Kristen Addresses Rob Dating Rumors

Nov 4th, 2009 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Kristen Stewart talked to Entertainment Weekly about the rumors that she’s dating Rob, which you can read here!

“I probably would’ve answered it if people hadn’t made such a big deal about it,” she said. “But I’m not going to give the fiending an answer. I know that people are really funny about ‘Well, you chose to be an actor, why don’t you just f—ing give your whole life away?! Can I have your firstborn child?’”

Pattinson himself, who clearly loathes confrontation, tried to softly interject with philosophical statements about the need for an actor to hold onto his individuality. But Stewart cut him off. “I’ve thought about this a lot,” she said. “There’s no answer that’s not going to tip you one way or the other. Think about every hypothetical situation: ‘Okay, we are. We aren’t. I’m a lesbian.’  I’m just trying to keep something,” she said. “If people started asking me if I was dating Taylor, I’d be like ‘F— off!’ I would answer the exact same way.” Without missing a beat, Pattinson looked at Lautner, promising “Me too.”

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13 Comments to “Kristen Addresses Rob Dating Rumors”

  1. Roxanne says:

    You know she plays Bella ok, but I really can’t stand Kristen Stewart. No class. Rob could do better, and hopefully he will.

  2. gabrielle says:

    I think Kristen is the most brave and honest person around.

    People think that she is sullen and rude but she is not. She is sticking up for herself, and not letting people or paparazzi walk all over her. She is confident in her beliefs and fankly should be admired above all those stereotypical hollywood teens, who focus on these fictitious tangibles, like money, cars and fashion….

  3. Rosalyn says:

    They are dating! Or just “having fun” and lots of it too!

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  5. wendy says:

    I NEED to see a video clip of this!!! LOL!!

  6. dali says:

    im agree with gabrielle

  7. Lila Mary Stacy Maher says:

    good for kristen standing up for herself against all the harmful and hurtful people in the world who don’t think celebritties have feelngs and treat them like crap…you go girl!

  8. Judith Akufo says:

    Just give us a freaking answer!!!

  9. Roxanne says:

    She has the right to stand up for herself or not disclose what she chooses not to, she just needs to learn that you can do it with class.

  10. Marisa says:

    Hahahaha! Kristen is fucking hilarious! I would so do the same as her.

  11. obsessedtwilighter says:

    this is really annoying they are together they break up they are together again rob proposes ugh i wish they would leave them alone.

  12. Melina says:

    I agree with Roxanne completely. It is understandable if you want to keep your personal life to yourself- in fact, I think it makes a movie better when you don’t know much about the actor’s lives because it adds to the hypnotic value of a movie. However, when you are a star of a YOUNG Adult novel series and thousands of young children are reading and then watching the movies you are starring it, you have an obligation to carry yourself with a sense of dignity and class. If you become an actor and you have a break out role that makes you an instant star, you need to take into consideration that you chose a career that could eventually turn you into a role model- regardless if you want to be or not. So, keep who you are dating to yourself, but instead of saying the F word constantly and saying you would talk about it if people didn’t care so much (honestly, are you 12? And do you not recall what film you are starring in? Honestly, she makes an awful Bella), politely say that is none of your concern, lets direct all questions to things that relate to the film. It is, after all, as simple as that.

  13. Lauree says:

    I know she played Bella in Twilight, but I really can’t stand her. Plus Robert could do so much better with who he chooses

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