The Hunger Games… What do you think?

Feb 26th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Question of the Week

Next week we are going to discuss The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins!  We would love to hear your thoughts about the book…

So, what do you love about The Hunger Games?

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122 Comments to “The Hunger Games… What do you think?”

  1. Cedar says:

    I haven’t read it yet! 🙁

  2. Amber says:

    OMG I absolutly love that book it’s great I’m really excited your gonna talk about it!!

  3. Andy says:

    Me neither, Cedar!

    Once I’ve finished Harry Potter 3, I’m all over it! But, from what I’ve heard on youtube and all the authors comments (Stephenie Meyer included), am very excited. (Lovely TST-people, you can spoil us with this book – I will try not to listen to the episode. Just the music at the start and end – always like them!)

  4. Shanise says:

    Okay, I’m planing on reading The Hunger Games so how much spoilers are going to be on the next pod cast?

  5. Mrs. Mike Newton says:

    I Have Read Hunger Games And Freakin LOVED IT! I Am So Excited U R Doing A Show On It!!!!!!!!!! Ok So! First Off I Love Peetah With All My Heart! He Is So Amazing And Is Just Well……Amazing! The Only Problem I Found With It Was The Kept Calling Him “Bread Boy” And I Found That Quite Bothersome Lol! I Do Not Think Catniss Should Be With Gail What So Ever. Friends Only! I Thought The Games Were Amazing Though I Hope We Nvr Stoop To That Level Of Reality. The Giant Dogs At The End Both Terrified And Wowed Me! Catniss Has Inspired Me 2 Take On Achery And I Am Loving It! The Only Problem I Found Was Rue. I Honestly Have No Sympathy For Her, It Is Part Of The Hunger Games 2 Die And Henceforth She Did. My Friends Have Scowled Me Very Much So I No It Is A Terrible Thing To Say. I AM VERY IMPATIENT ON THE NEXT BOOK IT ISNT EVEN FUNNY! The Girl With Fire Has Always Stuck With Me And I Will Always Be A Fan (Though Not As Much As Twilight)

  6. Mrs. Mike Newton says:

    ^^^Srry I Kept Rambling On! I Just Love It SOOOOO Much!^^^

  7. Twilight Geek Sam says:

    READ ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I JUST READ !!! it was really good i got into it right away. i loved all the characters but… HATED THE ENDINGI MEAN WHO DOES THAT LEAVING US HANGING LIKE THAT *SPOILER* I WAS ALL excited to see what prim said and how her mother was and how Gale was and im reading and its just says END OF BOOK ONE……. WHAT!?!?!?!?! NO NOT COOL I WAS READY TO THROW THE BOOK AT THE WALL BECAUSE I NEEDED AND WANTED MORE. YOU CANT JUST DROP A BOMB ON US LIKE SHE DID AND THEN END THATS NOT HOW ITS SHOULD HAPPEN!?!?!?!?I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK GREAT PODCAST

  8. Twilight Geek Sam says:

    ADD ^
    i also had a problem with them calling peeta bread boy but i cried when rue died THAT WAS SO SAD. partly because of prim, CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK

  9. JustCrazed says:

    hi guys.
    first off, i love the podcast!
    about my opinion on The Hunger Games, i think this is an AWESOME book. its different from all other books i’ve read and think its soo cool how it could really happen. i think this vook has a similar theme as twilight because they both mix love with adventure. in twilight edward and bella fall in love with the danger of edward being a vampire, and in hunger games there is the love between katniss and peeta and the danger of possibly having themselves killed and losing one another. its a great book and i hope EVERYONE reads it! pease!!!

  10. Tiffany C. says:

    This book was absolutely amazing. I bought it, something rare for me, for I am always at the library.

    This book is soo inspiring for people to just stand up and do the right thing, but also symbolises corruption, etc, that people have grown accustomed to.

    I definitely reccomend it. Its worth it. In fact, I read this book in day. I just couldn’t put it down!

