Question of the Week ~ The Twilight Movie

Apr 24th, 2008 | By | Category: Question of the Week


So, what are you looking forward to most about the movie?

I would also like to add…is there anything you are not looking forward to?

Our next podcast will be all about the movie! We will discuss what we are looking forward to, the cast and crew…you name it!

107 Comments to “Question of the Week ~ The Twilight Movie”

  1. marisa says:

    I’m also looking forward to seeing this kick Harry Potter’s little wizard ass. I’m sure a lot of people think it won’t but, I hope that it will. I love Harry Potter and all but I don’t like it as much as Twilight. I think Stephenie is a better auther than J.K. Rowling. Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike J.K. but I just happen to LOVE! Steph a lotttttttttttttttt. I don’t know why I just do. Maybe it’s because I enjoy vampires and romance more than wizards and magic. I bet after I submit this comment people will despise me because of what I just said about Harry Potter and i’m sorry. This is just what I think. Also praise the lord Gaspard Ulliel is not playin’ Edward. If he did I might have to shoot myself.

  2. Jo says:

    Edward. ‘Nuff said.

  3. Brittany says:

    First off, I would like to say that I feel so sorry for you having to read all of these! Look how long they all are! LOL! (Mine included, I’m sure it’s gonna be long)

    I was so excited to see the MTV “Meet the Characters” video. I was absolutely….gah! BLOWN AWAY when I saw it. I think the main thing I am excited about with the movie is seeing the characters come to life, moving around and talking. When the promo pictures came out, I was a little iffy with them, but now, looking at the newer pictures that have come up, and see the footage, gah, it’s going to be amazing. Kellan, to me, looks the exact part of Emmett; (I know he’s supposed to have curly hair, but I always pictured him with straight when I read the book…how weird?….total Emmett fan here! How can you not be?)
    and seeing the way he and Nikki acted together on the interview when they announced the name for Twilight fans….I was thinking, “She’s so happy and giddy! Can she play Rosalie?” and then, just that stern, serious look they showed on the MTV video….I just cant wait.

    They showed a lot of action during the footage, and, I have to say, I’m hoping that was just to bring attention to the movie and help moviegoers decide to go see the movie when it comes out. I REALLY hope that, even though they are in fact doing action, that they are going to stay true to the Bella & Edward story, considering that they are who came to Stephenie (and I dont think she would allow them to just not focus on them). And seeing the whole Victoria/Laurent/James at the harbor, that means that it’s not necessarily going to be told completely from Bella’s pov, or at least, that’s what it has me thinking. So maybe we’ll be able to see into the lives other than Bella’s? That would be interesting…possibly see a Cullen scene without her, to see how they act alone?

    The video has really spoiled me! I’m so excited too about the baseball scene; I love that, though it’s the only time in the book they go to play it, that they are including it….they could’ve easily seen it as, “Why waste time with baseball? Let’s introduce the others in a different way” and not have had it. And the fact that they’ve given them uniforms is just absolutely adorable. And seeing Edward sitting at the piano….I play the piano and…gah, it’s gonna be amazing. And of course, the meadow scene….*THUD*

    There’s so many more things I could point out, but I think one thing I’m even more excited about (other than the Bella and Edward scenes, because, they are going to be amazing) is (and I hope that they keep it) when MTV showed the garage scene, and Emmett says, “We’ll tear ’em apart and then burn the pieces” and laughs…..*sigh* it’s just little things like that that makes it so awesome that they’ve taken the time to include them for the fans. I cant help that I’m a Emmett fan; he and Bella just have this bond that’s so awesome. They hardly know each other and yet, she feels like he’s the older brother she never had. And, like Kellan says, “He’s the protector” which is amazing….

    Oh and I have to say, I cannot wait to see Bella driving into the parking lot in the truck. That truck is PERFECT! I almost had a fit when I saw the picture of it. I was like, “OMG! THAT IS Bella’s truck.” And the fact that, they gave Emmett his jeep, and the other vehicles, and not just use one vehicle…DETAILS!….:)

    Wait…one more thing: THE MUSIC. Stephenie included some amazing songs on her ‘playlists’ and the songs on the podcasts here are just amazing as well…they all go so well with the books and storylines (Takes A Lot Of Love by Runaway Dorothy and Last Chance for Love by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, which I must point out is the most played song on my iTunes, thanks to you guys! LOL) I really really am optimistic about the soundtrack for this movie. The music plays a VERY important part in a movie, and, with one of the main characters being a HUGE music fan, and also playing the piano, I’m really hoping that, Bella and Edward’s ‘theme’ will be in piano…and not just her lullaby! Ok…I’m really done now.

    What I’m not looking forward to in the movie? Well, that’s simple. I know NO ONE who has read the books. In fact, when I talk about them with my friends, I have to remind them, “Oh you know….the black book with the hands holding the apple on the cover” and they are like “OH! YEAH! What about it?” None of them understand how great it is to love a book series so much and then, to see your favourite characters come to life…practically before your eyes….I know that I wont have to go to the theatre alone when it comes out; but they are gonna go as movie-goers, not fans of the books. And I’m gonna feel like I partly have to explain what’s going on (not saying that it’ll be difficult to keep up). And I just know that I am going to squeal like a teenager whenever I know what’s going to happen next…like, if I think the meadow scene is coming up…I’m gonna be like, “OMG OMG!” My friends just dont get how a 21 year old can be obsessed with a book series and fictional characters. I should show them the TwilightMOMs website…or this one! 🙂 And show ’em there’s people who are older than me who are the same as I am.

