Edward’s Birthday News

Jun 20th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News


The Twilight Lexicon has posted 107 Reason We Love Edward, for his 107th Birthday!  Here are some of my faves…

14. I love Edward because he never has a bad hair day. -cluck160

49. I love Edward because his dazzling crooked smile makes my knees go weak!

107.I love Edward so much that I am regularly tempted to hug a marble pillar
just to know what it is like to have him in my arms lol. -Adele

To read more, click here!


Novel Novice has posted a video about the last 107 years that Edward has ‘lived’ through!  To watch it, click here!

Also, did you know today is the longest day of sunlight in the year?  Thanks Ms. Truitt!