  11. hannah says:

    that book will always be in my top ten favorite books of all time . i love it! it has such a great message

  12. Luna Eclipse says:

    really good

  13. melanie says:

    hey! love the podcast guys!!!!!!!!
    whooo! FINALLY, i LOVE the hunger games!!!!!
    it’s a great book for ANYONE to read! its sooooooooo awesome.i think that suzanne collins is REALLY talented by combining real situations ( like love ) with something thats harder to meet ( the games / killing).
    ~~ mel
    ps. i cant wait for more from this authour

  14. wendy08 says:

    i havent read but im goin buy it n then read it..

  15. Brandi says:

    I LOVED The Hungar Games! Almost as much as The Twilight Saga and The Host!!! I love everything about it! At first I was frustrated that it ended so abruptly, but now it just makes me more excited for the next one!! Personally I prefer Gale to Peeta.
    I too cried about Rue. I don’t want to get to detailed and spoil it for anyone, but I think my fav part was while Katniss was ‘showing her talent’ and shot at that pig… Great stuff!!!! I love how SC has taken very realatable characters and placed them in this sci fi-rific setting. Some of it is so realistic while some is complete make believe (but in a good way). Much that I
    love about The Hunger Games is why I love Twilight.

  16. Brandi says:

    PS- The Hunger Games would make a cool movie (if done correctly!!!)

  17. Kristi says:

    It’s so funny that I JUST read “The Hunger Games” yesterday and you guys are going to discuss it next week! I obviously loved it because I read it all in one day. It did remind me of the Twilight Saga in that I just couldn’t put it down. Every chapter would end and I’d think…ok, just one more. And then I finished it! I loved the strength that Catniss showed and her unwavering loyalty to her family…to make sure they were taken care of. I especially loved how Peeta looked out for her through the whole book. I was sorely disappointed at the end. I honestly thought that she was falling for him too and figured out that he was truly in love with her. I couldn’t believe the book ended with so many questions. I am not one to read series books until several are out because I don’t have the patience! I didn’t start Harry Potter until book 4 was out. I didn’t start Twilight until Breaking Dawn was out (in my defense on that one, I didn’t hear about it until last summer). I grabbed “The Hunger Games” because Stephenie recommended it, not knowing it was the first in a series. I guess I will have to learn patience this time!!

    LOVE you girlies and so enjoy your podcasts!!!

  18. Christin says:

    I absolutely LOVED The Hunger Games! I first heard about it on Stephenie’s website, and I went out and bought it because I’m always looking for an excuse to buy new books. From the moment I started reading it, I could not put it down. I was reading at every available moment I could, it was so good from start to finish. I felt like I was in the action the whole time, right next to Catniss. I had no idea that it had a sequel, so when I got to the end and I discovered there would be more I got so excited! Of course then I saw that the next book doesn’t come out until September and I got frustrated for having to wait that long. But definitely, I would recommend The Hunger Games to anyone, its a great, great read!

  19. Samantha LeAnne says:

    I absolutely LOVED The Hunger Games. I thought the characters were great, but the message of the story was what I fell in love with. It just seems that in another 100+ years, something like that could actually transpire here, as sad as that is. As a society we are so relient on technology and economics, that we have forgotten about the things that really made the world, or at least this country, great. With iPhones and text messaging and computers, etc we spend hours out of our day staring at some form of technology and god forbid somebody loses their cell phone or something, most people have their whole lives based on some form of technology. The knowledge of knowing they could be called into the games were the only thing that kept people using real skills and making people watch those barbaric things was a way of mind control that is generally used by sociopaths. It’s sad to think that the world could become a distopia that the situations in The Hunger Games could really happen, but the fact is that not in our lifetime or even our children’s lifetime, something similar to that could be a possibility at the rate that technology is relied upon. I really can’t wait until the next book comes out though, I serioulsly want to know what happens because cliffhangers like that are just so unfair! And I’m so glad you guys are doing a discussion about it!

  20. Julia says:

    The book was amazing! I picked it up last weekend, and read the entire book in almost a night. I really love the writing, and I became extremely attached to Peeta and Katniss. Katniss is the strong woman I always hoped to be, and Peeta is the protector I always hoped to meet. I can’t wait till the second book comes out.

