“Breaking Dawn Part 1” Clocks in at 1hr 55min

Sep 27th, 2011 | By | Category: Featured Articles, Movie News

Jack Morrissey is quite the gold mine of information, and just yesterday he answered a fan’s question about a rumor regarding the run time for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1:

What’s interesting is that this is almost 10 minutes shorter than Eclipse was. Eclipse was 2 hours 4 minutes; New Moon was 2 hours 10 minutes; and Twilight was 2 hours 2 minutes. But we have to keep in mind that we’re also getting a whole other movie next year! Think of it this way: in total, I’m guessing that, when put together, the movie adaptations of Breaking Dawn will be almost 4 hours long…4 hours for a Twilight saga book! How very Lord of the Rings-ian of them!

P.S. The Lexicon has info about a new website that’s been set up to keep track of all the info Jack’s been sharing (and believe me, he has been quite informative where Breaking Dawn is concerned) : Team Jack FTW.

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