‘Twilight’ Star Lautner Determined To Hit The Gym For Shirtless Sequels

May 20th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


Larry Carroll has posted an article about his interview with Taylor, and along with it is a question he wants you to answer!  

“Alright, Twilighters, now that you’ve heard Taylor talk about his character, this week’s Twilight Tuesday is an obvious one: Are you Team Edward, Team Jacob, or Team Switzerland?”

To read the article, and answer the question, click here! 

(I am off to Switzerland!  Ok, maybe I am kidding myself…I have to have a favorite right?)

6 Comments to “‘Twilight’ Star Lautner Determined To Hit The Gym For Shirtless Sequels”

  1. Renata says:


  2. Gabby says:

    Team EDWARD!!!!!

  3. Liv says:

    Don’t mean to be negative but I’m really upset Taylor is Jacob. Like Edward fans, I care about who is chosen for one of my favorite characters. Although he is probably a great person, i don’t like his acting style and he is not MY JACOB!! *tear*

  4. kymesha says:

    TEAM EDWARD!!!!!! go jacob-haters!

  5. Diego says:

    is this a trick question? 🙂
    TEAM EDWARD OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!1

  6. Megan says:


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