Mike Welch Has An “Unrequited” Love

Jan 5th, 2010 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Be prepared to see another side of Mike Welch!  The actor has a creepy new movie coming out called “Unrequited.” Click here to check out the official site, which includes photos and the official trailer!

Big thanks to Valerie for sending us the info 🙂

UNREQUITED is a psychological thriller and tells the story of Ben Jacobs, a troubled young man who, on his 18th birthday, has to leave the group home for “troubled teens” where he has been living for the past several months and move back in with his alcoholic mother. Upon his return, Ben soon discovers that his girlfriend, Jessica Morgan, has moved on with her life and is now dating an older college guy. Desperate for love and unable to cope with losing Jessica, Ben’s troubled past catches up with him as he kidnaps her in an attempt to regain her affection. Spiraling out of control and on a very dangerous path, Ben must ultimately decide whether to let her go, or hold on to the one person he loves, even if it means destroying them both in the process.

Release Date: June 8

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11 Comments to “Mike Welch Has An “Unrequited” Love”

  1. […] the original post on Twilight Series Theories No Comments, Comment or […]

  2. jody lynn says:

    what i have to say has nothing to do with this clip but i had to vent somewhere I just saw on access hollywood a picture some fan or someone took of Rob and Kristen on an island somewhe. They sold it to a trash Mag. First i want to say this I nor anyone of you shouldn’t give a CRAP what Rob and Kristen Do in the personal lives. So What Who the hell cares if they are going out or not. I DON”T. LEA VE THEM THE HELL ALONE stop bothering them and let them live their lives

  3. Jess S. says:

    I agree with Jody, and I think focusing on the actors personal lived detracts from the series!

  4. Susan says:

    This looks like a good movie!!! 🙂

  5. Candra says:

    Way to change the subject Susan HAHAHA!

  6. Wray says:

    I agree with Susan. It looks awesomely creepy!

  7. mikayla says:

    um… this looks amazing.

  8. TrendHater73 says:

    Mike Welch is such a good actor. I will be seeing this when it comes out for me. (A lot of times we get movies late here, I have a feeling this will be one of them).

  9. Lisa says:

    that movie looks so awesome… and scary
    quite a contrast to the teenager who has a crush on bella
    i hope it comes out in germany (but i don’t think so)

  10. Valerie says:

    Hey Lisa!

    You’re from Germany?Awesome! 🙂
    Where exactly do you live?I live in Munich…never met someone else from Germany here… 🙁


    P.S.:In case you wonder why I don’t write in German…I just think it’s unfair when the others have no idea what I’m saying ^^

  11. […] Unrequited twilightseriestheories.com […]

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