Robert Pattinson Interview
May 22nd, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Movie has posted some Q&A with Rob…
2. Who’s your celebrity crush?
Kristen Stewart (his Twilight costar!)
15. What did you dream about last night?
Kristen [Stewart].
Hmmmmm…Me thinks he likee Kristen?!?! To read more, click here!
Wouldnt it be amazing if Rob and Kirsten where like sercertly dating b/c you know he likes her
Alot of people are saying he is joking but i kind of think he is telling the truth..but covering it up in a joking way. I mean why would he lie about it and get everyone talking about it if it wasnt true? Kristen has said her self that he isnt a lier. He even said in the interview that one of his bad habits or w/e is saying to much lol. The way they look/act around eachother just proves to me that he does like her. now she just has to get rid of her UGLY boyfriend so they can date!! lol
lol i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He really does seem to have a crush on Kristen though, doesn’t he 😛 They do seem do dazzle each other a bit….hehe.
Sorry- I lost control. But honestly he is perfect. Gorgeous, charming, adorable, gorgeous ect.
I wish that I was old enough to marry him! He and Ben Barnes (Prince Caspian) are my celebrity lovers!
(Yes I love Ben Barnes!)
It does seem like he likes her but that could be for publicity. Some actors act like that to bring attention to their film.
Also, if he does like her (which is totally possible) and then they start dating, that could be a problem. If they date and then break up (they are young and that happens) then that might take some of the chemistry away from the following movies. What do you tnink?
omg. i knew it !!
when i saw one of the interviews of Kristen and Rob i thought that he might have a crush on her!
yay thats so cute :]
it would be awesome if they started dating!
OMG HE SAYS TO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
LIKE…………………….. EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok sorry that was out of control!!!!! ha! but do you think of he really likes Kristen??!!!!!??????? lol! DOUBT IT!! but wouldnt be cute if he did????
George bush?
haha i said the same thing as Kylie
OMG SO CUTE! lol He’s just a sweetie! Adorable! HE’S TOTALLY EDWARD!!! hahah Love him!
I thought it was cute that his crush was kristen! But I thought it was kind of funny about him saying he dreamed about her. Well any way i love him as edward he is just to perfect!
Oh my goodness. It is soooooo adorable that he actually has a crush on her. If they are secretly dating…….aaaaha! Perfect!
I think that it’s so cute that Rob has a crush on Kristen.
If you watch that MTV interview the two did together you can totally tell they’re playing this game at who can embarrass the other the most in public.
RPats (nickname) calls Stewart the “best actor of our generation” and she goes stone cold and looks PISSED! And then she says he’s incredibly attractive and he cracks up, clearly one upped!
That’s my theory, anyway.
However, that chemistry they’ve got going in undeniable.
he so loves her
i think it wud be so adorable for them to go out! 🙂
his crush is like a childs crush like….
“what did you dream about last night?”
“Kristen.” lmao
hahaha i wet myself when he sed he bought toilet paper
what a thing to buy! lol
Just call me Alice…
Ok so i read the interview again and i think he might not be joking about kristen bc alot of his answers could be first kiss at 12, liking in n out burger, his tv shows, youtube, not getting the ugg boot thing,being a pianist (he does play the piano), speaking to much, what he listenin to on his ipod, the fill in the blank question, buying toilet paper ( we all do it) i think he was being serious about all that and i doubt he would tell the real amount of money in his wallet so of course he made up something funny for that answer. so who is to say that he wasnt joking about kristen. i mean 10 or 11 of those 17 questions sound truthful to me so what do yall think?
He was being sarcastic people. My goodness. you’ll look for any gossip ,wont you?
And shes dating that guy from Sky High anyway… get over it
hahaha he’s funny. It’s obvious he’s being sarcastic. Personally, if I were a celebrity, and someone interviewing me asked me who my celebrity crush is, there’s no way in hell I’d say who it is lol (…*cough* Johnny Depp *cough*). They (Rob and Kris) seem like they’re good friends. Again, “if I was a celebrity”, I’d say my co-stars name just to be witty/funny/sarcastic 🙂
im happy and sad at the same time
happy cuz they look cute together
sad cuz i have a crush on him
i also feel sad cuz i know how it feels to like someone and they are with someone
ohh have i told you i LOVE HIM!!!!!!!
i have a story kind of like twilight……me and this guy start as strangers cuz we sat next to each other .His name was Gabriel Toscano… he was a dream…we talked became best friends and then we became closer…but he got a girlfriend and i started seeing this guy.But hes going to move to another school…im going to miss him…. i told my boyfriend about the story and he was really supporting about it and he really cared…but im over him know cuz of him i know my boyfriend is my edward!!! I LOVE VINCE!!!!!!!!!!! <3
i know a lot of people say that there in love with Edward in this page
but those people are in love with Edward from the book not Robert Pattinson
their in love with the character not the really person
there is no such thing as edward in real life only in books and movies…….only there
if only real life was like twilight
well you know the romance not the vilolent parts that would be scary in real life but i would do everything in the book just to get my very own Edward…if there was one in the world…….<3
Kirsten Stewart? Oh how lovely.