    The other thing that I’m not looking forward to is, I’m soooo excited about it, but I’m afraid that I’ll end up hating it b/c, I know that they cant include EVERYTHING in the movie. I really dont feel like that will happen with this movie. (The last Harry Potter movie REALLY disappointed me….which is why I am a little skeptical about going to see other movies based on books) Some people take a book and go WAY in the other direction, and I think that some fans of Twilight are afraid that is what’s going to happen with this movie as well. And we as fans think, “How could the author allow THAT?” and feel like we’ve been let down…I really hope that isnt the case this time, and I dont feel like it will be. I’m really really hoping that it’s gonna meet our expectations.

    I think I’m done now….this is the first question of the week I’ve answered! HOORAY! Glad you’re better Kassie! I’m so glad that I found this podcast. I love hearing your theories and I love that fact that you are sisters and you have this to share with each other and are now sharing it with the rest of us. Listening to your theories, and the theories others send in, my mind runs with it with my own! LOL! It’s so great. Keep up the great work! And I’ll def. sign that petition when you put it up! You guys deserve it!
    Much love, Brittany C. (I’m not from Texas; I’m from North Carolina, but a Southern Belle just the same! I love that y’all say ‘y’all’. And hearing an accent! It’s just awesome!)

  4. Esther P. says:

    To tell you the truth …the scene that I most looking forward to see would be the scene when Edward and Bella are in Edward’s room right before the baseball scene.
    He growls and literally pounces on Bella, holding her tightly to his chest. (its on page 345) The sarcasm in the scene is fun as well. Also I love that particular scene because you can totally see that they are completely in love and so are comfortable with each other.

    Also I am looking forward to hear Roberts awesome American accent.

    Another part of the movie i would like to see is when they re-tell Carlisle’s story. ( I ABSOLUTELY ADORE CARLISLE)

    I would also love to see the Port Angeles scene when they were at the restaurant. that is my second favorite part of the whole book.

    what I am not looking forward too?…
    My sister grabbing my arm all the time when the movie STARTS playing.

  5. jenniesmith says:

    Oh shoot! What am I not looking forward to seeing? haha

    I am really excited to see all of it but the action scenes are going to be frickyeah amazing!! In the book we see/hear everything from Bella’s perspective (which I love because I can pretend it’s me… duh) but in the movie we are going to be able to experience everything from an omnipresent point of view. We are going to be able to watch as Edward gets mad in the bio room and crushes the table, oh and especially the fight scene in the ballet studio- DANG GINA!! Seriously… may come off my seat for that one (note to self… go alone the first time so as to not look like an idiot!!). I love how Stephenie has incorporated these fight scenes in the books and that Catherine is paying such close attention to them and making them come to life. You can tell from all the footage that Catherine is A-freakin’-mazing and is really dedicated to all things Twilight and getting it just right for the fans!

    I am also interested to see the added scenes. I know that they are going to be great and add more to the story. I know that some people have had issues with the added scenes but we have to keep in mind that Stephenie approved the script and knew they were in there… she wouldn’t have done that if she didn’t think it would be amazing!!! Come on people… don’t you want to secretly be a spider monkey? (waving hand in the air…. I do, I do!!)

    Of course I can’t wait to see the chemistry between the characters…. mainly Bella and Edward but I think that we have been assured that their chemistry is OFF THE CHARTS… now I want to see the dynamics between all the others- OH!!! Especially between Bella and Rose. I can’t wait to see how Nikki transforms into the one who doesn’t like Bella and ostracise’s herself from the others when she comes around…. should be amazing…

    What am I not looking forward to?
    – waiting another 8 months for heaven
    – making an idiot of myself in the movie theater
    – waiting another 8 months for heaven (see a pattern here?)

    Girls… thanks for all you do! YOU ROCK!!!

  6. Callista says:

    I am just thrilled to be able to see Bella and Edward come to life in front of me. I have spent the last years seeing them in my head as I read and now I don’t have to use the energy to think…it will be played out right in front of me!! it’s bittersweet though, I have the vision of them in my head safe and how i like to imagine it. Now it will be someone else’s vision of them which is exciting and nerve racking. I can’t wait to see Rob and Kristen pull this off I KNOW THEY WILL!! I am going to be the biggest fan girl when I go see this movie and I don’t care!! I guess the only thing I’m not looking forward to is…ummm well I can’t think of anything at the moment. Even if I don’t like something about the movie I know the other things I do like will out weigh the bad!

    I love your podcast by the way. You ladies rock!!

  7. Jamie says:

    I’m looking forward to the most obvious thing just seeing the story come to life. If there was one specific thing I really want to see is how bella and edward act and react to each other in the second or third book renee says that they move insynce with each other I don’t know if thats how they act in the first book but I want to see how that works.

  8. Laura says:

    I’m sure that like most people, I can’t wait to see the Meadow scene but the one thing that I am REALLY looking forward to seeing is the gradual realization from Bella just exactly what Edward is. I want to see her expressions and actions when she figures out that he is not human and her reaction to all that.

  9. Mary says:

    I’m looking forward to the movie but i cant pick just one thing that i want to see the most.

    What im not looking forward to, is that the chemistry between Edward and Bella might not be as great as it is in the books. Also, while you read the books, you get completely submerged into it, to the point where I’ve actually thought that it was real for a moment, and its hard to feel that way for a movie.

