The Host Release

May 6th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News


So, The Host is out… I cannot wait to read it!  Get over to your local book store and show some support for Stephenie Meyer!  There has been a new post from Seth at Stephenie’s site, got to to read it!

9 Comments to “The Host Release”

  1. Liv says:

    Steph Meyer has enough support!! jkjk
    no, i’m DEFINITELY getting it. i can’t wait :]

  2. Sarah says:

    i am reading it now. love it so far!

  3. Nollie says:

    My book wont get here until tomorrow -tear-

  4. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    I told my husband to get it for me for Mother’s Day. So, we’ll see when I actually get my hands on it.

  5. Jessica loves Edward says:

    I’m totally going to read it!

  6. Stephie says:

    I’m taking a break right now to cook dinner. I’m on pg. 86 and am loving it!

  7. Edward Nawotka says:

    I am writing an article about Stephenie’s appearance in Frisco for the Dallas Morning News and am looking to talk to some fans, both young and old(er). If anyone would be willing to chat with me for ten minutes or exchange some email, please drop me a line at I’m filing my story by the end of the day Wednesday, so please get in touch asap.

    Many thanks, Ed Nawotka,

  8. Tina says:

    I made my dad take me after school to get The Host!
    i’m not very far yet because of my stinky homework, but so far i LOVE IT!! everything Stephenie touches turns to gold! 😀

  9. marisa says:

    I just got the book today and I just read two chapters of it right now. It is amazing so far. I would have read more but I was trying to finish up Tweak by Nic Sheff .If you have not heard of it read it because it is great. But may I also say it has some pretty erotic and inappropriet things in it. But anyway The Host is one heck of a book so far. I’m lovin’ what I read.

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