David (Archul…errr Cook!), Twilight and Stephenie Meyer

May 20th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


Who is into ‘Idol’ this season?  Well if Stephenie Meyer is, then you might want to read this article from theMovie-Fanatic.com! 

9 Comments to “David (Archul…errr Cook!), Twilight and Stephenie Meyer”

  1. karly says:

    If you haven noticed, tst have been getting a lot of news before anybody else latley. Go vote for them on twilight topsites!!!! They deserve to be highter that 9!!!!

  2. Tiffany says:

    omigoodness david cook should so sing for twilight. he’s my hero, along side of edward. to me, they are one, whereas david archuleta is jacob who i do not like at all. GO DAVID COOK! GO EDWARD CULLEN! WOOHOO!

  3. David Archuleta is definitely one of the best singer in American Idol.”,

  4. Sara Foster says:

    David cook has one of the great voices that i have ever heard in american idol`:;

  5. I could say that David Cook deserves to be a winner in American Idol. he posses great talent.-`;

  6. Brody James says:

    David Archuleta has a great voice but i do think that it is not the best voice;”

  7. Nathan Lee says:

    i just thought that adam lambert has a much better voice than David Archuleta`.~

  8. i would have to say that adam lambert have a much better voice than david cook’;.

  9. David Cook’s vocal range is very good, i bet that he would be more famous in the future:`”

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