  10. Rachel T. says:

    As a musician and classical music-aholic, I can’t wait to hear Bella’s Lullaby; especially since it might be from Robert Pattinson’s own mind! If they mess that up, or if the soundtrack’s bad then I’m going to be SO disappointed… I also can’t wait to see the DANCE STUDIO FIGHT SCENE!!! lol, and just so you know I LOVE ur podcast; u guys are my new best friends that i can pretend are talking to me and then reply to by laughing my head off or yelling in agreement at my iPod. *snicker* u guys rock and add a wonderful forty minutes of twilight hilarity to my week, so keep it up!. By the way Cassie…. here’s an imaginary excerpt of Breaking Dawn just for you, “Jacob. You lose. Edward. You win. End of story. Period.”

  11. Jessie says:

    I am really looking forward to seeing id rob can pull off being Edward. I saw him in Harry Potter because I love those books, so now when I think of him I always picture him as Cedric, which also means I picture him as a pretty boy. So Im wondering if he can pull off being absolutely beautiful and dangerous looking. I am also looking forward to seeing the Edward and Bella connection someplace other than my head.

    Im not looking forward to have to see Edward leave Bella in the woods. That was heartwrenching to read and I can imagine having to see that in the movie. I can oly imagine I might need lots of tissues for the end of the movie.

  12. Lacey says:

    I am totally looking forward to the entire scene where Edward takes Bella to his house to “meet his parents.” If that scene isn’t in the movie, I would be pretty mad, I think.

    Also, I’m looking forward to the entire baseball scene. Love it!

    And oddly enough, even though I’ve already seen the clip, I am SO EXCITED to see the spider monkey scene on the big screen, in the actual movie. I almost fell off of my chair when I saw that clip. 😀

    I’m not very excited that a lot of the scenes will be missing. Of course. 😀

  13. Kallie says:

    I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how Kristen dives into her characterization of Bella. Since we can see into Bella’s mind in the book, she has a lot of thoughts that aren’t vocalized. It’ll be interesting how Kristen plays that. Yeah yeah Edward’s complicated and blah blah blah.. but he’s really physical with his emotions whereas Bella is very internal. I think kristen’s got the chops for it, but we’ll have to see.
    I’m also looking forward to seeing the attraction of the two characters come to life. The forbidden love with all of its restraints. I’m giddy already.
    Speaking of giddy, I am really interested in seeing how Robert Pattinson does with Bella’s Lullaby. Also, with the music in general.. seeing as it was a HUGE influence in Stephenie Meyer’s writing of the series.

    I’m not really looking forward to the whole vampire jumping through trees thing though.. and also I know there will be a lot of things left out of the film because they can only fit so much into 2 hours. Boo.. I’d sit through an 8 hour movie just to see everything fit in.

  14. Kathryn says:

    Hey again!

    The thing I’m looking forward to most is the meadow scene, I’m wondering how they’ll “dazzle” Bella. I’m also looking forward to the prom scene.

    Some things I’m not looking forward to are the Laurent-Victoria-James scenes. I’m hoping they wont be too intense. And OHHEMMGEE the first scene that they have Jacob putting “The moves” on Bella, I’ll throw some popcorn at the screen( Which might get me thrown out of the theatre, so then I wouldn’t get to see the rest of the movie… But believe me I’ll be screaming on the inside!)

    Well have a nice week! I love you gals, and can’t wait for the next show!

  15. Maria says:

    oh my god why cant they just skip a couple months and have ie be december already. in the movie i am looking forward to….. IT!!! i REALLY hope they do a good job cause it would likr really suck if they didnt. i mean look at all the twilight fans out there. even me and my friends right about edward on our lockers. in the cast, i m dissapionted in their chioce for carlisle. he is supposed to be like 23, right? he looks 35!!! how dumb is that. i have no dislike for the actor, he just isnt a good choice for carlisle. and wats up with the actor for jacob? he looks to young!!! the producers are gonna hav to use some major special effects for new moon. becouse hes friggin huge!!! noyt right now….. duh…. bit in new moon he is a gigantis werewolf!

  16. Ashley says:

    im ridiculously excited about the meadow scene (pssht who isnt?) and actually the added scene at the marina. just cuz its new…

    theres absolutely nothing im not excited about ^.^

  17. Ashley says:

    oh wait i thought of something…im not excited about taylor playing jacob…i just cant see it

  18. Marci Johansen (major obsessed) says:

    I definitely can’t wait to see the scenes with Edward in Bella’s room at night. I love that he watches her sleep. I am also excited about Robert doing the lullaby. It would be even cooler if he sings to her too.

    I am also looking forward to all the romance and excitement they have toward each other. I would also love to see Alice and Jasper. They are my favorite characters next to bella and edward.

  19. Rebecca says:

    I am looking forward to the meadow scene (who wouldn’t), Bella’s lullaby (of course) and also the ballet studio scene. I’ve seen all the MTV videos of the scene and it looks really intense. I’m quite sure that although I’ve seen them so many times, I’ll still cringe when I see the movie. I can’t wait for the movie to come out in December.