  21. Sam says:

    What I love about the Hunger Games is EVERYTHING!!! It was such a great, suspenseful, romantic, adventurous book! From the very beginning the story drew me in with its strange plot line and a kind of Olympic games with terrifying rules. I love Katniss, she is such a character to look up to for taking her sister’s place in the games. I also absolutely fell in love with Peeta who would do anything to protect the one he loves in the games. The whole book had me on the edge of my seat and the ending was such a cliff hanger! I can’t wait for “Catching Fire” to come out!!! 😉

  22. Stephany says:

    I absolutely loved this book, I read it 4 times already and I am sure I’ll read it again before Catching Fire comes out. I can’t wait. When I first read the book I could NOT believe how it leaves the audience hanging, that was just MEAN!!!! I am counting down the days til it comes out, about 6 months to go =(! What is so amazing about the book is how Peetah cares about Katniss and all along she has NO idea! I love it when they are in the “cave” and she asks him hen forever began and he describes in detail how he was a goner! AAAAHHHH OMG, I LOVE IT! I get excited just alking about it right now. I cry every single time Rue dies, but I also feel that it was necessary for the book, they already did enough with keep both Katniss AND Peetah alive. I’ve re-read that part alone a dozen times and the part where Peetah first declares his love for her on stage. Obviously there is going to be a love triangle on the second part with Gale. I like the character Gale, but I LOVE Peetah!

  23. Gabbie says:

    i havnt read it yet but mi friend chryl is reading it and she said it is AWESOME so i think wen im done re-reading twilight i will read the hunger games!

  24. Amy Git r Done says:

    As soon as I finish Breaking Dawn (again) I’m starting it. I’m so glad the library had it for me on time!!!

  25. Laura Leticia says:

    Never Read it, but im gonna start since everyone says it’s a good book…..

    Im gonna try to finish it before I listen to the next podcast……Yeah! Im so excited

    Love your podcast!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. shelovestheCullens25 says:

    just got to say love the podcast
    I just finished reading the hunger games, and I loved it!
    I got to say the only reason I bought it was because of Stephenie Meyer’s review honestly she could say that any book is good and the twilight fandom would buy it, just because she is Stephenie Meyer!
    The Hunger Games is a really great book for anyone that has read twilight and loved it, it has more gore, violence and adventure, but still has the romance aspect that we all love, except for the love triangles, gah.
    Like Twilight it is one of those books you can’t put down until you finish it and I think would make a fantastic movie.
    I have to say i’m a bit worried about the sequels. I was left hanging after I finished it but I don’t know if there is enough to go on for two more books as the hunger games are over, I think it would change the plot too much without having the hunger games anymore, maybe she could have wrapped it up in one book or maybe even two but three?, I mean I would still buy the books and love them, just a thought. What do you girls think?
    Keep up the great work

  27. Kassi says:

    Hey, I’m 25 and I read Hunger Games based on Stephenie Meyer’s suggestions. I didn’t get into it right away because it felt really young to me. (I gave it to a girlfriend of mine, and she wasn’t able to finish it because it felt so young.) With that said, I was still intrigued by the story enough to continue reading and before I was half way through I was completely hooked. I read it as fast as I read Twilight and completely entrenched myself in the story. I didn’t realize it was the beginning of a series and nearly through it across the room when I read “End of book one.”

    I’m very happy you’re going to discuss this, I’m interested to hear other opinoins. Thanks for all your hardwork!

  28. AnDrea says:

    OMG i loved this book and the 2nd one is coming out in August this year!!!

  29. Shteff says:

    I’ve never heard of it.
    Inkheart is my pride at the moment XD

  30. Margaret says:

    I just read the book last weekend and I loved it. I can’t wait until the sequel (Catching Fire) comes out in September. I like the characters, but I was left wanting to know more about the capital and the other Districts. I think the history of the districts and the capital should have been explained a little more thouroughly. I don’t like Peeta as much as I like Gale. And I am a little concerned about how Gale is going to react to Katniss when she gets back to District 12 after the Games. I think Peeta is a weak character and Katniss needs somebody who is strong willed and Gale is perfect for her. Just my opinion.

  31. Laurie M. (TimeStand Still) says:

    I actually bought this book back in October but shelved it because I knew that it was part of a series. I have several book series I read and eagerly await on the edge of my seat for the next book to come out. Unfortunately two of the podcasts I listen two have been refering to this book leading up to a future discussion. I didn’t want to be spoiled so I read it. It sucked me in the way Stephenie does in her books. I have now added another author in need to track book releases on, on my ipod calendar. I’m telling all my twilight converts at work they should read this book.

