Jun 24th, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Site NewsTwilight Series Theories is now the #11 ‘Arts’ Podcast in iTunes, and the #5 Literature podcast! We’re 5 and 3 spots away from Mugglecast, the only fan-run podcast that ranks above us… and we’ve passed out EVERY other Twilight podcast — every other fan podcast, including Pottercast! You’re listening to the #1 Twilight show on the web! What do you think, TST fans? Can we make it into iTunes top 100? Keep spreading the word and downloading… Twilight fans represent!
Edit: Wow, I didn’t expect all the Mugglecast negativity in the comments. I have nothing against Mugglecast, I’ve listened to their show for many years. A couple of the staffers there did form their own Twilight site,, and they are coming out with a podcast. However, if you’ve ever listened to Mugglecast you’ll know that in it’s nature it’s very different from what our show is like here at TST — and when it comes to Twilight, TST has had our feet in the fandom much longer. I try not to think in terms of shows ‘beating’ one another, I was just commenting on our ranking in comparison. I wish TwilightSource and Imprint the best of luck.
Wooo!!! That’s exciting!! GO TWILIGHT SERIES THEORIES!!! lol, Congratulations ladies!
yay! thats amazing! go tst! 🙂
haha, as much as I love you guys, you honestly won’t beat Mugglecast. And you will have more competition once the makers of Mugglecast release their twilight podcast that is coming out this week. So watch out!
That’s awesome! Congrats, ladies!
Kassia: MuggleCast is releasing a Twilight podcast? I hadn’t heard that – I stopped listening a couple of months ago. What is it going to be called?
Mugglecast? I can’t keep up with that… I tried… but I put all my HP books in storage *hides under a rock from fans* yeah… i can’t read them all the time now because Ron Weasly used to be the love of my life, and now i can’t bare to read them because I feel like Bella sometimes between Ron, and Edward… sad — oh yeah. But I tried to listen to muggle cast a long time ago, and i never got into it… nope. TST on the other hand! <3 it!
OMG! It’s coming out this week?! YAY! I love Mugglecast!
Don’t worry thought TST! I listen to a ton of Twilight podcasts, and you guys will always be my favorite!! =]
Just went to the site. The podcast is called imprint.
Yeah, mugglecast just released it’s 150th episode. And they have a pretty strong fan base too. I will still listen to tst, but I am pretty excited about being able to hear matt and andrew talking twilight too. Not to plug it or anything, but their website is twilightsource .com
YEAH! you deserve it!! You ROCK girls you ARE the best!! i luv you
That’s so cool! Congratulations Kallie and Kassie! It’s well-deserved and earned. Your show’s the best.
No worries. TST and Mugglecast are the only podcasts I listen to. They are quality all the way. Don’t take any negativity to heart! Kallie and Kassie are so funny and that’s all their own- not to be compared to any other podcast!
And, I have plenty of room for 2 Twilight podcasts but TST won’t be replaced.
HP fans don’t need to be all competitive (and no one is a bigger HP fan than me!).
Sorry for bringing mugglecast up. I can listen to both.
It’s about sharing the fandom lurve, right kids? And I’ll be listening to both TST and Imprint!
I LOVE MuggleCast AND Pottercast AND TST!! There’s enough room for all. They’re all so different and entertaining. Plus anything that makes going to the gym more enjoyable gets 2 thumbs up from me. Keep up the great work ladies. You’re awesome!!
Rock on TST!!! I guess that my two favorite podcast are a lot of other peoples too!!!
You guys are awesome.
That’s all we need to know.
Also, Mugglecast is ending weekly episodes really soon so we need more podcasts. Please don’t leave us like Mugglecast Kassie and Kallie!
Hey you know what? It doesnt matter about someone having a better podcast then someone else. Everyone brings something different to the table and I won’t be put in the position where I have to choose between my two favourite podcasts. Their both awesome.
Wwwwooo yeah nice one kallie and kassie!!! keep up the good work i am loving the podcast!
We’re loving you here in wales!
Don’t worry. Twilight Source or whatever it’s called is a cash cow site.. Your podcast won’t be replaced. 🙂