Twilight VS. Harry Potter?

Jun 5th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


Reelz Channel has posted a video on YouTube about the apparent rivalry of vamps vs. wizards. Personally I think we should all just get along! 🙂

*Who will win the box office battle, vampires or wizards? Dailies takes a closer look.*

Take a look here!

61 Comments to “Twilight VS. Harry Potter?”

  1. Emma says:

    Guys, this does not even have to be a debating topics. Harry Potter wins. Come on, writing love stories-anyone can do that. But creating a new world?And Robert was there in HP too and that Kristen Stewart.People are so pathetic.How could they possible like Twilight.Twilight can only be given 3 stars. Whereas HP-7 STARS!

  2. Yumi says:

    You know why a lot of GIRLS love twilight? Easy. Because the literary writing is so easy to read, its like reading pocket books, and I noticed that many GIRLS complain that Harry Potter has too much details? I just plainly feel sorry for people who cannot understand HP well.


    HP pwns Twilight all the way! Twilight can NEVER get onto HP’s footsteps ever, and just accept the fact.

  3. Yumi says:

    They hype on Twilight is only for NOW. Wait until Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince comes out.


  4. Yumi says:

    TWILIGHT is overrated.

  5. [[yATZiRYy]] says:


  6. kooka says:

    I HONESTLY tried to give Twilight a chance…both the book and the movie…I stopped reading the first book when I got to the middle part…it just doesn’t do it for me…it was honestly like a supernatural version of Sweet Valley or something…I’m sorry if I offend some people with this but I honestly think that the only reason why fangirls like Twilight is because of (primarily) Edward. And the whole falling for the naive, clumsy girl? So totally cheesy XD Don’t get me started on the movie…oh my Lord…half the time I was falling asleep in my seat (hey, it was a lazyboy cinema seat =P) while the other half, I spent snorting…I mean, come on…the sparkling scene was wrong in soooooo many levels XD

    Now when we talk about Harry Potter, it’s a whole different thing. Some people diss the movies and some part of me agrees that at the worst, some murder their book counterpart, and at best, some are great but will never live up to the books. If anybody ever doubted Rowling and the world that she was creating…they got their due at the end of book 7. It took 7 books but in the end, Rowling showed that she knew what she was doing from the very start…and she created a world full of characters that most of us teen readers grew up with. Who can deny the blood pumping excitement we felt each time we lined up outside our local bookchains at midnight, gawking at the costumes of those around us…all anticipating the second they’d get their grubby little paws on the next book that they’ve waited for for 2 years or more? Sure, Harry’s world is no Arda but nevertheless, Rowling managed to create a plot with a backstory enough to be a world all on its own. That was what was missing in Twilight. Don’t get me wrong because I love vampire stories…in fact, my second favorite series after HP is Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles…because like Rowling, Rice created a whole new world alongside ours…a fantasy world that somehow comes across as believable.

    Without the love story of Edward and Bella, can Twilight still exist as a story? Harry Potter, though the central character, is not the sole story of the series. Harry can disappear and people would still want to know about the life of Dumbledore, of how the Four Founders rose and fell, of how the wizards were forced into hinding during the 16th century…people would still be interested about quidditch, about the fantastic beasts, about the tales of beedle…I could go on forever about this.

    Now, if we move to the sales aspect…well, it’s a no brainer, really…Harry Potter has sold more than 400million copies around the world…only behind the Bible and Mao’s little red book. And the movies? yeah, it’s a 3 billion franchise…with 3 more movies slated for release. Oh, and Harry’s world is being recreated as a theme park…one whole theme park dedicated to harry’s world ALONE…not even Middle Earth nor Narnia was given such honor. lol.


    To answer Samburgeru’s questions:

    1. Would the “Avada Kadavra” curse kill a vampire? -> Avada Kedavra is the Killing Curse and technically, you can’t kill that which is already dead. However, I suppose a couple of well aimed SECTUSEMPRAs would deal with the whole decapitation bit 😉

    2. Would the “Dementor’s kiss” have any effect on a vampire? (due to Edward’s theory that vampires do not have a soul) -> Why administer a Dementor’s kiss when you can just burn them? You know, a simple Incendio…or perhaps the everlasting FiendFyre to ensure that the vampire will burn for eternity.

