The Appeal of Twilight

Feb 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Book News, Featured Articles

NPR has a very favorable review of Twilight here!  Thanks to Ana for the info 🙂

“Desire in these novels isn’t just tethered to sex; it’s free-floating and intense and it particularly emanates from our heroine, Bella, who’s gutsy and hungry for release from ordinary girly-girl stuff. Meyer dramatizes — and, for some of us, reawakens — that adolescent feeling of wanting so badly to be lifted out of the high school cafeteria line and transported into some other life that’s somehow larger, more vivid.”

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3 Comments to “The Appeal of Twilight”

  1. TwilightGirl says:

    Yeah, I heard it while it was playing, because my dad listens to it non-stop… I TRY (i do not ) not to tell either of my parents about anything that happens because I’m afraid that if I do, they won’t let me read it! And really, I wouldn’t be supprised if they told me never to lay eyes on it again! I say that because before I discovered Twilight -almost 4 months ago- I was a die hard Harry Potter fan, and my mom almost didn’t let me read that! Now, don’t get me wrong, I DO NOT try to hide my aditcion… just what happens in the book

  2. lariza says:

    yeah…my mum read the blurb too, and she had no idea what it was abot, and when she did she’s like, it’s a love story? just kisses right? and i said yes!

  3. Bea says:

    lol to all the people above me. When i asked for the book series for xmas noone bat an eyelid. And i got 2 sets of twiligt saga TWICE, from 2 of our family friends. i mean LOL!!!!!

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