CTV ~ eTalk Interviews Twilight Cast

Apr 21st, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


There have been a few videosย of Twilight cast members posted on CTV.ca.ย  Click on each image to see the interviews!

P.S. Thanks Chelsea, for the heads up!

9 Comments to “CTV ~ eTalk Interviews Twilight Cast”

  1. nollie says:

    LOVED THEM!!! Seriously thinking that Rob liked Kristen before the movie started based on one of his comments lol. And Kristen sorta looks upset but idk I don’t she is…maybe just tired.

  2. Jessica says:

    These interviews are so cool! I am absolutely excited for the movies! They are going to be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! I believe that the cast is just perfect! Sometimes it is hard to hear what the interviewer is saying, but it’s what the star says that counts! Love the videos!

  3. mariela says:

    its really hard to see this videos :S i have no idea of what its been said but thanks for the links anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Twifanatic Amanda says:

    Oh my gosh! I totally have a theory about why Victoria was in a prom dress, with her black contacts, in the prom scene!

    Cause like, since the James thing happens before Prom, hence the broken leg, maybe we’ll just see her there at the end kinda as a reminder that the story isn’t over and she’s still after Bella, for all of those people haven’t read the books, to show that there’s more story and quite possibly more movies >.<

    Yay, my first theory! Not about the books though…boo, I’m not that creative.

  5. Tina says:

    hmm, nollie, i agree that kristen looked a little upset… i can’t imagine why though….
    lol i could hardly hear what they’re saying at times, but GOD ROBERT’S GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! I don’t want to wait for 8 months for this movie!!!!

  6. Paola says:

    I love the interviews anything to satiate my twilight hunger, however the background noise was horrible couldn’t hear a thing. also at first I was why the heck is victoria at the prom?!! but then I thought about it. and I agree with Twifanatic Amanda they have to add something and build on the fact that the story is not over yet. You know build the anticipation for the next movie . as far as Kristen being upset I think she is just probably exhausted I mean poor kids they work all day long with the weirdest schedules ever and on top of that they have to put up with craze fans like us and reporters. wow I don’t envy them, but I guess it comes with the job.

  7. Chelsea says:

    I’m SOO glad to give you a heads up! I actually got my heads up because first I was googling Twilight (sad I know lol) and then I actually am friends with Twilight Fixation on Myspace and that was actually the first place I saw it on a fansite! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love to help! Totally appreciate the shout though! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ When’s the podcast?! ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Lisa aka Twihard Mom says:

    Hooray Chelsea!!!

  9. Gemini says:

    i am highly dissappointed with the cast! Edward is supposed to be the perfect man and i know it is hard to find one but the one that stephanie meyer picked to play him in the movie SUCKS! HE IS FAR FROM EDWARD!


    ๐Ÿ™ — AN UPSET FAN.

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