  32. Heather D says:


    I loved The Hunger Games! It was insane!

    1. It’s a society where the killing games and citizen starvation is the norm and that norm happens to be barbaric and horrifying.

    2. The Capital people love watching these children kill each other and yet they also love the idea of a Katniss and Peetah love story. Two things on complete opposite sides of the spectrum.

    3. It’s really sad how glutinous the Capital people are while the citizens of the 12 districts are starving. At each meal the Capital people eat huge amounts and varieties of food and drink. But the citizens aren’t even allowed to hunt. And like with Rue, they aren’t even allowed to eat the food they grow.

    4. I was so worried that it would come down to Katniss and Rue. Rue was so precious. I wonder what would have happened if it had come down to them. Katniss sees a lot of her baby sister in Rue. Could she have killed her? Would she have?

    5. Now don’t get me wrong, I am glad that both Katniss and Peetah lived. However, at first it felt like a cop out. But then I saw how it was necessary to set up the sequel. So it turned out well.

    Heather 🙂

  33. Nikki says:

    I loved this book, I couldn’t put it down. I have my son reading it right now and he hates it when he has to stop reading to go to bed. But there is good news on this book series, I was on Barns and Noble’s web site and saw that the 2nd book is coming out Sept 1, 09 and it’s called “Catching Fire”. I’ve already pre-ordered it. I’ve only seen on this web site, here’s a link for those of you interested. If this link doesn’t work just look up Suzanne Collins on the web site and that will bring it up.

  34. Abbie says:

    I loved that book it was amazing. Katniss is awsome and i’m curious to see how her and Gales relationship will change. Can’t wait for Catching Fire.=)

  35. Jessikah says:

    sorry havn’t read it 🙁

  36. Tonya says:

    I love, love, love this book! I finished half of it on the first night I got it and I actually had a dream about it. That doesn’t happen very often, only with Twilight and Harry Potter. It just stayed on my mind even after I put it down. I absoultely adore Peeta and I want Katniss to pick him! Maybe I will change my mind once we get to know Gale but for now I have to say I was ticked off at Katniss at the end. I also didn’t realise it was a series and cursed outloud when I got to the end and realised I would have to wait till SEPTEMBER to read Catching Fire! I read tons of books, sometimes as many as 3 a week and this was one of my favorites! If you guys don’t mind a suggestion I would say that you might like the Pendragon series by D.J. MacHale or the Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris (that one gives me my vampire fix!) Anyway I love the podcast you guys make me laugh outloud every show, keep up the good work!

  37. Alethia .O-A says:

    Hi Kallie and Kassie,
    I thought the hunger games was amazing! The story was well written, and the characters were all really cool. My favorite character was Rue from district 11. I also thought that since this book was set in a time lots and lots of years from now, this was a real wake up call about how we treat the earth, and what could happen if we don’t change our ways. All in all, this was a great book. I laughed and cried multiple times. I cant wait to read the sequel, which is to be coming out this Fall.
    Love the show! Alethia (ah-lee-THEE-uh).O-A

  38. Samantha LeAnne says:

    I thought I was going to stroke when I got to the last page and it said “End of Book One” I just sat there for like 10 minutes with my mouth hanging open thinking, “what the heck just happened?”

  39. leticia says:

    i loved it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait for CATCHING FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coming out in september !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Jasmine says:


    READ IT KALLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  41. Jacki says:

    I thought it was great. Period. (:

    Cannot wait for Catching Fire! The cover looked beautiful!

  42. Cynthia says:

    I read this book a month after it came out and I loved it! I thought the writing was spectacular. I haven’t felt so immersed into a book since reading Twilight. The readers literally BECAME Katniss and fought for their lives in “The Hunger Games.” And probably the most interesting part outside of the love-triangle was how we NEVER saw a camera. This entire battle is being broadcasted to the nation and not once do we ever really feel connected to the outside world. It’s comparable to “1984.” It’s takes a gifted author to make you forget your logic and reasoning.

