
Jun 24th, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

Twilight Series Theories is now the #11 ‘Arts’ Podcast in iTunes, and the #5 Literature podcast! We’re 5 and 3 spots away from Mugglecast, the only fan-run podcast that ranks above us… and we’ve passed out EVERY other Twilight podcast — every other fan podcast, including Pottercast! You’re listening to the #1 Twilight show on the web! What do you think, TST fans? Can we make it into iTunes top 100? Keep spreading the word and downloading… Twilight fans represent!


Edit: Wow, I didn’t expect all the Mugglecast negativity in the comments.  I have nothing against Mugglecast, I’ve listened to their show for many years.  A couple of the staffers there did form their own Twilight site,, and they are coming out with a podcast.  However, if you’ve ever listened to Mugglecast you’ll know that in it’s nature it’s very different from what our show is like here at TST — and when it comes to Twilight, TST has had our feet in the fandom much longer.  I try not to think in terms of shows ‘beating’ one another, I was just commenting on our ranking in comparison.   I wish TwilightSource and Imprint the best of luck.