Taylor Lautner Updates His MySpace…
Feb 27th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Movie NewsThere has been a ton of speculation as to whether Taylor has been cast as Jacob in Twilight!?!?!? Taylor has not confirmed his role, but has expressed his excitement for being cast in the film. The following is his latest update on MySpace… http://www.myspace.com/tdl06
NEW UPDATE Feb. 25, 2008
“I am very very happy to announce that I will be working on the film called TWILIGHT. Many of you have been asking what role I will be playing. I think it would be best for me to wait for SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT to release the role first. I am hoping they will do so soon. Once they do then I can comment more. So please be patient…but I can’t wait. I am very excited to play this character in such an amazing book series by Stephanie Meyer.
On another topic…I just turned sixteen and got my drivers license..yayyyy!! Track just started so I have been running a lot.
I better go now but once Summit releases my role then I will comment more. I want to thank ALL of you for your support. Take care and hope you all become TWILIGHT fans.”