    “Note I am referring to the vampires you would find in any of the Twilight books and not necessarily one you may find in the Harry Potter books” -> We are all aware of Twilight vampires because they are certainly…unique…I mean, which other series can boast of a vampire that SPARKLES under the sun instead of, you know, bursting into flames? =P

    To the charming Savannah…my my my, you sure have a lot of questions…let’s go answer them all, shall we?

    1.Can Harry Potter read peoples minds -> He CAN if he pursues Leglimency…and not just read people’s mind…he can actually go dig their memories…can dear Edward dig? If I understand right, he can only READ thoughts =P

    2.Tell the future -> Well, Harry got a T in divination, I think…*snickers* but then you have Firenze who can actually direct his vision…unlike dear Alice whose visions change with each choice made =P

    3.Control peoples emotion -> Not only their emotions but their ACTIONS as well…IMPERIO, anyone? =P

    4.Cause pain with just his thought -> Well not his thoughts but then again, he can make you hurt so much you’d be insane just by utterring two syllables…CRUCIO, anyone? If you wanna get technical, there’s Voldemort who can make Harry’s life a living hell and painful just by thinking HAPPY thoughts =P

    5.Be able to tell people relationships with his eyes -> I’m not exactly sure with what you mean by this =P

    6.Run so fast no one can see you -> Why walk/run when you can FLY? or better yet, when you just apparate? Lol. Let’s see Edward race Harry from London to Scotland. While dear Ed goes woooshhhh, Harry’l just go POP and TADA! =P

    7.Live forever -> Well Nicholas Flamel was a right idiot to give up the Philosopher’s stone…but I guess 600+ years can make life boring. Voldemort was also an idiot for being vain in his choices of Horcruxes. The Deathly Hallows were nifty gifts, if you know how to shut your mouth about them. So you see, there are a number of ways for Harry and Co. to live forever if they so wish and if they are smart about it =P

    8.Have unlimited strength -> Brute strength is so plebian. Why go for a brawl when you can disable your enemy with a swish and a flick? That troll was at least 20Xstronger than Harry at 11 =P

    9.Be considered god like -> Doesn’t the Wizarding world already consider Harry as their Messiah? They don’t just practically worship the ground he walks on…they actually build monuments of him. Lol, take away Edward’s beauty and he’d be nothing =P

    10.Be called one of the most beautful things on the face of the planet ->Eh, Veelas, anyone?

    11.Dazzle people who just look at him -> Again, Veelas, anyone? Can Edward and Co. compulse people to jump out of the balcony just by looking at them? I don’t think so =P

    12.Be able to track anything down by instinct -> You do know that werewolves and vampires exist in Harry’s world, right? Only they don’t sparkle =P Who needs instinct when you’ve got HOUSE ELVES? Nifty creatures to have around, if I may say so.

    13.Be able to live without eating food or live without water -> Well, it depends on who you are asking…can Charlie Swan or Jacob Black or Pre-vamp Bella Swan live w/o food or water? Nah…I don’t think so..and frankly, this part of your argument is beyond hilarious. lol.

    14.Can kill people with a twitch of their finger -> Well, it depends on the situation, you know…are we talking about GRAWP? cos he won’t even need to twitch his finger…he’ll just sit on you. Or if that fails, AVADA KEDAVRA anyone? =P

    15.Remember everything he has ever done in his whole life -> Hah! Harry’s got a pensieve…not only can he remeber his memories…he can even SHOW them to OTHERS AND take a peek at another person’s life. Can Edward and Co. do that? =P

    16.Can he be able to have the mental capacity to think several thoughts at the same time? -> No, but Harry had another sould inside his body 😉 And he shared his mind with a madman =P

    Now, let me ask you Savannah…can Edward and Co. turn back time? Do they have potions that allow them to take the appearance of another person? Can they make themselves invisible? Can they be in one country one moment and in another with a twist of their body? Can they possess other people and control their will? Can they talk to the dead? Can they kill with a WORD? No.