    Love the podcasts!! The theories that you guys have are awesome! You guys go really deep into the book. I didn’t even realise some things until I listened.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    Well, there are so many things in the movie that I’m looking forward to, it’s hard to know where to start! But I’m really just looking forward to the portrayals of the individual characters, and the inner thoughts and deeper story that you don’t really ever know. Because these actors are so committed to their job, they’ll be really thinking, “Ok, did my character experience this, feel like that, react a certain way . . “. But, it also means that several people won’t always be aware that the movie is an ADAPTION. Anyway, just to see Bella acting out how Bella should act, and then throwing extra pizzazz to the mix to make the character her own(and this pertains to any character)is really going to be an interesting experience. I’m also really looking forward to exactly how Summit Entertainment did with the script and keeping certain scenes in the book. I know a lot of people are really worried that they’ll cut certain things that add spice to the book, however, things that add foreshadowing and things that cause a reader to go “Oh my god, that’s what’s going to happen next?!” might not assist in the plot development in a movie. This is important because in a book, details are important, and if there are too many, your editor just cuts them out if they’re unneeded. In a movie, you really need to focus on the key plots and character developments, otherwise, viewers tend to get confused and lost with all the incoming information. I’m really looking forward to the romance scenes as well. And NOT, because of the fact that they’re really intimate, special sections in the movie that really have a key to the inner workings of Bella & Edward. I’m looking forward to it because of the difficulty in actually acting out the scenes correctly.(wow, I’m looking forward to what the actors do, not the fact that a book is being visualized)When Bella and Edward first kiss, Edward is being really careful and cautious, not just because he’s a guy and he’s nervous, but because he has to make sure he doesn’t kill Bella. But of course Bella just loses it and basically ends up jumping Edward. It’ll take a lot of skill for them to portray a not-so-typical love scene. The things I’m not really looking forward to are . . . hmm I need to think of one . . . hold that thought. But I’m also really looking forward to how the movie does on the really kind of boring, introduction scenes. I just hope they’ll be able to make it slightly interesting, and not make me fall asleep.(ok i guess i’m not looking forward to the fact that a scene in the movie might bore me*gasp*)Oh yeah. I thought of something else. Bella’s Lullaby*sigh*; the fact that Rob might(oh i hope so!)be the one to compose it is one of the things i’m looking forward to. I really want to hear what they come up with, because everyone has some idea of what it should sound like, so I just hope that Rob might be able to compose something loose enough that everyone who goes to see the movie will like it, but unique enough that it’ll be catchy and intriguing. Anyways, I’ve written enough to sink a battleship, and it’s midnight where i am, so i’m going to stop typing . . . . . . wait for it(bye!) . . . . NOW.

  21. Elissa says:

    first off i would just like to state again how AWESOME you two are for having this podcast and reading everyones theories..its really amazing and it gives all of us twilight readers a place to share our opinion, especially for people like me who dont have many people around them all the time that they can talk to with about the book…okay but on the moviee haha…

    wow..what am i most looking forward to in the so many things =]..lets see…

    1. i am def MOST EXCITED for the meadow scene. when i read the book this scene really just took my breath away and i read it over and over again before i even went on to another chapter! this is a scene where bella and edward become so close and i just love it! also, that night when Edward stays with her is just one of the most magical scenes so that is another reason why i cant wait for it! i really just cant wait to hear the lullaby! I think im general i am just most excited to see Edward and Bella with my own eyes and not just imagining it. Although that can be the best part about reading a book (creating the story in your head ) it will be nice to see two talented actors show the love story we all adore ! =]

    AH im just SO excited for the movie in general, the idea of waiting another 7 months until it comes out is just TERRIBLE! haha..

    –for the movie in general i hope there is a very LARGE turnout, and i hope that all twilight readers + others go and see the movie so that it kicks harry potters butt!! ( even though i do like harry potter! hahah ) i just really think that this movie & stephenie really deserve a big audience because from what i see, the actors have put such effort into the books/film !

    i think i am only not excited to see all of the changes that will be made, although i understand completely why they cannot make the ENTIRE book word for word into a film, i do wish that they hadnt changed some scenes that were really important to me while reading the book, such as the port angeles scene when they are in the car… i do think that the actors and the actresses will do such a good job though so i am not worried at all!
    I JUST CANT WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT! just the idea that the trailer will be available in a few days is driving me crazy!

    to state again, i love your podcast, you guys are really awesome and thank you so much for giving us a space to talk about the books!

  22. Devin s from Northwest Florida says:

    I think the movie will do great BUT, i think there were a few minor details left out or disregarded such as for one edwards car.. yes they got the part right about it being a volvo but from the way it was described it should have looked like something out of the movie the fast and the furious but anyway lol other than that i think the rest was dead on the thing i am looking forward to the most is the fight sequence against james ive seen the person who playes him fight and i know he will be able to pull it off well for sure and as for what i am not looking forward to as i said above is the “stock” volvo lol(im a MAJOR car and fighting guy organized fighting at least.. so things like that and the fight kinda stick out to me lol) but anyway keep up the good job ladies yall are doin great

  23. Dena says:

    Ok… There are sooo many things to look forward to. I am just so glad that they are making it into a movie in the first place. Besides all the usualy and obvious scenes that most people are looking forward to…I am just dying to see how they are going to portray Bella’s thoughts into the movie or if they even will. One of the biggest things that made me fall in love with the books is Bella’s thoughts…. that is how most people can relate to the books, and I love how she is always calling herself stupid and how she describes edward…. all that kind of stuff. I laugh out loud when I read it. I just love her sense of humor. I just think that it will be hard to pull all that off with just a look or something.. But I have faith in our wonderful actors and I can’t wait to see how they pull it off because I know that they will! No matter what happens I am sure I will love the movie as if it were my best friend!!

