Question of the Week ~ Mystery Story?

Jun 26th, 2008 | By | Category: Question of the Week

This week we have a questions that might just make you think harder than any other question we have asked before!  While Stephenie Meyer was in Germany on her book tour, she mentioned that Breaking Dawn correlates to two stories.  One story she confirmed was A Midsummer Night’s Dream, but the second remains a mystery!


What do YOU think the second story that Breaking Dawn correlates with is?  And, how do you think that story will play out in Breaking Dawn?

103 Comments to “Question of the Week ~ Mystery Story?”

  1. Mary says:

    oh oh. first comment 😀 Maybee.. hmm. Hamlet? Maybe one of the Volturi, or a nomadic vampire that knew Victoria and James, will kill Charlie, and Bella will take revenge on them, and kill them too. Although none of them would be able to marry Renee, unless Phil killed Charlie, but that’s almost unspeakable. Twilight was supposedly based off of Romeo and Juliet, so that got me thinking about other Shakespeare plays, and if you think about it, the plot of Hamlet could actually work, although it would be horribly sad, and I would probably cry. It could also work with the post i made on last week’s QOTW, where I said that Renee might die, so it could go that way, instead of being Charlie, but I would still probably cry

  2. Erica says:

    I mentioned this in an earlier email to you, but I thought I’d post it here as well.

    This came to me a few nights ago out of nowhere. I had no idea what the second story could possibly be, when suddenly I found myself thinking “Tuck Everlasting.” I hadn’t watched the movie or read the book recently, but there it was, this idea in my head, and it seemed to make so much sense!

    Tuck Everlasting is a story about a young girl named Winnie, who befirends and forms a close relationship with the youngest son of the Tuck family, Jesse. The Tucks, after drinking from the fountain of youth, are cursed (from their perspective) with immortality. In the end, **SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT**, Winnie must choose a life of immortality with Jesse and the Tuck family, or a mortal life in which she will be able to bear children and grandchildren, etc. We see Jess visit her grave many years later, seemingly never having forgotten her.

    I honestly hope this theory isn’t true, and that I am WAY off. I want Bella to be changed and to spend eternity with Edward more than I’ve wanted any other ending in a novel, EVER. But the similarities are so close that it worries me.

    Thoughts? Please feel free to squash this theory, as having it dis-prooved will actually be a GOOD thing for me :o)

  3. sarah smiles says:

    Cool! I’m first!
    I think that Breaking Dawn corolates with the third Pirates of the carribean. I know, I know it’s a movie not a book but this is what I’m thinking of not Stephanie Meyer
    (Even though the question was what she was thinking)
    I think it will be like Pirates because all the important stuff happens in this one
    will and elizabeth get married
    Jack returns(or mainly someone goes and gets him)
    a really big and important fight scene takes place
    and I really hope you don’t think I’m an idiot but they go on a long and dangerous journey to go to a place with many pirates(or vampires) and even though among friends they get in easy fights
    I also think an important character double crosses them, most likely one of the Denali clan cuz of laurent
    also I think a new cool villian in Breaking Dawn would be someone like Davy Jones. Someone who hates lve and tries to get bella and edward appart.
    DA DA DA
    I dunno who though
    that was extremley random and stupid theory that pirates the third corolates with breaking dawn. I am all finished now

  4. tiffshakes says:

    I am still stuck on Jane Eyre. The wedding will be broken up with some huge reveal! Thats my story and I am sticking to it.

  5. Kelly says:

    OHHHHH! I just thought of a good one! One of the Harry Potter books! My idea is the last one! This might not be a oh so great answer because my memory has gone on vacation today and I have forgotten half of what happens in the book! (aw sad!) To support my reasoning, well because (this isnt gonna be cheery but…) A LOT of people died in the last HP book and they died to save another person (mostly Harry i think!) and in all of the theories i’ve read people say people will die for Bella! Just like people died for Harry? Hmm…..interesting!
    Well the theory was good in my mind! And i feel i might be on to something!!!! And remember this: people compare Stephenie Meyer all the time to J.K. Rowling! 🙂

  6. Star says:

    I think it’s Forever Dawn. For those of you who don’t know, Forever Dawn is the original sequel to Twilight. Stephenie said it didn’t get plublished, because it was a little too adult. Not like “xxx”, but it wasn’t as teen friendly as New Moon and Eclipse. When asked, Stephenie said she won’t post Forever Dawn on her website, because she was using the book for her real sequels. I mean, it makes perfect sense, if she had posted it, it would have given away whta is going to happen. :)!