What happened to Daniel Radcliffe?!
Cedric and Harry, that was the perfect couple…
Woah, I can hear hundreds of girls “EW” ing at the computer screen already.
that would b so cute/awesome if they started dating cuz then it would b like bella and edward in a way….lol. it would b cute
d00d, if anyone knows if theres auditions for this movie, or even the next one, id TOTALY love to know. i actually just started reading them, wasnt into reading before
BUTTT!!! if anyone knows PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE let me know!!!
omg!!!!!!!! rob and kristen together that would be so cool!!!! and a little sad i mean i was to perfect for him. i always dream about him, i cant even stop thinking about him i always wake up at night and read the novels again and again and i cant wait for breaking dawn!!!! i love u so freaken much!!!
plz love me
He’s joking.
He knows thousands of girls will go crazy over him saying something like that, and the majority of you proved him right.
He was also joking about having thousands of dollars in his wallet at the moment, also.
Perhaps he’s saying it because its easier then saying he doesnt? because people will say he’s lying.
He seems intelligent, and i sincerely doubt that if he valued the role he has in twlight and any possibly friendship with Kristen he would be joking as she has a boyfriend.
Well for the girls who are eating it all up, way to pop our bubble.
He’s hot. She’s pretty. Perfect match.
lol. jk.
Edward is amazing. All of you are gonna have to fight me for him
i think robert really, really crushing on kristen. and may be that’s not just a joking
they look a cute couple if they’re together (everybody know about that’s)
How do you guys know he’s being sarcastic?
so what if he does like kristen! ..i personally think they look cute together…
she just has to get rid of her BF first…
I think he was joking about the crush thing but probably not so much on the dream thing. He didn’t specify what kind of dream and as she is quite a big part of his life, I do expect they have dreams about each other.
And I am a not so closet R/K fan, just being practical as is my nature.
people are sooo funny. the things you guys talk about. . . hahaha.
so, I guess I’ll see you fanpires when the movie comes out! ahaha. . . or atleast the people that lives in socal. whoohoo!
Robert “edward” Pattinson…i love u..n more than that, u should ask Kristen out more often….
can’t wait to see u together with her…
people, let’s vote for Rob! wish kristen has no boyfriend yet…
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!nooooooooo,please….yeah,i think he’s joking!or,he want to show a public affair….
Robert is too PERFECT with Kristen!Robert is the hottest guy alive,he must find the hottest girl alive too….
I hope it’s me,but the it almost impossible……
No Kristen Stewart,Rob..please,for alll your fans….
that is so cute! i was freaking out when i read one article about him and the lady that played Victoria had chemisty. This is much better. kristen and rob is like the PERFECT couple!
I think he is just saying that [he crushes on kristin] to promote the movie.
it will tickle the minds of all the fans! like what we are doing right now. 😛
they look really cute together but he’s too hot for her, he should find someone that is at least prettier than her [me] hahahaa
edward: ur the hottest guy ever .! and the best boyfriend i have ever seen [at least in the movie]
btw. i think he’s joking about the crush thing . !
edward: I LOVE UUU . !
robert pattinson is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Twilight was a great movie I can’t wait until the second one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Go robert
Rob is soooooooo cute, i love him sooo much, i’m glad that they picked him to play edward, he is sooooooooooo HOTTTT!!!!!!, i love his eyes, and his hair.
I LOVE ROB!!!!!!!!
Thats too bad, I was hoping to sweep him off his feet someday! lol 🙂
I loved this movie it was the best movie in the whole world it made my day go from bad to amazing….I love you rob
Omg I’ve loved Rob since The Bad Mothers Handbook and I’m so happy he got the role as Edward cause I love twilight!
He did amazing and I love him to death.
Yes he so is all over KStew.
Don’t call him Rpattz he hates it! …He hates his name in general…
Call him Spunk Ransome. (That’s what he said to call him LOLZ)!
Love him. Love Edward, put it together…. MADLY OBSESSED!!!!
haven`t seen a better movie than this one!!
really is the best one that exist in the world! the universe!
actors are great…!
story is better!!
edward is much than better , he is realy handsome and cute!
oh…. fzzz…. thatz my type of guys!
out of joke…. EVERYBODY LOVES HIM!!!
i l<3ve u edward!
and kristen doesn`t stay behind ….
she is really beautiful too !
and about them…
i think it will be so cute and fantastic and great and wonderfull that they had a crash!!
it would be the cutest thing on the world!