Twilight VS. Harry Potter?
Jun 5th, 2008 | By Chelsea | Category: Movie NewsReelz Channel has posted a video on YouTube about the apparent rivalry of vamps vs. wizards. Personally I think we should all just get along! 🙂
*Who will win the box office battle, vampires or wizards? Dailies takes a closer look.*
Take a look here!
I have got to say Harry Potter. Sorry people, but Harry was here first. There is literally a special spot in my heart for the Harry Potter books. They are just so amazing, I could go on for days talking about them, even though the last book already came out. Harry Potter was just there first and its SOO magical it makes me feel gooooodd. Twilight is AMAZING but it doesn’t make me happy. Twilight forces very strong feelings to come out of me when I am reading, sometimes good, sometimes bad. Plus, I <3 Mugglecast.
Ah but the true question is why can’t we each love Harry and Twilight in our own ways?
Does it always have to be a competition? They are so very different from each other…It doesn’t always have to be about one or the least not in my world 😉
Awww, thats sad! Im a huge HP fan! Im probably a bigger Twilight fan, but HP is amazing too!
p.s. If you havnt read Harry Potter, read it NOW!
Im definatly Switzerland on this one!
altho i must say i love twilight, harry potter has got hundreds of fans already out there
but so have we! XD
but as Jackson said
i am switzerland 😉
Um yeah i love harry potter but i love edward more! So im gonna have to say Vamps would win all the way! So Harry but Edward is just soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much sexier than u! haha
Listen . I love Harry Potter soooooooooooooooooooo much , well the movies. I’ve never actually read the books before , but I will after i’m done reading the the twilight series. Anyway , I just love vampires a little bit more than wizards. Okay , I really hate when people compare the two. They are so diff. But , if I had to choose , I would want twilight to win . I just love how it’s this fantasy story and it is an amazingly beautiful story also. I hope twilight is so amazing that , it is on the boarderline of winning an Oscar. Not that it will. I’m just sayin’. Also , will people PLEASE stop jinxing twilight by saying “it’s going to a great movie”. Because the more so say that , it’s going to SUCK big time. Just please stop people. I’m afraid i’m gonna go to the movies happy and come out pissed off. Just please stop saying it will be great cuz ya never know.
I like seeing Switzerland in here!
You think if we have enough Switzerland people, we can squash the HP vs Twilight issue?
Drives me nuts man!
thanks for the update, you were the first site that I found this on. I credited you on my website!!
Well, the Harry Potter books are pretty good, but I hate the movies (all the way!!). I am in LOVE with the Twilight books, so i want Vampires to win!!! The last harry potter movie, that was just sooo bad!! (sorry to any of you who loved it, I don’t mean to hurt anyone 🙂 )
When on the topic of “Harry Potter vs Twilight” the questions we have to ask our selves are:
1. Would the “Avada Kadavra” curse kill a vampire?
2. Would the “Dementor’s kiss” have any effect on a vampire? (due to Edward’s theory that vampires do not have a soul)
Note I am referring to the vampires you would find in any of the Twilight books and not necessarily one you may find in the Harry Potter books.
Harry Potter was good and all, but its getting old, I mean really. Its time for something else to
step up to the plate, and its seems twilight is stepping up. Besides there hasn’t been a good
vampire story in a long while so, I say Twilight all the way!!!
I guess you can say I’m Swiss too! I will be seeing both movies as soon as they’re in theaters. The only difference is that I won’t be taking my 8 year old son to see Twilight.
I’m swiss as well, i love both series equally and it drives me insane when ppl compare them to one another. Just because both series are major cash cows doesn’t mean that they are alike. I would be the first in line at both movies. also bothers me when ppl say that you can’t be a twilighter and a dumbledork at the same time. that’s ludicrous.
Why compare? And why is the media trying to stir up or manufacture this so called battle? Give me a break.
apples and oranges. I’m so switzerland too.
Hell yeah!
Twilight is SO gonna kick Harry right outta here!
I mean, harry’s OK, but twilght has EDWARD!
