It Will Truly Be A Breaking Dawn!

May 19th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News


One of our listeners, and new friends, has an inquiring mind!  Her curiosity has brought some new information regarding Breaking Dawn to our attention!  We asked her to share her finding, and this is what she wrote… 


Since February 7th we have been counting down the exact number of days until the release of Breaking Dawn. When I learned the date I rushed to my calendar to circle August 2nd.  “Why August 2nd,” I had wondered? Looking at my calendar, I soon discovered why… August 1st happens to be an exciting night for all of us Twilighters… Following the usual time of Twilight, there happens to be a New Moon and a total solar Eclipse, making the morning after: Breaking Dawn! Coincidence that August 2nd was chosen? I think not. After my exciting discovery, I waited to see if any fan sites posted this piece of news. And waited, and waited… Either Stephenie or her publishers must have chosen the release date for this reason, so why hadn’t the press release included anything about this? Three months later, it didn’t seem like anyone was going to be commenting on the release date. So I decided to write to Kassie and Kallie about my discovery. Surely I’m not the only one to have noticed the awesome pick for the release date?  


~ Reported by Nicole from Seattle, WA



REMINDER!  I am so excited about Nicole’s findings, and I am so proud that she is one of our listeners!  This new information makes me even more excited about Breaking Dawn!  Don’t forget, on May 31st (two weeks) a Special Edition of Eclipse will be released with the first chapter of Breaking Dawn!

56 Comments to “It Will Truly Be A Breaking Dawn!”

  1. Nollie says:


  2. […] Go on over to their site to read the whole entry, HERE. […]

  3. Starbux13 says:

    Tsk, tsk, tsk. That tricky Stephanie Meyer! It’s almost too perfect a release date for Breaking Dawn! Can’t wait!

  4. Twilightened says:

    Clever find!

    Cool stuff

  5. Kallie says:

    Intenseee. I love it.

  6. Kate says:

    That is AWESOME!

  7. Melissa says:

    WOW. So VERY cool!!! I love it when things like this come together. Can’t wait until Breaing Dawn….

  8. kelly says:

    AMAZING!!!!! and yes….i already own a copy on Eclipse but im buying the new one 2!!! sweet sweet obsession!

  9. Heathie says:

    Girl, that is awesome! I’m totally impressed, and especially excited now! I think you are truly a die-hard fan, and I bow down to your dedication. 😉

  10. Joanne Maria says:

    Back in February I had posted this about the date od the BD release date announcement…COINCEDENTAL..That STEPH isricky
    Okay, JoanneMaria might post this here but if not…
    tomorrow is a new moon and an eclipse.
    All on the day the new BD book release date announcement. Can you hum the Twilight Zone theme song with me people, it’s getting creepy up in here.

  11. Edward luvr says:

    that is AMAZING!!!!!!
    seems to much like a coincidence!
    i’m surprised steph didn’t mention that!!!!!

  12. Stephanie says:

    that is sooooooo cool!
    maybe y’all should spend an episode talking about what the title means in the book…
    *hint* *hint*

  13. Stephanie says:

    oh yeah, and i cannot wait for the book
    now after my little episode of freaking out, i can get back to my dull life of homework. *sigh*

  14. edwardis4evrlove says:

    am i missing something really important here?
    i dont understand wht she means? :S

  15. Melissa says:

    That’s really cool, and it’d be crazy if the date really was a coincidence, wow, talk about fate if that’s the case.

  16. May says:

    Ooo cool!

  17. linnea says:

    I think that i will enjoy watching the sun rise as i read my new book… thanks for the info.

  18. Marianne says:

    Thats AWSOME!!
    CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Kia Gregory says:

    Wow! Thanks for the research Nicole. And I cannot believe the re-release of Eclipse is in like two weeks!

  20. dazzled says:

    omg!! that is AMAZING! i am even more impressed by stephenie meyer. it is my goal in life to meet her before i turn twenty one.

  21. violet says:

    dude. dude. dude. dude. dude.

    thats freaking awesome.

  22. Payal says:

    Lol, I live in Australia, iv been looking forward to that date since last year when i found out there would be a total eclipse, but when I found out that the book was released on aug 2 is didnt really click until just then… hahaha, Im supposed to be in canada the week after and only just missing the phenomena which I am gut wrenched about. Oh well…. at least I’ll have a copy of BD eh?

  23. Kylie says:

    i freakin’ love u nicole!
    thank u!

  24. JenZu says:

    I thought she picked that date because it was her brothers’s birthday. This reason is far more interesting ,though.

