Stephenie Meyer Blog Update…
Jun 5th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Book NewsStephenie Meyer has added a blog entry on her MySpace page regarding Copyright Issues! If you would like to read the entry, click here!
Stephenie Meyer has added a blog entry on her MySpace page regarding Copyright Issues! If you would like to read the entry, click here!
ok-I am going to play devil’s advocate here and say that I have bought all four of Stephanie’s books. I plan on buying anything further that she writes, and I have brought ( will continue to bring) many other readers to her books.
That being said, I think it was a pretty low blow to only make that chapter available to those who would be willing to buy her third book again. We are all a very loyal fan base, and I believe that (even though I am sure she got a lot of pressure from other sources to do it this way) she should have just made the chapter available. I doubt her income would have suffered much, and her fans (at least I would) have been just that much more grateful for Stephanie, what she stands for, and the wonderful books that she writes.
Just thought I would give my two cents.
P.S. In summary-I do not feel wrong for reading that chapter off of another fans blog. It was great and I will continue to read (and purchase) any more books Stephanie puts out there.
Books-A-Million is hosting THE party of the Summer for all Twilight fans. Celebrate the midnight release of Breaking Dawn with Twilight trivia contests, costume contests, prizes, and much more! Party starts at 10pm on Friday, August 1st. Visit you local Books-A-Million to pre-purchase the book today and be the first in line to get Breaking Dawn at midnight, you won’t get it anywhere else faster!
BooksOnBoard is hosting a Twilight Rewards Quest in anticipation of the release of Breaking Dawn. We’re giving away a lot of really cool prizes to Stephenie Meyer fans, like a Cybook. Here is a countdown to Breaking Dawn flyer with more info. We’re excited about Breaking Dawn!
Rimsky went look closer buy cytotec then announced held.
I heard about the manuscript to Midnight Sun being published illegally and very saddened to hear that it would not be finished. As a mother of a pre-teen, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of the Twilight series books and hope that Ms. Meyer would reconsider and finish the manuscript. I am anxious to read from Edward’s point of view as millions of fans look fowrard to your brilliant work.
Hey I love the twilight series. My favorite character is Alice. A I love the host as well.can’t wait for future books:)
Everybody knows about Edward, and the characters of Twilight. But who influenced Stephanie Meyers to create some of those characters, that may still be a mystery, but I do know who her boyfriend and prom date was in High school. On my blog, I will be publishing my exclusive interview with her old high school fling. Please come and check it out, it might explain more detail as to some of the characteristics and influences of her writing.
Mitchell Brave
so does anyone remember when stephanie meyer posted a blog on her page before twilight had a cast picked out?
she had a list of people she would have loved to play the characters and i would really like a link to that site…but i cant find it anywhere..
email me?
Compra: AMANECER en y llevate por $ 5 más Absolution de MUSE la banda favorita de STEPHENIE MEYER.
¡Apurate la promo es por tiempo limitado!
Ok I give u props the series was really good, got me into liking other vampire novels. Then last book(breaking dawn) not wat i was expecting but not that bad.
I also was disappointed when hearing that Midnight Sun wasnot going to be finished. I feel that Edward’s perspective is more important than Jacobs. He was given half a book and didn’t contribute as much to the story as Edward would.
I feel that something is missing.
Please reconsider and make the saga complete. Go with your first instinct and make it whole.
I have enjoyed reading the “Twlight” series by Stephanie Meyer, adding to my unbelievable obsession with mythical beings like vampires and werewolves. Also, I will admit that I have become quiet a fan of Jacob Black more than Edward Cullen. After finishing the final publiation of the series, “Breaking Dawn,” however, I felt that the development of Bella as a vampire had left a void; the zest from the previous three book was missing. Now, I do realize that she was not much of a peoples-person, but the plot left out much of her formal character I had loved from the beginning. The relationship between Edward and her, as always, is undeniable one of a kind. In “Breaking Dawn,” it felt like things were a rushed into one big, gigantic mush of unfortunate events from the time the couple honeymooned on Isle Esme to the expecting visit of the Volturi Coven.
In other words, the course that the plot took in the last book was like that of a Barbie fairy tale with more blood than pink fluff. Characters’ personalities were simmered and diminished to were I was left unsatisfided.
you are a quitter for not completing midnight sun.
Everyone loves your books, and i believe you should forget about the past and finish it .
Your an amazing writer and there obviously will be opstacles,
please finish it!! it would be a really great book, who cares if something went wrong.
Your fans would love for you to finish it.. I will even start a group on facebook called.
” Stephanie should finish Midnight sun” and welll i think everyone would join,
please write it.
ok i want to know if you know if kristan likes edward
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