& you have to love EDWARD…
But i also feel like somewhat of a switzerland, harry was an awesome book series, but i LOVE twilight.
I only liked HP.
I personally love Twilight more than Harry Potter, but that’s just me. i don’t think it needs to be a competition… I totally understand why they’re so often compared, but it’s really not a ‘who’s gonna win’ issue…
As far as the box office goes, i’ll bet on Harry Potter earning more, just because its more well known ad has a fanbase made up of those who have and haven’t read the books.
tina- i agree with you exactly
If Harry got in a fight with Edward Edward would snap his wand and kill him before anyone could blink
Oh my God! WHY DOES EVERYTHING ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A COMPETITION??! The books have nothing to do with eachother. I love Harry Potter more of course!! I am a real fan. I love how people say harry potter’s getting old and its over. UM newsflash!!!!! 3 MORE MOVIES!! If you have been living under a brick the seventh movie will be split in two which is totally MADE OF AWESOME!( Phases a twilight podcast reference right there!!) AND a themepark. Does Twilight have a themepark? I don’t think so. lol
Harry Potter VS. Twilight doesn’t mean Harry vs. Edward (edward isn’t the only one in the series ya know). There are more aspects to the stupid “debate” Harry Potter fans are more diverse and most of twilight fans are crazy girls and some boys who want to be more like the ever so annoying Eduardo.
and people who missed out on hp, i feel really bad for you because it was the biggest Literary phenomenom for a while and probably for a long time. I seriously do feel bad for people who missed out on the experience of speculating and debating and just having the best time ever. I LOVED Harry potter and I only Like Twilight. Please don’t give me evil eyes for saying im not obsessed with the books and im not SUPER excited to see the movie. I am sooo scared they will make it cheesy….and they’ll make Edward to be the good guy all the time when there are TONS of Jacob fans out there its just that many are scared of insane Vampire girls.
I’ve been a Harry Potter-fan for years, but I really love Twilight too, so I’m not able to chose between them.
but, I still love twilight but HP is more relateable. The books are different. HP is a whole other world. Twilight is in Washington. HP involves a whole world. Twilight is just a bunch of vampires (not complainng). I love both but, I have read each of HP books at least 3 times (the 7th 7 times). HP holds a place in my heart. Twilight too, but it doesn’t beat HP. However, it does have one of my favorite characters ALICE and she is in a tie for best with HERMIONE!! Alice does win because everyone says that she is me in vampire form.
*O and the news needs to get their information right. Cedric didn’t win the triwizard tourment. He won one challenge. and then…and then….HE DIED!! *tears*
O not meaning to double post but HP does have RON. RON and JASPER mixed would be the perfect guy!
Twilight vs Harry Potter has been a battle going on between me and my friends. We have debated back and forth and this is what we came to:
Harry Potter’s characters are SOO much more believable. I mean Harry has really problems (besides being a wizard). He has a little romace, but not too much. I mean, seriously, sexual tension only goes so far with being beliviable. I’m almost positive, but who really has a 100 year old vampire and someguy named Jacob, both extremely handsome, in love with her, fighting for her. It’s not relalistic. I know, I know, you think Harry is a wizard! What’s more unrealilistic?! But Harry has problems we can relate to. I bet all you Twilight fans–whether you no it or not– are using Bella as your alter ego. You may not even know your doing it, but I bet you aren’t all the most popularist, or prettiest, so you are putting yourself in Bella’s place, and that’s why you are so drawn in to the books. Over all, Harry Potter is better.
i’ve only read the first twilight book, so maybe this isn’t fair, but harry potter absolutely wins. i just finished twilight today, and im not even sure if i’m going to read the rest of the series. to me it was more of just a basic teen romance novel where some of the characters happen to be vampires. once i started reading harry potter i could not stop and have read all of the books many times, because they are just so special. the books bring you to a completely new world, and that cannot be said for twilight. just because so many people are in love with edward doesnt make the series better.
This is something that I can’t understand… Why compare too completely different stories???
