Stephenie Meyer Update!

Jun 10th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News


Stephenie has recorded a clip for Barnes and Noble! To see what she has to say, click here!

2 Comments to “Stephenie Meyer Update!”

  1. Mat says:

    Ha! I love Stephenie! She is so awesome! I am so happy that she actually told us a bit of what is going on! I am glad that we are in on the know! Go Twilight! And though I am a guy…………. Go Edward!

  2. Erica says:

    She says she feels like this was the ending that was always meant to be, and that she hopes it’s the ending the readers have always wanted as well. I think this bodes well for Eward and Bella…because I feel the majority of fans want them to have their happily ever after.

    Gosh, I would LOVE to know the other novel that has influenced her writing for Breaking Dawn. The fact that she won’t tell us must mean it would make the ending quite obvious.

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