    By the way I LOVE your podcast!! It is the first and only one I listen to! Note: Never apologize for making it to long…I would listen if it were 5 hours!! And I love the jacob booing haha. I still love jacob, just not with bella! So Kassie I don’t mind your opinion, we’re all entitled to our own right? You girls are awesome I just love ya!

  24. McKenzie says:

    Hey guys, before I start I just wanted to let you know that the show is so awesome, on more than one occasion I’ve been caught and stared at in public due to laughing out loud from something you’ve said. Definitely my favourite twilight podcast around.

    I’m looking forward to everything in the movie! Although we have seen a lot of amazing clips so far it obviously won’t come close to how its going to feel when watching it all together, people have joked about the idea of paper bags in the theatre but I’m seriously considering stuffing one in my purse. The main thing I’m looking forward to is seeing Kristen and Rob together and their interaction with one another throughout the course of the movie. From what we’ve seen so far they look beyond amazing together however it’ll be interesting to see if I get the same feeling from watching the two of them that I get from reading Edward and Bella in the book. Who knows, I might come away from the movie feeling something completely new and different about them. That wasn’t very detailed but their relationship, forgetting about the other parts of the book is what I’m going to be looking for and enjoying. Hopefully I didn’t bore you too much!

    I love the show; the wait between each week for the next episode literally feels like a life age. The only negative comment I have – too short!

  25. McKenzie says:

    Ooh, I forgot to add! There are a couple points of the movie that I’m not really looking forward to, or I have a problem with.

    The fight scene between James and Edward looks really amazing. They’ve obviously added in the long fight scene to make it more action filled and exciting but in a couple stills and shots it seems as though James has the upper hand — don’t me wrong, the scene does truly look incredible and Edward fighting off James is just…woah because we didn’t get to see it in the book and Edward actually stated that he wished he could of been the one to fight him. But for me Edward has always seemed to be indestructible, that there was no enemy/vampire that could possibly win against him which is why I have a (very very small) problem with the James/upper hand situation — its a very small issue and one I should let go of but the nagging thought at the back of my head won’t go away. What do you guys think?

    I’m also, sadly, not really looking forward to the apparent ‘tree hopping’ scenes, again I understand why they might have taken this route instead of leaving the vampires on the ground, though it still bothers me slightly.

    But I might just be getting a little too critical!

    Sorry again for the long post!

  26. Chiara says:

    Well actually this is a really hard quetsion because mostly im just hyper about the whole movie.
    BUT..some how I am really looking foward to the scene of bellas first school day . Because ( I actually dont know why I like this but anyway..) its one of the rare scenes where Bella isnt with Edward an is a stranger. I am also looking foward to the meadow scene of course …*dazzle*
    and the last scene where they sit outside the prom und the madrone tree.and of course the ballet studio scene = )
    wow those are a lot of scenes …
    and to the second question there is absoltley nothing !
    well thats all i have to say ..oh no wait I wanted to tell you that you guys are soo awesome *hug*


  27. Lisa in Scotland says:

    I’m not looking forward to one scene in particular but I am REALLY looking forward to witnessing the chemistry between Rob and Kristen. You can see it in the still photos and it can only be better in the movie, I’m sure. If I HAD to choose one scene, it would actually be the one in Bella’s bedroom after the day at the meadow. For me, that is the most intimate, most steamy and most compelling scene in Twilight. Love the podcast – keep up the good work!

  28. Lisa in Scotland says:

    In regard to Katie Bug’s comments above, I agree with her about he HP movies but I think (hope) that that is because the HP are so complicated with so many important characters and so many nuances that it was pretty much impossible to do the books justice on film. I think that it is possible to do the Twilight series justice on film and I really, really hope that they have! I can’t wait!!

  29. Kylie says:


    i guess i’m just looking forward to all the cute guys in the movie. taylor lautner, cam gigandet, and robert pattinson! but i also hope that they don’t make the movie too action-filled (even though action is always cool). i also would like to see how kristen acts because i hear she’s amazing. of course i want to hear bella’s lullaby but who isn’t looking forward to that? i think it will be beautiful and sweet if robert writes it.

    i am trying to keep an open mind about the stuff they change and just try to enjoy the movie because i know that a lot of hard work was put into making it and i wouldn’t want to put it down and make anybody feel bad.

    thanks for the pictures of the set and links to christar’s blog. i can’t believe that the actors come up and talk to fans and stuff. that’s amazing!

  30. Laurie says:

    I am such a detail fanatic that I will need to prepare myself not to be to critical. I really want to see what happens with the lullaby and if it turns out to be Robert’s work. Of course the meadow and baseball and curious to see if their Jessica is a morph of the book Jessica and Lauren. Most of all I want to see the tension in Biology I think these two actors are perfect to pull this off.

  31. Lauren says:

    When I read, and I am huge visualizer, so it is so exciting to see it all put on screen. I would be lying if I didn’t say I was thrilled about seeing the entire movie. But of course, there are some scenes that will just go above and beyond awesome when they are on the big screen. First off, the meadow. There is a reason it is being filmed last. It is because it is the heart and soul of twilight. This is where Stephenie started her book. Next, I am thrilled about the baseball scene. This scene is bound to be the most exciting. This scene takes the story from a romance to an action scene faster than Edward can run. Last off, the ballet studio. I am most excited for this part because I think it will be more detailed than the book. Because Bella tells the story in the novel, the story get’s a little hazy at the end of Hide and Seek because she loses consciousness. We will get to see what happens when James is attacking her when her angel comes to save her. But with that said, I cant’ wait to hear and see it all the quick witted conversation, the otherworldly beautiful Cullens, and the subtle passion that underlies the book.

