Twilight Movie Poster Anyone?

May 18th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


Twilight Original 27×40 Single Sided Movie Poster – Not A Reprint

Price:  $149.99

I am not sure there will be many takers, but those fans that are rich and diehard, here is the link!

9 Comments to “Twilight Movie Poster Anyone?”

  1. Stephie says:

    Wow! You can get one off ebay for $39.99!

  2. Stephie says:

    Oops- nevermind. I just checked ebay again and the seller has raised the price to 89.99 since yesterday!

  3. Melissa says:

    Ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaa…Oh, youu were being serious….Ouch…I love Twilight, but…I’ll have to pass, lol (Again….ouch!)

  4. Twifanatic Amanda says:

    DANG! No I don’t think so haha, they’ll start selling more soon and the more there are the less the price

  5. Jessica loves Edward says:

    yeah.. Thats a little overboard! I totally would, but I would have to do A LOT of babysitting, and I don’t think it’s worth it quite yet…. I could buy lots of books for that price! (huge nerd)

  6. Alexandra Landers says:

    Hm, well thats cheaper in the UK because of the dollar to pound exchange rate but still.. just a LITTLE *rolls eyse* out of my reach. I guesse i will just have to settle for it being my pc’s wallpaper!

  7. Chelsea says:

    Ha Alexandra…I said the same thing…it’s my wallpaper…close enough 😛

  8. Kia Gregory says:

    Why in the world is that poster $149.99??? I love it, but I ain’t gonna buy it.

  9. Amelia says:

    Wooooooow. Why pay that much for a poster when one can just copy, paste, re-size object in paint and print? It’s an awesome picture though

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