The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer?

May 11th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

We have been wondering when the first New Moon trailer will be released!?!?! has reported that we can look for the New Moon trailer in August…

“According to a recent show of Inside Kiss FM (see here), the trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon will be shown for the first time in the previews for Bandslam, a film which is set for release in the United States on August 14, 2009.”

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14 Comments to “The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer?”

  1. catherine says:

    omg…….cant wait to see it!……and yay first comment!

  2. Bea(FanOfTheMonth-March) says:

    august??? thats only 3 months before the movie comes out!!! well they r filming over such a short period of time…. no wonder.

  3. MrsEdwardCullen18 says:

    yay! that is really exciting!!

  4. laCullensCantante says:

    *whine* its so far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    cant wait

  5. Sarah luvs EDWARD says:

    totally excited just wish it could be sooner! i love the pack picture though! ahhhhh im drooling they are sooooo gorgeous!

  6. Jasmine says:

    Can’t wait to see it!!!!!! yay!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  7. Morgan says:

    Wow, for some reason I thought it would be sooner. But o well, that’s the way life works. This is my only reason that I will be going to see Bandslam. August 14th is the day before my birthday! This will be the bestest birthday present ever!!!

  8. Angel Marie says:

    So who’s playkng Sam now?

  9. Kim Kelley says:

    I could have sworn that trailer addict said that there would be a teaser trailer online this month.

  10. Candra says:

    It is just SSOO far away!!!!

  11. alana =) says:

    i cant wait that long! lol but omg yay!

  12. liz says:

    i luv this saga, the books are amazing!!
    why cant the films be out sooner!!

  13. John Regala says:

    Hey Dude, this must be the must see film of the year. This movie is absolutely fantastic and great.

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