Carlisle Would Approve…
Jun 17th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Book News, Movie NewsCarlisle Would Approve is a Myspace page that is dedicated to this new endeavor…
“We are working to plan Twilight themed blood drives across the country. Blood is extremely important and in high demand, it would be putting our obsession towards a fantastic cause. The Twilight theme would encourage Twilighters nationwide to go give blood, that would be a significant amount of blood because there are a lot of us. Most of you know what us Twilighters can do when we unite towards something. Please join the cause and support us! “
To read more, click here!
this is really cool..the only thing would be that some of the readers are too young to give..but they could bug their parents!!..that would be a REALLY cool tshirt to where after we give.. if you here anything else about it..let me know.. 🙂
I’m a fanpire, i have no blood to give…
Yeah, Im to young to give! =[
I will bug my dad! I think I converted him into a Twilight Guy!
Wow! That is a Fantastic Idea!
I love the idea but I am too young otherwise I would have done it months ago (I have a rare type of blood according to my parents). Shame though. But yeh, I agree with Marianne, there is actually a market for this. They could do like a Twilight Give Blood week….. TONNES AND TONNES of Twilighter’s would give blood & raise awarness by wearing t-shirts.
Cool idea <3
What a way to put the obsession to good use! Carlisle would totally aprove! I’m pretty sure i’m too young, but i’ll so bug my parents!! my mom’s read twilight, so she’d go for it
Yay! My siter CArter and i printed out some flyers from and are passing them out at the breaking dawn release party!