  32. Adrienne says:

    I’m looking forward to what they do with the Mind Over Matter chapter because it’s my favorite one out of the book. I’m really excited to see them together, spooning. Of course the meadow scene is on everyone’s mind… I’m really interested to see how they portray Edward’s “sparkling” in the movie. I’m sure it’s going to be awesome. The fight scene is going to be great! I really want to see Rob kick some butt.

    I’m really looking forward to the chemistry between Rob and Kristen. We can see through interviews and clips that it’s good. But it’ll be great to see it first-hand.

    Overall, I’m just plain excited for everything!

  33. Heather D says:

    I’m not looking forward to seeing Jacob…yuck…kidding…kinda. But i am so excited to see the meadow scene, Robert and Kristen are perfect for the roles and I can’t wait to see what they do. I am very excited to see the end where Edward and James fight in the dance studio. I am thrilled that they included that, b/c in the book we miss it b/c Bella’s past out.

  34. Stephanie says:

    this isn’t completely about the movie, but im excited that because the movie is coming out, and my friends want to come, they are now reading the books and loving them!!! some of them ive been trying to get them to read the books for 4ever and now they are! plus they wont think im crazy anymore since at school i tend to describe the image i have in my head of edward to them, and it freaks them out, (since i use the words hot, godlike, and many others, multiple times )now they can see for themselves.

  35. Janette says:

    I have to admit that it is difficult to choose specific scenes that I am looking forward to. As I write this, I remember more and more about the book that I would love to see on the big screen.

    I agree with the previous posts about being excited about seeing the chemistry between Rob and Kristen and hearing Bella’s lullaby. Like everyone else I am also looking forward to the meadow scene since it is the image that inspired Stephenie.

    Two scenes I don’t think have been mentioned that I am particularly looking forward to are the ones in which Edward saves Bella (the first time in the parking lot and the second time in Port Angeles). I loved the first scene because it is the first time that Bella begins to suspect that there is something really unusual about Edward (aside from being absolutely gorgeous and perfect). I like the second scene because it is the night that Bella questions Edward about being a vampire and where you begin to see the depth of Edward’s attraction to Bella (Following her to Port Angeles, wanting to kill the guys threatening Bella, etc.).

    Though I will not like any drastic changes that might be made, it will be interesting to see how the story was adapted to fit the big screen. I assume that since Stephenie has contributed her expertise to the making of the movie, the changes can’t be too disappointing.

  36. Cynthia says:

    I cant wait for the movie to come out, it is seriously killing me. I am most looking forward to the scenes with Edward & Bella. From what i’ve heard they are said to have great chemistry, so thats good. But i am also looking forward to the amazing fight scene. Hopefully the movie does not stray to far from the book, for i would not like to see this movie tank, and am hoping for the next 3 movies. But overall, i have great hope in the movie and all of the actors. And dont expect to be disappointed.

  37. Kelley says:

    Ok so…

    1. I absolutely love you guys.

    2. I am soooooo beyond EXCiTED about the movie
    there really isnt anything Im not looking forward to
    ( I know many of us feel the same way). Other than
    the fact that I wish they could do every scene exactly
    like the book….but better if even possible. If
    they did that then why buy the book(for those who
    have not bought the books and just go see the
    movie…you know what mean lol) …right? Who
    wouldnt want to watch Edward rather than read
    about him…no offense to Stephanie, shes’ beyond
    amazing…obviously. : ) anyways…

    I am a little worried about the whole speed thing
    with Edward and the Cullens and how unhumanly
    graceful they are.
    Im sure it will be fine with all the
    technology we have today. I just want thier
    movements to be as breathtaking and mysterious
    as it is in the book.

    3. I know this may sound a little wierd but Im totally
    excited(for lack of a better word) about seeing
    Edward save Bella in the end when he has to suck
    out the venom without killing her. Can you
    imagine????…intense… And of course, the lullaby
    and the fact that Rob is writing it makes it even
    more special. Im also terribly curious about how
    Kristin and Rob are going to portray these intense
    relationship scenes. Im sure they will be AMAZING!!
    (Im going to be hating and loving Kristin at the same
    time…mostly loving lol)…i Hope

    …God I wish Edward was real…lol

    sorry my response is so long


  38. Laura says:

    In general, I am really looking forward to seeing how the movie portrays the book. I know that everything will not be exactly the same and that certain aspects of the story line may have been cut due to time, but I am looking forward to seeing if the movie captures the mood and essence of the book. If it can do that, then I will be happy.
    As far as scenes go, I’m really looking forward to the action scenes and the meadow scene. Also it will be awesome to see how Edward and Bella and the other characters we love are portrayed by the actors. I hope that won’t fuel too much controversy after the movie comes out. The main thing people have to remember is that all the characters are subjective and we see what we want to see in them.
    So I guess on that note, what I’m not looking forward to is the possible backlash these actors and filmmakers could get from people in the fandom if everything is not exactly to their liking. It is an interpretation of the book, not the book reincarnation, so I just hope that people understand that.

  39. rosie says:

    Iam looking foward to how the movie potrays the book and sought of bumed out that twilightcomes out in december, but it will be very good rivalry for harry potter.