  25. Artemis says:

    Yes it is exciting isn’t it? I had known that such a thing was going to happen and I really wanted to know if anyone else noticed but I thought it was only me and the fans from school, but I do belive that the Lunar Eclipse is going to take place in Asia. I don’t quit remember anymore….Anyway I’m still excited about it!

  26. MeyaRose says:

    I hadn’t noticed that, but that is totally cool!

  27. Susie says:

    Well spotted! Just goes to show, there are still geniuses in the world. It sucks (no pun intended) that I
    come from Australia, so miss out on all that… 🙁 Well, we still get the Twilight (obviously) and the new moon, but I’m not too sure whether we miss the exclipse down here or not…

  28. Sailor Piglet says:

    I didn’t know what the term ‘breaking dawn’ was, which makes me feel silly now, ’cause I should have picked up on that. Hmm… I’m going to have to do some research to make complete sense of that. I’m fairly certain that publisher’s did this on purpose. It’s the only reason they’d make us wait so long. Thanks for pointing it out!

  29. Kelsey says:

    Genius!! Pure genius!! Brilliant idea!!

  30. Meann says:

    And to add to the even freakier coincidence, if you look at the Wikipedia entry for the August 1, 2008 eclipse, it says that this type of eclipse is called a “Midnight Sun eclipse”, since it is visible in places experiencing the “midnight sun”. @_@

  31. Sarah says:

    Wow, great find!

  32. Chelsea says:

    That was freaking BRILLIANT!!

    I just can’t believe we all missed it!! Truly a fascinating find!!


  33. Sophia says:

    I checked wikipedia and it said “It belongs to the so-called midnight Sun eclipses, as it will be visible from regions experiencing Midnight sun.” about the eclipse on august the firrst. OMG! Midnight sun as well! Stephenie is so clever!

    That is so freaky!

  34. lisa says:

    oh my carlisle!
    that is totally awesome!! i wonder if the publishers knew this…
    it truely is breaking dawn!!!

  35. samantha says:

    i actually noticed this a few months back when i got an invitation on facebook to watch the solar eclipse on Aug 1st.

    being the twilight fan i am i was like thats before breaking dawn!

    coincidence? i think not..

    so i think i commented about it on a facebook group but im glad im not the only person who noticed it!!


  36. Alexandra Landers says:

    Gosh, us Twilighter’s really are obsessed. We get excited about the littlest book related things! Did S.M realise this because it really is a coincidence. But a nice coincidence at all rates. Good discovery! =]

  37. Christy says:

    HOLY CROW!!!..I was just excited because it was coming out the day of my birthday.. but with the new discoveries its like WHOA!!.. this will be the best birthday i ever had… YAY!

  38. Devika (loves Edward!) says:

    Wow! That is SO SO cool! <3 <3

  39. Jada says:

    I noticed this too! And I didn’t think it was a coinciedence, because this date is just too perfect for the release of the final book.

  40. Heather and Vanessa says:

    This was an amazing discovery!! Now I really can’t wait till Breaking Dawn comes out!!

  41. VampireStalker27 says:

    Woah. I didn’t see that coming. THAT’S AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing! I wonder if this could have been a coincidence, it just seems too perfect.

  42. Gabby says:

    i wonder if that was planned or a cool accident

  43. Andys says:

    What’s the meaning of “Breaking Dawn”? I’m sorry, i’m tryin to understand but i’m a spanish speaker. =)

  44. All for Edward says:

    wow. I never noticed that before!! tahats really awsome, and swicked! ha ha ha ha ha ha!! man, i think thats really cool!

  45. Rachel says:

    that. is. amazing.

    i had to re-read it several times 😀

  46. Ms. Hays says:

    Very nice! I’ll be looking for Breaking Dawn!!!

  47. Jolinda says:

    I think August 2 may be significant in another way. I think it may be the wedding date for Edward and Bella. Bella’s deadline was August 13.

  48. Del says:

    To answer some of those random questions of what does the “Breaking Dawn” symbolize, im sorry to say, but some people think that its Jacob breaking through the eclipse of edward cause in the last book he was like ” I can be ur sun but i cant beat an eclipse” or sumething like that and he might be breaking through the eclipse cuz like thats after an eclipse and bella called him her sun… i am a diehard edward fan but COMMENT!!! Wut do you think about that theory!!??!?!?!

  49. megala says:

    to del: does that mean that jacob would be with bella instead of edward… NO!!! i love bella and edward, they can’t be split up agian

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