I’m a huge Harry Potter fan and my friend Mitzi who is also a fan read Twilight because somebody said it was a great serie, while she started to read the second book she told me “you have to read this books” so I did it 1 per day until I finished eclipse… so I must say I really liked the serie… but I loved Harry Potter…
Now talking about the box office… I thing Harry Potter will win more… maybe for you people who live in England or USA twilight is a phenomenom but here in Mexico although many people have read them, many more have no idea of their existance… recently some HP fans have started to read the books just because of Robert Pattinson and that’s why they found out about the serie… what I’m tryng to say is that Twilight is not as famous as Harry Potter worldwide so the answer is simple… Harry Potter will earned more money… Personally I’m going to see them both…
I’m not saying that are bad books because I liked a lot… but I found out about Harry Potter 2 years before it came to a movie… and I haven’t heard of twilight until it came a movie… so I think Twilight has a long way to go to defeat Harry Potter on sales at theaters…
I forgot… Kayla you are right… Cedric Diggory didn`t win the tournament… just the second task and Harry won the first one… finally it was a tie on the third…
Can Harry Potter read peoples minds or tell the future or control peoples emotion or cause pain with just his thought or be able to tell people reltationships with his eyes or run so fast no one can see you or live forever or have unlimited strength or be considered god like or be called one of the most beautful things on the face of the planet or dazzle people who just look at him or be able to track anything down by instinct or be able to live without eating food or live without water or can kill people with a twitch of their finger or remember everything he has ever done in his whole life or can he be able to have the mental capacity to think several thoughts at the same time ? no.
Now how about edward cullen or any kind of vampire out there in the stephenie meyer world? yes.
Basically Twilight kicks Harry Potters *&% any time. HP needs a wand to do everything, and these supposed wonderful wizards dont even know how to opperate electricity. I would know, i have read every book and watched every movie harry potter had to offer.
I think that stephenie meyer is a wonderful person who wrote a fantastic series of books that will always have a place in peoples hearts. The twilight series is something that people can relate to. It is all about true love and adventure, and isnt that life? Isnt life all about finding your love and going through life ( adventure)?
I luv Edward so much!!!! He is probably my fave character EVER!!! I would have to say Twilight is better than harry potter because well with harry potter they have too much details and twilight… I couldnt put the book down!!!!!!
i have to say TWILIGHT because in my opinion it is alot better and I think that Twilight will win at the box office!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought to avoid making someone go all pissy I would just stay as Switzerland but eh whatever.
I like both. But Twilight is just so much more immature and Teeny-bopperish. I could never bring myself to buy the books, there just not that good. And dont even get me stated on the annoying little chit, Bella. I prefer to have a character with some strength to them.
The thing is I did enjoy both but when it comes to picking one it would have to be Harry Potter just because when deciding what I like in a book I look at the characters, their quality, the style of writing, and what the book has to offer among other things.
Though there is nothing wrong with falling in love with a fictional character and deciding on liking a book/movie/game etc. because of it, I just find it to immature and something an annoying Teeny-Bopper who, OMG has like, NOTHING in the WOLRD if like, Mr. Hot Character doesn’t exist!
Plus there are just to many people who have no idea what Twilight is. Harry Potter trumps it.
okaayy…I may come form Switzerland but I’m totally for Harry Potter. I wouldn’t even know what Twilight is if I hadn’t been listening Muggelcast.
I’m with Liv on this subject.
O and by the way Harry Potter has so many amazing Fanfictions for when you finished the books and reread them 3 times each!
harry potter is so much better than twilight will and can ever be. i mean okay the first book is really good but then SM just totally turned it into a soap opera. and harry potter has so much more depth and detail. i mean twilight is in such a rush to get everything done. plus bella totally ruined the series for me. she is whiny and pathetic. one more thing for all you crazed edward fans out there he’s hot sure but get over yourselves.
HP all the way.
