but i think with a new one we will maybe improve those areas and make this movie WAY better. a new fresh director can be just the thing to make this movie better. of course we are running the risk of this movie maybe turning into something worse but we have to keep the positive energy going and just hope for the best.
    i hope that the new director at least stays true to the book and turns this movie into something that looks like it just came straight out of the book. the movie has to be longer. the longer it is, the better it can be. it wouldnt be as rushed just like it seemed it was on twilight.
    also one thing that i hate that people are so focused on is whether the director would be a male or female. i personally dont care if it is a male or a female. just because of someone’s gender doesnt mean that the movie will be better or worse. their gender is not making the movie, THEIR DIRECTING IS! yes i know some people are like, “well a female can understand this book so much better and potray the feel of the book way better than a male can.” but males can do that too but they just have to get in touch with their ‘female’ side or feelings and he would do as good a job as a woman can do. also a woman can do a good job as good as a male can. with this said i really dont care about gender, all i care is about their directing skills and if they can protray the book into something that we the fans will be proud to call our favorite all time movie!
    hope catherine the best and luck on whatever her project will be next and i truelly did like her as a director. she was always so positive and nice but i just dont think she did the best she could on potraying twilight into the big screen.
    cant wait to hear who the next director will be! ^-^

  50. ashley says:

    david yates

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