Twilight Tour of Forks/La Push Area

May 22nd, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Movie News


I wish I lived closer…

On Saturday, June 7th, at 9:00am the Forks Chamber of Commerce will offer its first Twilight Forks/La Push tour.

To read more about this event, click here!

6 Comments to “Twilight Tour of Forks/La Push Area”

  1. Tava says:

    Yeah, I live in Seattle! Looks like me and the baby might be making a road trip!

  2. kathryn says:

    oh man!

    this is a reason why i HATE being english! ¬_¬

    oh well if anyone goes
    have fun!



  3. Kate says:

    ARGHH! *pulls hair out*

    I live in Michigan! How am I supposed to go?! My dad won’t even take me to Forks when we go to Washington on a trip!

  4. Forks, WA says:

    I would love to plan a Twilight road trip to Forks! I read that Bella’s truck is parked outside the visitor information center in Forks.

  5. Yvonne, Maria, and Jack says:


  6. Austin says:

    hi im austin i acshualy live in forks,WA it’s crazy here that twlight moive came out i mean i loved the moive so much so i went and saw it 4 times now man i hate having all these people here now now it sucks i mean i came to forks for some peace and quit and a lot of rain dang its rainin now ok well anyone has a question about forks E-mail me at

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