The New Moon Trailer Is Here!

May 31st, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the first New Moon trailer!!!Β  Click here to watch in HD.

MTV has a shot-by-shot analysis here!

Screen caps here!


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83 Comments to “The New Moon Trailer Is Here!”

  1. maria says:

    uh, not to be a buzz kill, but the trailer kinda sucked. trailers are supposed to be a brief summary of a movie without giving anything away. instead, they gave a whole lot of stuff away (for instance the werewolf thing and the bella thing with her birthday) and they only went about 1/5 into the movie. i would have liked to see clips of italy or something like, that. i just think that they put toooooooo much of the beginning in and then they didn’t put anything in for the middle or end. i didn’t really like it. so just dont be hatin, thats my opinion.

  2. Juliana says:

    Maria, the reson why they only have clips from the beginning of the book is probably because they are in Italy right now shooting the Volturi scenes and they are obviously not ready.

    I loved the trailer! The birthday scene looks awesome! Taylor looks REALLY good. I was not too impressed with the wolf, it looked a little fake, they should clean up the special effects a little bit. However, I don’t think it will ruin the movie. I can’t wait for November!

  3. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    They only have so much to put in the trailer because that’s all that’s been filmed. That being said…

    Can’t breath…have goosebumps…wondering how many times I’ll watch this today…..

    Robert’s accent sounds great, Laurent’s eyes were AMAZING, Steward looked a little prettier. Cannot wait.

  4. Cedar says:


  5. Jasmine says:

    OH MY EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’VE WATCHED IT A LEAST 100 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jazz (Team Cullen!)

  6. Silvia says:

    OMG!! jacob’s transformatiom was so amazing!!! πŸ˜€

  7. Emma says:

    Oh my god I think that just converted me to team Jacob never thought I wish summer was over and november was here amazing xxx

  8. Rachel Moore says:

    1:48+Jacob-Edward= AWESOMENESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that i am a Edward hater I love him, but Jacob is soooooooooooooo much freakin hotter than Edward!!!!!!!!! Seen it atleast 156 times (not that im counting!)

    LOVED IT!!!!!

  9. Sophie says:

    Think about the good things everyone!!!!!!!! At least we’ve got the WHOLE summer and that’s going to go by super fast!!!!! Then we’ll just have a few short little months of school to get through!!! Then poof!!!! New Moon will be here!!!!!
    Never mind. I’m in the same boat too. There’s no way I can possibly wait no matter how much I tell myself that it’ll go by fast!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love, love.

  10. Jade 5233 says:

    Awesome πŸ™‚
    Can’t wait.
    The wolf was different than I pictured–a little more like the cross between a wolf a dog and a bear in my mind than a regular wolf. But I have 5 months to get used to it. πŸ˜‰

  11. Twilight Geek Sam says:

    i always imagined jacob wolf as beast from beauty and the beast lol only not animated but ill deal with it but i dont like how bella finds out right away

  12. Judith Akufo says:

    I’m a little confused at why Edward’s wearing a suit when he breaks up with Bella, I remember him doing it after school, b ut other than that I love it. Book wise I’m team Edward, movie wise, I don’t know yet, Because Taylor looked H-O-T hot, move over Selena Gomez

  13. Carolina G.B. says:

    OME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Rachel says:

    OMG! That was amazing! I cannot wait for this movie to be released. It looks so action packed which will make it a movie for the guys too. I loved it!!! Can’t wait!

  15. Sarah-Nicole says:

    When I saw it this morning, I became CRAZY!!! I had some difficulty to breath… And I irritated one of my friends during all day but she likes the trailer too. Especially Jacob/Taylor.. He looks AMAZING and the CGI wolf is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to november 20th… Also, the Cullens look great but it’s so sad when Edward leaves Bella… and Robert looks great!!! I AM GOING TO BE CRAZY IN THE CINEMA!!!!!!! “Can November please come faster?” like Stephenie Meyer said on her website.