    SAVANNAH: “Basically Twilight kicks Harry Potters *&% any time. HP needs a wand to do everything, and these supposed wonderful wizards dont even know how to opperate electricity. I would know, i have read every book and watched every movie harry potter had to offer.” -> AGAIN, another useless argument…it’s like asking, can these vampires fly a broomstick. Yet for the sake of argument, Harry, Mione and a lot of other people deal with electricity just fine. lol. Harry needs a wand? Well duh, he’s a wizard O_o Edward and co have their pointy fangs =P But Harry is quite capable of doing wandless magic, if necessary. XD

    SAVANNAH: “I think that stephenie meyer is a wonderful person who wrote a fantastic series of books that will always have a place in peoples hearts. The twilight series is something that people can relate to. It is all about true love and adventure, and isnt that life? Isnt life all about finding your love and going through life ( adventure)? ” -> Well, nobody’s saying Meyer is not a wonderful person…of course, so is Rowling…though I’m not entirely sure about the always part…Twilight has been around for what? 4 years? Something people can relate to? I don’t know about you but I don’t really see myself as a damsel in distress captivating the attention of two gorgeous guys by my clumsiness XD True love and adventure? Yes, that’s what life is about…life is also about death, about darkness, about choices…life is not just all about…it is many things combined. And that’s what makes Harry Potter so endearingly close to a LOT of people’s heart. We’ve seen this kid grow…heck, a lot of us grew up with him…we saw him progress from that puny little waif and transform into the warrior he was destined to be. We saw him laugh, cry, fall in love…we saw him make choices that were good and bad…we saw him deal with the consequences of his choices. We saw him rage, hate, learn and forgive.

    If you are going to use Love and Adventure as your great last attempt to show that Twilight is much better than Harry Potter, then you chose wrong. Adventure-wise, Twilight’s adventure looks like a walk in the park compared to Harry’s. Love? Sweetheart, LOVE was the greatest factor of the book. It was Lily’s love that saved Harry. It was Snape’s love that redeemed him. It was Dumbledore’s love that was his tragedy. It was the love of Merope that spawned the Dark Lord. If anything, LOVE was the cental theme of Harry Potter right after Good and Evil.

  7. Rosexo1290xo says:

    I am sick of everyone that has only seen the movies of HP and Twilight and trying to say they know anything about either. When you decide to i dont know actually pick up the books and start reading like the rest of us, then you may voice your opinion. But until then please dont pretend like the movie makes you educated on either subject, it’s just insulting to those of us who have read and know what were’re talking about. Especially those who consider themselves HP fans but havent cracked open the books…what are you waiting for? If you like the movies then you’re sure to like the books they’re a million times better. And Twilight fans the movie didn’t do the book justice so read it..i don’t care how hot Rob Pattinson is, he’s not Edward.

  8. Phoebe says:

    okay. so i believe that Harry Potter is better. The plot is better than Twilight’s cause it went into 15 years of planning. No doubt that Twilight is a good book and movie, but it does seem unrealistic. Unpopular girl falls in love with the gorgeous guy who happens to be a vampire. Because they begin to date, she gets indangered from other evil vampires and Edward saves her. That’s pretty typical. Harry Potter all ties together and makes sense. Every detail in the story has meaning. I do like the Twilight book and movie, but i gotta say, Harry Potter is just better.

  9. shireen says:

    i love harry potter. its not as good as twilight. but movie wise i like twilight. but on the whole i stand for hp. if someone agrees with me email me at

  10. TWILIGHT ADDICT FAN! OTD! (Obsessive Twilight Disorder) says:

    okay srry to HP fans but i’m soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a TWILIGHT FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean i read HP and i HATED it. i mean for me it was written badly, same plot over and over again,(harry fights voldy, someone dies, voldy gets away) and i mean each Twilight book had a diff plot. i mean Twilight kept me reading into the wee h’s of the night, while HP was so boring i fell aseep. I only like the movies for HP but i mean TWILIGHT ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! twilight is very original and romantic and has guys like EDWARD CULLEN and jacob black. you can relate to it more and HP was….bad. i mean the characters discusted me. don’t know why just got an uneasy feeling reading bout them. when in twilight i felt happy sad lovey-dovey excited annoyed(bella hates partys)mad(HATE JACOB!)and scared(James, Victoria, The Volturi.) Twilight was fantastic and i’ve seen both movies and i gotta say Twilight was better.

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