The TST Bookshelf

Here the staffers of Twilight Series Theories will post what they are reading at the current moment! We will all we updating the page according to when we finish a book! So look what the staff is reading!


I am about half-way through “The Book Thief” and loving it!


Finished THE HOLLOW by Jessica Verday, and ASH by Malinda Lo, and now I am reading RUINED by Paula Morris, then I think I I will be reading….wait for it…. KALEB NATIONS book! YAY!! TWILIGHT GUY! I know! Crazy! 🙂


I have FINISHED ‘If I Stay’ by Gayle Forman!  I will admit that I did NOT want to read this book!  LOL!  I started it, and figured it would be sad from the book jacket!  I don’t like to read sad books or watch sad movies… they are just not my thing!  So… after getting past the sad stuff, I really did enjoy it and think you all should read it!  Who knows it might be something we talk about on the show one week!

Now on to Wings by Aprilynne Pike!


I am working on the book Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke.  It is an epic fantasy about two magicians who restore magic to England during the Napoleonic wars.  They perform many strange acts (like creating an entire armada made out of rain to frighten the French army, or causing all of the statues in a cathedral to tell their stories of woe) and eventually help England to win the war.  But with a mad king and some of their friends becoming despondent and talking about a mysterious man with thistle-down hair, are Strange and Norrell ready to take on the original English magician – the Raven King?

73 Comments to “The TST Bookshelf”

  1. Carly Farro-York-Davis says:

    MILEY EFFING CYRUS?? i’m with Mrs. Black. she is a man. and now i’m *definitely* not reading Wings.

  2. mrs. black yo! says:

    i told my friends little sister that miley cyrus was a man.. she believes me 🙂

  3. Keller says:

    omg i agree with jordan.
    i LOVE the Night World series! its fantastic! i read all 3 books in record time and im dying for the 4th one to come out!

  4. Alex says:

    OK! yup sorry Miley is playing the main role in WINGS, but I still want to read it! 🙂

  5. Angie says:

    So I’ve started reading the Percy Jacksin and the Olympians series. Still on book one but looks interesting. Are we done bashing Miley? I don’t like her at all but I’d rather talk about books. 🙂

  6. Alex says:

    hahaha, I agree book talk!

  7. Krystal says:

    Anyone else read Graceling? Alex, you need yo get a move on!

  8. Carly Farro-York-Davis says:

    fuckin’ fuck. Miley’s definitely in Wings? oops, sorry Angie and Alex. i’m shutting up.

    hey Alex, when’s that Lisa McMann interview comin’ up?

  9. Kisha says:

    Thank you so much for all the book recommendations. I have so many books based on what everyone listed. I just finished shiver and it was so good! I don’t think I would have read it without the recommendation.

    I have a recommendation, if you liked the kitty norville series, then you will like the mercy thompson series by patricia briggs.

  10. Angie says:

    Gosh Carly! lol

    I finished The Lightning Theif from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and it was good. Am on book two, The Sea of Monsters. I have Graceling on my nightstand. Still reading like 3 books at the same time. soooo many good ones!!!

    So to all my fellow book eaters (people who devour books and love to do so) I found this website I think ya’ll will enjoy. 2 women who love reading like us and they review and post on their website and they read a variety of books. They rate them on an awesome scale posted below:

    10 One of the best books I have ever read
    9 Damn near perfection
    8 Excellent
    7 Very good
    6 Good, recommend with reservations
    5 Meh, take it or leave it
    4 Bad, but not without some merit
    3 Horrible, barely readable
    2 Complete waste of time
    1 One of the worst books I have ever read; I want my money (and a few hours of my life) back
    0 Did not finish

    I have such a long list of books of books I want to read thanks to them so check it out. They are very detailed not just it was bad or good. They have REASONS and they make sense.

  11. Alex says:

    okay. Lisa mcmann interview will be up this week, I talked to kallie about it! ;-)….. Um….I will be posting two reviews shortly.. I have been having computer probs. So SORRY!

  12. DD says:

    The “Lady Julia Grey” Novels, by Deanna Raybourn, are a great read: “Silent in the Grave”, “Silent in the Sanctuary” and “Silent on the Moor”

  13. Sandra says:

    Angie, what is the address of the website you are talking about?

  14. Angie says:

    Hey Sandra, OMG I can’t believe I gushed about the website and forgot to post it’s name.
    To see their reviews of YA books you’ll have to click back to see back pages. I have 3 page full lists of books I wanna read from them and most all of them are the YA ones. And there are like 8 pages on their site of YA reviews because they did a YA month but you have to click back a few pages to see them.

  15. Sandra says:

    Thanks Angie, I really like the book smugglers!

  16. emma says:

    evry on pay attention reag “DEAD GIRL WALKING”by Linda Joy Singleton
    also read “the seer series” the 1st on is “DONT DIE DRAGONFLY”

    I WORSHIP THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Angie says:

    Yea the book smugglers website is awesome. I’ve been reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series!!!! Its great!

  18. Linzie says:

    I read ‘EVERMORE’ its a seires. now im reading blue moon its awesome. evermore is so romantic…srry im addicted to romance just cant find a cute drastic one

  19. StaceyM says:

    I just got done reading Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. IT IS AWESOME!!! If you love Twilight (and who doesn’t), The Hunger Games, City of Bones, Wake and so on…then you will LOVE LOVE this! Uber good and a must read for everyone!!!

  20. Linzie says:

    i like alex’s chooses. really awesome books..

  21. Vicky says:

    I am currently reading the Vampire Diaries they are really good so far. I’ve also read the House of Night books and the Night World books they are all awesome!

  22. Samantha says:

    I just got done reading “BURNED” by PC Cast and Kristin Cast its an amazing series i love it!! Its about vampires it puts a diffent twist to it i like the way they protray the vampires in the book.

  23. soccerchic#2 says:

    The Percy Jackson books are a series to die for. I have read the complete series and enjoyed them immensely. And for Percy Jackson lovers, the author just publised the first of a new series concentrated on Egyptian mythology. I was a fan of Greek Mythology before immersing myself in Percy Jackson, but I cant say the same for Eygyptian mythology. Im somewhat weary of beginning the new series, so please input your opinion of the book if you have read it.

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