Honesty, love them both. Impossible to compare. For me, it is so hard to get into a book, and Twilight and Harry Potter are the only series I’ve been truly obsessed with. I am currently more obsessed with Twilight. The thing I love about both are the complexity of the problems. There’s a lot to twilight because you have the action, the love, and the thoughts of Bella (and Jacob). In Harry Potter, the situations are so unique, where as in Twilight they’re classic, such as a love triangle with an interesting twist. To bad Twilight series isn’t as long as Harry Potter!
I think that HP and Twilight are both amazing books!!!!! I mean come on cant u just like both! It doesnt matter which 1 came first or which is more popular! If u like the books u like them! To me they r the best books EVER! And they always will be! BOTH OF THEM!
i like both books..but i became more obsessed with TWILIGHT than i was with HARRY HP, it took me almost a month to finish it, maybe because i’m bored in the first book’s storyline..i dunno..while in twilight, it immediately took me 4 straight days to finish that blizzard book. it’s the most amazing and the best book i’ve read..
wish i don’t offend the HP fans..:)) TWILIGHT is certainly the best..even though some of you threw negative comments on it. read the book, you’ll be dazzled..have fun!
Personally, I like Harry Potter better. I’ve read all four Twilight books, and I feel that HP is the far better of the two. And to reply to Savannah – Vampires don’t need water or food, because they are dead. They are dead, cold, corpses, filled with venom. Wizards are alive. Now, this is a sort of silly argument, because no matter how dear these characters are to our hearts they do not exist. We are not judging them for who would win in hand-to-hand combat or who has better features, we’re looking at them in literary terms – and Twilight is the epitome of the adage: Quantity is not Quality.
I LOVE TWILIGHT and harry potter too..don’t get me wrongg…i WAS a DIE HARD HP fan…BUT TWILIGHT changed EVEYTHING…i mean EVERYTHING…since i started reading twilight…i just didn’t care about hp nemore..i think it’s because the story of twilight is much much better for me…but then again we have our own personal tastes..but I LOVE TWILIGHT!!! TWILIGHT’s the best-EST…(=
Is there even a competition? Twilight does not match up to Harry Potter in any sense. That’s not to say Twilight is BAD, but personally I think it’s, like many things, overrated. From a pure literary standpoint, Harry Potter rips Twilight to shreds. Characters is pretty much the same situation, twilight characters are dead inside, while Harry Potter characters are like our paper twins. They’re so easy to relate to. The plot of Harry Potter is intricately woven, and even the slightest detail from Book 1 can reappear ad play a huge part in Book 7 (INVISIBILITY CLOAKK). The plot from Twilight is certainly good, but nothing wholly new and imaginative. I mean, Harry Potter is a whole new world. Movie………Twilight might eventually pick up steam, but Harry Potter is a billion dollar franchise, so the prospects look grim for Twilight. Oh, and for everyone who says you can’t compare the two, you most certainly can. It is like asking what was better, The Dark Knight or…………………..The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (that’s actually an accurate translation :P). Just because of the difference in genre, doesn’t mean you can’t say which is the better movie (The Dark Knight). It’s ignorant to say books of different genres can’t be compared, when they are BOTH BOOKS. Harry Potter remains king, and will remain so for a good 50 years.
P.S: er……………………….wizards would destroy the vampires. Again, without question. Magic over heightened human (YES HUMAN) abilities? MAGIC, DUH.
I love Twilight i really do.
But there is no competition between it and Harry Potter
The Harry Potter books have been translated into more than 60 languages, and it has been estimated that more than 300 million copies have been sold around the world.
Films : Sorcerer’s Stone made more than $950 million; Chamber of Secrets, more than $850 million;
Prisoner of Azkaban, more than $780 million;
and Goblet of Fire, more than $890 million. All four are among the top twenty highest-grossing films of all time.
On July 16, 2005, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was released, destroying the previous book’s sales records; on the first day of sales, it sold 6.9 million copies in the United States alone. That’s about 80 copies per second!
Breaking Dawn sold what?
1 million……
yeah, no competition
Im sorry to people who love twilight but it just has NO match against Harry Potter/
If you look at the number of fans, HP defienetely has more: its beeen here longer, it can be enjoyed by all age groups and gender, and i think thats the main differece.