  40. sarah says:

    first off i LOVE your podcast ladies i listen each week without fail..i even put my iPod in and listen when im workin out in the gym, the mixture of twilight and your hilarious conversations provide me with the motivation to push through my workouts..twilight is, what edward would say, “my brand of heroine” it’ll make me do anything (even exhausting and tiring workouts ;p)

    im lookin forward to so much in the twilight movie especially seein kristen and rob transform themselves into our fav characters edward and bella..their chemistry is goin to be amazing i can feel it already…im also lookin forward to seein the key scenes of the book like the meadow scene and the important biology scenes (hopefully in the movie they’ll show when bella faints durin the blood testing, i thought that was so adorable). it will be good to see these scenes visually on a screen instead of just in my head. im also really lookin forward to seeing if rosalie will be given a more prominent role considering we dont hear from her as much in the book. i think it would be great to see all of her reactions to things that we may not have seen in the book. im lookin forward to seeing how much of the original dialogue from the book will be used because some quotes and conversations jus cannot be left out especially ” and so the lion fell in love with the lamb” i could just imagine bella staring into edwards peircin eyes when he says it..oh it melts my heart hehehe.
    i seriously just cant wait to actually be able to see the images from the book that stephenie meyer planted so beautifully in our minds up there on the screen, its goin to be amazing.

    there isnt really that much im not lookin forward to. i mean im not lookin forward to the fact that it could possibly not turn out as great as we all want it to be which in turn could ruin the chances of the rest of the books being made into films, but after seeing all the footage that is out there (from behind the scenes and fan footage) i am positively sure that there is no way it can be ruined.. 🙂
    the one thing i am DEFINATLY NOT looking forward to is having to wait until january to see the movie since i live down under in australia! and where supposibly not gettin the movie until early january! thats goin to be the worst part..the waiting!!!

    theres my little two cents on this weeks question..keep up the amazing work ladies your in depth and very interesting look into twilight has got me ( and so many others) hooked.
    oh and im so happy that you were able to visit the set it will be so much better to hear from you lovely ladies about what goes on there and what its like.

    and dont worry Kassie im a total edward fan all the way, boo to jacob he just has to ruin eveything hehehe

    thanks for takin the time to produce you wonderful podcasts and website…u ladies rock!

  41. Barbara says:

    For some reason, my 13 year old daughter does not think that Rob will be a good Edward. I must admit that I also had reservations at first, but after seeing pictures, videos and especially reading interviews with him I have become a believer, I think that he really has a handle on what Edward is thinking and feeling. If he is the actor that I hope he is, then I predict much swooning in the theaters. So the aspect of the film that I am most looking forward to is showing my daughter that I am, once again, right!

  42. Angie says:

    I’m excited about the famous meadow scene. I swear, when i read that part for the first time I had to stop and place a pillow over my head and to muffle my fangirl scream. Imagine what it could do to me if I could see it on a big screen…I hope I don’t hyperventilate or something ahaha.
    Oh! and the ballet studio scene. I’m expecting it to be really friggin’ scary…I had goosebumps when I read that part.
    I hope the movie will also come out here in the Philippines on December 12!!
    (a bit out of place but: The Host was released early here in my country, probably in other parts of Asia as well.)

  43. Taryn says:

    From day one there is one scene that I have been looking forward to seeing, and it is not even that big of a scene which makes it so odd. I am so looking forward to seeing the lunch room scene, not the first time when Bella saw Edward for the first time, but when they sat together and talked. That scene for me makes me die in the book, the way that Edward calls Bella over makes me melt. I know when I read the book that was the moment that I feel in love with Edward. I can just see Rob Pattison doing this scene so perfectly that I might just die of joy when I see it on screen. But the funny thing about when I imagine Rob doing the scene is that he is his Hogwarts uniform, which is so strange…because he won’t be in anything like that when they filmed the scene. That would be quite an entertaining scene to see though, Rob just chilaxing in his Hogwarts uniform in the Forks cafeteria. Picture it if you will, it is really quite entertaining.

    I am also looking forward to seeing all the things that I imagined in my head come to life. I love to see how off I am or even how right I was. Sometimes I just completely miss things so a movie sometimes makes thing more clear. Also having a cast gives me something to picture instead of my really screwed up images that I usually create. Plus I can actually see and experience the chemistry between Edward and Bella. Seeing that brought to life in any book to movie is so rewarding. With movies you can sometimes just feel the chemistry seeping though the screen. Plus the reports have said their chemistry is amazing, and I can’t wait to see it.

    I don’t want to be disappointed. That is the one thing that I am not looking forward too. I just feel that there is such a build up that I will be disappointed in the final product. I am very critical person of movies, and especially when it comes to books to movies. A movie has to do a lot to impress me, and it has to performed well. Everything has to work otherwise it will just fall short for me. I think that it will be fine but I hope that all of this hype will not leave me after watching the film, wanting.