    The one thing that probably frustrated me about the novel was how the love-triangle aspect came into play very belatedly. It’s clear from within the first 20 pages that Gale has feelings for Katniss but Katniss insists that she and Gale are completely platonic. I can’t necessarily believe that she suddenly realizes she likes him and pushes Peeta aside for these newfound feelings. I just couldn’t buy into this idea of her liking or even loving Gale.

    I’m glad to know that you ladies are exploring this series a bit further. It doesn’t have much of a following yet and I hope this podcast will spark the interests of others. Suzanne definitely deserves a lot of acclaim for writing such an interesting plot and story. I would love for this story to be adapted into a film someday. The book is so breathtakingly visual.

  43. andrea says:

    I just got done reading the host and you guys have moved on to another book already…..:P This bites…I come late to the Twilight series and now I just feel I am late for everything! Please announce ahead of time on the website what books you are going to be doing, like way more than a week!! Is Kassie even done with the host??

  44. Bee says:

    The Hunger Games was great! It is nice to read a book that is so different from all the other teen fiction out there. There is more to it than oh boy meets girl drama drama drama! Like twilight (in the beginning anyway of its success amyway), i wish they had more copies in australia because mine has been going around all my friends and i want to read it again already! The only bad things about it was the ending – only because its such a cliffhanger- how will gale react!!!! bring on the second book. Also i acually surprised myself- for someone who doesnt like horror and all that .. i acually wanted a bit more gruesomness! I love that stepehenie meyer has given these book reccomendations. Im sure suzzane collins has certainly noticed how stepehnie meyers input has improved her success- but she most definately deserves it with this book!

    Love the podcast guys!


  45. Harriet says:

    Hey ladies,
    So I havent read the hunger games YET. But if you could give me a bit of background info on it i might go and pick it up from the library. I have read all the posts before mine and from what i see those who have read it really like it!
    Great Podcast!


  46. Louise M. says:

    Oh my lord, I love this book!!! Ive had it for a week and Ive read it twice already haha.
    I cant wait for september when catching fire comes out!

    I think this is a wonderful book, and all I can say is Peeta all the way!
    Gale had his chance to make a move.
    And I think Katniss is just a tab bit insensitive the way she leads Peeta on. Though I know it was necessary for survival, I just feel really bad for him because he is just such a caring self sacrificing character and I love him loads..

    I think the games them selves were awesome, because of the action.
    One thing I would have done if I was in the position was when she went to the feast and clove attacked her and held her arms down with her knee’s, I would have tried to hook my legs around her neck from behind and pull her off.
    But thats just what I imagened doing as I read it. lol

    Haha, and pretty sure Im going to learn archary now too. I want to hunt some stuff lol. Just It wouldnt be rabbits and squirrels it would be more like buh turkey and kangaroo lol.

    But anyway I think it was an AMAZING book and I am counting down the days intill the first of september.

    Love the podcast,


  47. becca says:

    kay kassie say this for me cuz i cant write a long paragraph on how much i loved it cuz its 1 in the morning so say: read this book because i said so!! lol it was amazing

  48. Rikki says:

    I haven’t read it yet. I checked all my local libraries and they are all either on hold or in transit.

  49. KitKat says:

    i think this is a great book. i love how there is love but intensity of danger wrapped up.

  50. Klaudia says:

    Hey girls!
    I loved the Hunger Games! I couldn’t put it down until I finished it. (I also gave it to some friends who devoured it in the same fashion) I’m so excited that you’re going to talk about it, I’d love to hear your opinions!!
    I loved the story, it had many interesting turns and I love the characters, I think they are very relatable. But the way Katniss distrusts everybody in the beginning made me crazy. I really feared for her life every minute, but it was kind of predictable that she would survive since she’s the main character. Peeta has also grown on me, but I can’t stand Haymitch (was that his name? the names are kinda weird..). I didn’t like the way Katniss acted in the end, when she was about to see Gale again and just discarded/ shrugged off her feelings for Peeta this way. Somehow I’m not a big fan of Gale already, because of this. (…There is kind of a Team Gale/ Team Peeta -thing going on here in the comments, don’t you think? lol)
    I can’t wait for Catching Fire, I’m really curious the see how the story continues … what is the capitol going to do about them? I have the feeling that the next book is going to have the same amount of exitement/ adventure, but how can it, since the games are over?? … maybe they’ll have to run from District 12 …?

    Love the podcast!

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