Happy Birthday, Rob!

May 13th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


Ok, I know a bunch of you were wondering where the ‘Happy Birthday’ was, and just so you know… I was trying to come up with something clever!  So, how do you make sure that Robert Pattinson has a great birthday?  To be honest, I haven’t a clue!  So let’s keep it simple… Cheers to Rob!

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15 Comments to “Happy Birthday, Rob!”

  1. Alexandra Landers says:

    I am pretty much certain that this birthday will be the best one Rob has. I mean, even when he was in HP, i doubt he had as many fans as he has now each with their own happy birthday message! <3

    Happy Birthday Rob! Have a great one!

    (Side note: Isn’t it funny that even that most of us don’t personally know the Twilight movie characters, we still nickname them!)

  2. kirsty 15 says:


  3. Lisa aka Twihard Mom says:

    Feliz Cumpleanos Roberto!

  4. Gabby says:

    Happy Birthday!

  5. Git 'r Done! (Amy) says:

    Maybe I’ll go into labor today! haha, how’s that for a bday present? lol

  6. Fallow says:

    My friend and I each had a cookie at lunch today and dedicated it to Rob. Much to the dismay of another friend, we raved about the movie for the rest of the lunch period.

  7. Alexandra Landers says:

    Yes, i can so relate to that. This morning, my friends were questioning my good mood… (I’m not really a morning person!) I said that it was partially that there was a massive, 2 page spread article in the times (My dad is really angry because he works at Penguin and they turned down Stephenie Meyer’s offer “because they don’t need another wizard book” so i was totally rubbing his face in it!!) and that it was Robert’s birthday! Apart from a few, they all went Robert who?

  8. SIlly says:


  9. *THUD* says:

    Leave it to you chics to find the single sexiest picture of Robert on the net! 😉 Good Lord, I almost fainted.

  10. ReniP says:

    i gree with Alexandra. I’m not a morning person but today i felt so cheerful and maybe it was because it was Rob’s birthday .. i mean i went to bed at 2: am today making a vid and i don’t know where i got the energy to stay up and don’t sleep in class….
    22 a bit too old for me boohoo but he still extremly HOT!!!!!!!!!

  11. Kelly says:


  12. karly says:

    I wore a shirt with his face on it. People made fun of me but I didn’t care!!!

  13. Melanie says:

    The day is nearly over now, but …

    Happy Birthday Rob!
    Hope this year is your best one yet! 🙂

  14. Jessica loves Edward says:

    Happy Birthday Rob!!! 🙂
    Hope you have a great day!

  15. Tina says:

    joyeux anniversaire!! (in french si vous voulez!)
    I absolutely adore Rob and i hope this is his best birthday yet!
    22, too old for me, how sad for both of us, lol!

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