  44. Brianna says:

    Wow. That’s a horrible question. Because I’m looking forward to EVERYTHING! How do you ladies expect me to choose?!? Haha

    Oddly enough, I’m really looking forward to finding out what the “theme” music will be. I AM kindof a music person, but still… I mean, think of what theme music means to movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribbean, Indiana Jones, or even Star Wars. You hear the little melody and you instantly associate it with the movie. I’m really hoping they are able to do that for Twilight. I actually really like the background music towards the end of the “Meet the Characters” Behind-the-Scenes video. The rest of the background music seemed generic rock stuff, but towards the end they had that lovely orchestral-sounding stuff- a nice fit for Twilight. I was wondering if that track had something to do with the theme music… hmmm…

    I’m also really anxious about them getting Jacob’s character right. I’m already convinced about how Kristen and Rob are doing, thanks to all the awesome praise they’ve received from basically everyone. But what about my Jacob? Taylor Lautner, you better get this right… haha. I wonder if the poor kid realizes what he’s got himself into. He’s a MAIN CHARACTER in the next movies. He better prepare himself for major stardom. The whole cast should!

  45. Rina says:

    Yay! The movie! Well, the thing I’m waiting for most is to see how they use the special effects on everything! I’m also looking forward to seeing how the characters interact with each other. I heard Robert and Kirsten have really good “chemistry” with each other. I’d also like to see how they put everything in order. Twilight is pretty complex. It’s going to be interesting to see it movie-style!
    The thing I’m not looking forward to as much is that some of the characters aren’t how I pictured them. I think all the actors/actresses are great, but not as my twilight cast!

  46. Victoria (Real name too! Not even a reference to the evil one) says:

    Beyond the obvious things that everyone is looking forward to in the movie, such as the meadow scene, the crash and the main fight scene at the end, (which does, from the videos, look INTENSE), I am most looking forward to the tiny seemingly unimportant facets that made us all fall in love with Twilight, and that will of course, be the most difficult for the producers to include while keeping the movie within its allotted time frame. Parts such as the lullaby, Chapter 15 “The Cullens”, the scene in Bella’s room from the Chapter 14 “Mind Over Matter”, Edward’s confession of feeling happy that Bella is seeing his home and learning all his secrets, Chapter 15 “The Cullens”, the drive home from Port Angeles, Chapter 9 “Theory”, and especially, the “Impasse”, Chaoter 24 at the end of the book in the hospital.

    I cannot wait to see that the final product will be, and I am looking forward to a great movie. I have many friends who continually complain about the casting that “he doesn’t look anything like my idea of Edward,” or “how can HE be him?” And I am tell them over and over again, that it’s okay that Robert Pattinsen doesn’t look like my image of Edward (since that’s impossible), as long as I can look at thim and say “oh DAMN, he’s hawt.” and that he can deliver Edward’s lines without them coming across as cheesy, which let’s face it, if those lines were coming out of anyone but Edward, they would be drowning in the cheese-factor.

    If there is anything that I am not looking forward to in the movie, (which I am having to dig long and hard) it would have to be the inevitable sterotyping and naming of critics and people who aren’t in the know. As an avid Star Wars and Harry Potter fan, I already get a lot of crap about being a “nerd” or being “obsessed.” As if that’s a bad thing! I’m proud to be obsessed with Twilight, and it bugs me when people don’t understand it to be a complex saga of coming of age, finding the “truest of true loves” and making the choice between that love and humanity.

  47. Jessica says:

    Hi, im Jessica and im a new listener to your podcast and i have to say you girls are hilarious, i could have the worst day but i come here and you girls make all my worries and complaints go away, so thanks you for that.

    but yeah enough sucking up, lol

    If i could no one thing about Breaking Dawn it would be what Bella’s power will be when she gets turned into a vampire, because it could be so many things like maybe she could protect herself and others from vampire powers or maybe because she has dreams that come true like she dreamed Edward was a vampire in Twilight before she new he was a vampire and in that same dream she dreamed about Jacob turning into a warewolf before he knew he was a wearwolf so maybe she will have a power simular to Alice’s power but maybe see people for what they really are like seeing if that person is good or bad before anyone else, but ok im done boring you with my little theory here.

    You girls rock

  48. Sarah C says:

    It would be near to blasphemy to say that I wasn’t looking forward to the movie but I am worried about a few things.

    I’m scared that they’ll have to cut things that really matter in the future books/films like they did with the Harry Potter films. People who haven’t read Twilight may not understand it as completely as they could have if the movie isn’t done perfectly.

    I think that I’m with a lot of other people here when I say that my favorite scene is in the meadow when Edward first admits that he loves Bella. I am really excited for that.

    I’d hate to say that anyone could be as attractive as my dear Edward but have you taken a good look at Kellen Lutz? I think I might become an Emmett fan if he performs as well as I think he will in the film. I’m really excited to see the whole Cullen family together on the screen as opposed to in my imagination.

  49. emily loves llamas says:

    okay, I’m looking forward to actually seeing the thing at last!!!!!! Robert Pattinson and the rest of the cast (except the dude playing Jacob.) are perfect!!!!
    I’m not looking forward to how much they’re going to change the movie. The scene where Bella gets attacked by James, she’s hardly even bleeding!!! sucktacular, dude!!!!!! They also have to cut a lot of scenes due to the fact that they don’t want the movie to be five hours long. I’m probably going to run out of the theater screaming my head off cuz I’m annoyed at the people who made the movie. UGH!

  50. Lanndis D. says:

    I can’t wait for the movie! it’s cruel for them to keep the movie from the fans for so long! It’s not even in theatres yet and it’s already my favourite movie! Iam so exited to see the fight seen and the biolagy scene (I didn’t realize he was acually plotting her death until I read the first chapter of midnight sun, i knew she looked tempting but… it’s going to be so exilerating!)

    I’m am almost dying of anxiety!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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