Twilight is a romantic book so most girls go for it, but harry potter applies to everyone.
I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Harry potter so id always go with it.
Apart from the soppiness of the book, Twilight is preety gd.
I just think people should stop all this debate about whats better, theres no point comparing the movies, ( i think the harry potter movies ruin the books)its all about what whats in the book.
Let people have there own opinions, people are either in love with vampires or with magic, whats it to others?
It ‘s hard to tell which one is better. Both are amazing. But I have to say Harry Potter is much more successful.
I’ve some reason.
1. Harry Potter is for all ages, whereas Twilight is not. It’s hard for children and old people to read it.
2. Harry Potter is full of adventurous stories, full of events. Twilight mainly focus on love and feeling. And not every people are patient enough to read too much pages without really important events,. Not all of them can understand the feeling of the character.
3. Harry Potter series were not published year after year. We had to wait for 2 or 3 years. In total it’s 10 years form Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone(1997) to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007). Whereas Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn were published in just 4 years. And the marketing campaign of Harry Potter was much noisier than Twilight’s.
4. While Rowling kept her books top secret, Meyer has the draft of Midnight Sun on her website.
I LOVE both series. I don’t compare. I am a Potter Fan and a Twilighter at the same time. I am sick of people telling reasons why so and so is much better. They are both different stories told by different authors. They are both good. I don’t know why other people can’t grasp the concept that both can exist without competition.
Oh my.. I can see.. every potter fan and twilighter have serious issues with each other.. can you snap out of it? Either way, I am still a Potter fan and a Twilighter at the same time no matter what. No comparisons. Period.
I didn’t know that there’s a battle in between them (vs.) until I’ve read it on the internet. *laughs. It never occured to me that Harry Potter (or rather the Potter Fans) and Twilight (or the Twilighters) have serious issues with each other. I read both series first before finding out this competition between the two.. And I kinda find it funny because people are keep on fighting. I think its an impasse. LOL. But anyway, I love both series. A Potter fan and a Twilighter.
Twilight is mere infatuation. You don’t go risking yourself and putting your love in danger just because you LOVE the person (and in this case, maybe lust). It’s about finding out who you are and sharing it with another person who can truly appreciate you back. Bella and Edward plays hide and seek, it’s just a wonder how they find it so amazing themselves. And.. you can’t say it’s love when Bella picks Jacob over Edward. Even though there’s a reason (and for me it’s not valid at all), it’s Stephenie Meyer drama all over again. First book is enough I guess, but the second and third are almost repetitions of the story. Harry Potter doesn’t require you to be a teen wanting for chick romance.. all it takes is imagination and genuine interest. The book is so much more than the movies, I swear. That’s why most movies suck because they are only the interpretation of the director’s mind, and not the readers. Kids and adults will appreciate HP altogether. Fans of Twilight are mostly teen girls, but then, let’s see what would happen as they grow old and look back at the book. Last words: Twilight can be a craze, but Harry Potter is definitely CLASSIC.
I love the Harry Potter books more. JK Rowling did a brilliant job on it. Every character has his/her own life and Harry potter was not the sole focus of the story. Unlike twilight wherein edward is the only one that shines. character-wise, i love harry more,. his character is more dynamic unlike edward who has to bank on his sexiness since there is nothing really special about him. bella is not really important in the story, replace him with any other girl that smells nice for edward and that will do.hahaha. hermione is a much stronger character. i think twilight is now a hit because it is something new while harry potter still holds me even after reading it a hundred times already. twilight is kinda boring. girls just want edward and that’s it. voldemort vs. the volturi? come on…hahahaha
ok. so listen. people. please. use your heads. i love both but i gotta go with HP. all the way. i mean i personally HATE edward (TEAM JACOB) and love Emmett…. but yeah in a fight a wizard would totally win. for real. i mean come on. sure vamps are 16x more powerful. a wizard would put a slowing down spell (i forgot wat it was called) but yeah it freezes anyone for a whole minute. then the wizard would put a full body bind curse on them. then he could petrify them or they could use the torture curse or something cool like that.