    S-N πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  16. Stephanie says:

    I love, love this trailer. The transformation looks great, the blue tint is gone. For real it looks sooo good, why can’t it be november already?

  17. Esteban says:

    wow, i love this trailer.. and taylor looks better without the wig… LOL

  18. Jamie says:

    I definitely hyperventilated…

  19. Samantha Cullen says:

    OME!! i was speechless the 1st time i saw this πŸ™‚ i watched the clip over and over!! i am soo excited for New Moon to come out!!! Edward looks so GREAT!!! as well as Jacob who looks really freakin’ AWSOME!!! i almost cried when Bella and Edward were in the forest espically when Bella was on the ground crying πŸ™ they did an incredible job on the wolf transformation! i didnt expect it to be that great!! i guess they fooled me hahaha
    this trailer just makes me so excited!!! 5 MORE MONTHS!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  20. alana says:

    ive wached it soo many times i think my favorite was on the mtv movie awards ive wached it on youtueb soo many times lol
    i love it! jacobs morphing was sick and the bday scene looks so cool to! soo excited i cant wait any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=}

  21. Shamika says:

    I love this trailer but I have one question why isn’t Laurent sparkling, it is daylight in that scene.

  22. The REAL Mrs. Edward Cullen says:

    Thank YOU Chris Weitz! Omg FINALLY… This movie is gonna be fire! There isn’t that awkward, cold gray vibe that Twilight had, which was one of the reasons I didn’t like it. It looks like a REAL movie now! Acting has improved… Costumes… Effects…Lighting…EVERYTHING has improved. It looks like the emotions in this one will be warmer too because in the first….it was so dry. Jacob/Taylor …….speechless. I’m Team Jake now. Thats all I can say.

    I’m excited for this actually…instead of dreading it like I did the first. Chris Weitz makes me happy πŸ˜€ And the Italy scene looks GREAT. And I love his choice of cast. He’s just my biffle right now πŸ˜€

    xoxo, Can’t Wait

  23. Amanda G says:


  24. Michelle says:

    Yeah, I so thought Jacob was annoying in the book… but that trailer just made him look so much better than Edward! I mean, Edward is supposed to be like Mr. Perfect when it comes to looks…. Jacob way outshines him.

  25. Michelle says:

    I know they aren’t done with filming in Italy, but I am happy that they didn’t put any of those scenes in the preview. You don’t know if Edward is coming back, or really anything about where he is in the book, so showing that she has to save him in the end would be a huge ruin.

  26. Emily says:

    haha its so funny, there is screen shots of rob pushing jackson backwords and kellan and nikki are just standing there like nothing is hapening! kellan has his hand in his pocket and nikki is looking of in the the distance! hahaha

  27. Sidney says:

    Fangirl scream every time I see this!

  28. ruth says:

    OMFG OMFG OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    new moon trailer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is FANTASTIC, AMAZING, CANT WAIT TO SEE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. amanda says:

    and i have to wait4 months?? dieing

  30. Jacksongurl says:

    This is so awesome. I want more. I can’t wait to see the movie. But I do have a question. Why does Laurents eyes look/are brighter in New Moom than in Twilight??? I can not wait 5 fu**ing months.

  31. Cilla says:

    I couldn’t agree more with Patti from Chicago…….you hit the nail on the head……….i was sooo thinking underworld in terms of the wolf graphics………massive disappointment for me there. But otherwise the rest looks fantasic, cant wait to see it….just such a BUMMER about stupid snarling doggy at end………..i was picturing more massive beasty half dog half man things on hind legs………would have been waaaaay cooler…….

  32. Mickey H says:

    I agree with Cilla on that point it should have ventured to slight underworld look but vampires usually have sharp teeth so i get the impression they have the right idea but id like to know how they plan to make a fight scene with the wolves i mean ive seen a dog fight not much grabbing and such i know im thinking too much into it but i want it to work lol

  33. Aiyana p says:


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