Do You Want Bella’s Engagement Ring?

May 10th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News

Heck yah!  As long as it came with Edward!  LOL!  Well, there is an engagement ring in the works at!  There is not a picture up yet, but they do have prices listed!  To read about it, click here!

4 Comments to “Do You Want Bella’s Engagement Ring?”

  1. Kelly says:

    OMG!! i HAVE to see that pic!!!!! btw..haha! one Edward plz!!!!!

  2. Bobbie says:

    OMG!!!!!!! I WANT I WANT!!! I know there isn a picture yet.. but I already want it!!!!
    I cant wait to see what it looks like!!

  3. Mia says:

    I love this whole series! I can’t wait until the movie comes out! At school my friend told me about the ring and bracelet, and that you can buy. Now that I have seen them, i really want them. They’re awesome!


  4. Why not show your loyal viewers the real, honest to God “Bella’s Engagement Ring” exactly as STEPHENIE MEYER specified directly to Shellie Ashton , president, Infinite Jewelry Corp and manufactured for Infinite exactly to Stephenie’s specifications by America’s oldest, biggest and most widely respected fashion jewelry manufacturer…The Shavonne Corporation, since 1956,

    Only then will your viewers know exactly what Stephenie Meyer wrote about and specified for Belle’s Engagement Ring.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Donald C. Gist, President/CEO
    The Shavonne Corp since 1956

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