It Will Truly Be A Breaking Dawn!
May 19th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Book NewsOne of our listeners, and new friends, has an inquiring mind! Her curiosity has brought some new information regarding Breaking Dawn to our attention! We asked her to share her finding, and this is what she wrote…
Since February 7th we have been counting down the exact number of days until the release of Breaking Dawn. When I learned the date I rushed to my calendar to circle August 2nd. “Why August 2nd,” I had wondered? Looking at my calendar, I soon discovered why… August 1st happens to be an exciting night for all of us Twilighters… Following the usual time of Twilight, there happens to be a New Moon and a total solar Eclipse, making the morning after: Breaking Dawn! Coincidence that August 2nd was chosen? I think not. After my exciting discovery, I waited to see if any fan sites posted this piece of news. And waited, and waited… Either Stephenie or her publishers must have chosen the release date for this reason, so why hadn’t the press release included anything about this? Three months later, it didn’t seem like anyone was going to be commenting on the release date. So I decided to write to Kassie and Kallie about my discovery. Surely I’m not the only one to have noticed the awesome pick for the release date?
~ Reported by Nicole from Seattle, WA
REMINDER! I am so excited about Nicole’s findings, and I am so proud that she is one of our listeners! This new information makes me even more excited about Breaking Dawn! Don’t forget, on May 31st (two weeks) a Special Edition of Eclipse will be released with the first chapter of Breaking Dawn!