Kristen in Vanity Fair

Feb 12th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Here is an older pic of Kristen from Vanity Fair (2007), along with part of the interview!

On her love for big bands: “I love big-band music, and I’m taking swing classes now. I can’t wait till I’m going to be able to be tossed up in the air.”

On her first project, Panic Room: “There was this one scene we must have done, like, 80 times. I didn’t know that it wasn’t the norm. Now I wouldn’t be as chill with it …”

On college plans: “I want to go to college for literature. I want to be a writer. I mean, I love what I do, but it’s not all I want to do—be a professional liar for the rest of my life.”

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15 Comments to “Kristen in Vanity Fair”

  1. emma says:

    shes so cute :]

  2. Becky says:

    pretty cool

  3. hayley-reigh says:

    she looks totally gorgeous


  4. Julia C says:

    The picture reminds me of Alexis Bledel in Gilmore Girls when Rory was in the DAR.

  5. Megan M says:

    what an awesome picture of her!!!

  6. Janeanne says:

    WOW!! Kristen actually looks HOTT! Why didn’t they play up lil bit of her natural beauty in Twilight. I think they might be tryin 2 make her look awful in the movies so that in Breaking Dawn she will look freakin gorgeouse when she get changed into a vampire.

  7. Monika_ says:

    LOL! She looks so pretty but looking at how shiny her legs are reminds me of a Barbie hahaha

  8. teen14 says:

    She’s so awesome and just from the way she speaks you can tell she’s really smart!

  9. Sarah Madge says:

    Wow thats been airbrushed a lot!! If her left arm was that thin it would fall off!! shes is stunning though.

  10. Lara says:

    omg ya whoever said that this picture reminded them of alex bledel in gilmore gorls hen she joind the DAR…me too! I’ve always thought that kristen stewart is the PERFECT bella, and then the next best bella would have been alex. Kristen looks great!
    x x x

  11. Carolina G.B. says:

    Kristen Stewart looks incredibly cute and gorgeous in this pic! Not only that, but she is stunningly talented!

  12. Victoria says:

    that doesn’t even look like her!

    now that’s a vampire Bella for you! (extreamly gorgeous!)

  13. zoe says:


    she looks so young and it’s nothing like her!!!

  14. Shteff says:

    *scarred for life* IT BURNS *whines*

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