  7. Marissa says:

    I think the second book will be Tuck Everlasting , it has like the family of immortals and then the boy who falls in love with the mortal girl. I think it will have that type of vibe except in Tuck Everlasting Tuck whats Winnie to drink from the fountain of youth and she doesn’t but , she chooses a normal, human life and has kids and grows old but I think in Breaking Dawn (as we know) Edward doesn’t neccesarily think that immortal life is whats right for Bella but I think in the end she will choose immortal life with Edward .

  8. Marissa says:

    Sorry got the name wrong the boys name is Jesse ( sorry ! I love you guys )

  9. Isabel says:

    How awesome would it be if it was something like “A Charlie Brown Christmas” or something totally random and not a “classic”?!

    Anyway…that thought just made me smile.

  10. Jolinda says:

    SM has used one Emily Bronte, two William Shakespeare, and one Jane Austen. I think it’s time for another Jane Austen. SM loves Jane Austen. There are some that could work with MSND. In Emma, Emma is constantly setting her friend Harriet to love all the eligible men in turn that she approves of. They all love other people. The one man she wouldn’t dream of setting Harriet up with, Mr. Knightly, Harriet is totally infatuated with. He loves Emma. In Mansfield Park, Fanny deeply loves Edmund. He ends up loving Mary, who Fanny thinks has an evil core. In the end he sees the evil core. He then realizes that Fanny is more than just his best friend. He loves her.

  11. Adrienne says:

    I agree with the idea that it’s based off of Forever Dawn. It would make sense that Stephenie wouldn’t just throw that one aside and start from scratch. After all, she always knew how the story would end.

    But for the sake of the matter, I would really enjoy it being like Jane Eyre. I think that would play nicely into SM’s collection of references(Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet, Wuthering Heights, Midsummer Night’s Dream… Jane Eyre?).

    So onto the theory… I believe that Jacob would be St. John and Edward would be Mr. Rochester of course :). St. John is good to Jane and when he decides to go off to India he asks Jane to go with him- as his wife. But she refuses him because she cannot abandon her true love.

    This could relate to Jacob and Bella because Jacob may come back for Bella and ask her not to marry him and give her immortal life away and run stay with him. He may ask her to runaway with him and she will refuse of course because she cannot abandon her one true love.

    Also, right when Jane and Mr. Rochester are about to get married for the first time, someone interrupts the wedding saying that he is already married. I think this will happen at Bella and Edward’s wedding but, instead of Edward being married, the Volturri will come and interrupt the wedding, objecting to Edward’s plan to marry a human or they will be mad that she is not human yet. Their wedding will be postponed and there will be a huge conflict leading up to a battle between the Cullens and the Volturi.

    Just how Jane found Mr. Rochester later in the story, eyesight gone and one of his hands MIA, Edward will be bruised and broken but still alive and they will soon get married and Bella will become a vamp!

  12. Callie Cullen says:

    I really like the idea of Jane Eyre (even though reading that book was torture for me after Twilight).

    I did here over on the Twilight Teens forums that someone had the idea that BD was based on (are you ready for this?) The Bible!
    I have to admit, I’m not very religious, but this plays right along with Kallie’s theory that Jake and Leah will get together. In the Bible, Jacob is married to Leah.

  13. Mariah says:

    I could be cliche and go with Romeo and Juliet. We all want that fairytale ending where Bella and Edward live happily ever after (at least those of us who are Team Edward). But lets face it, books don’t always go the way we planned and thats what makes them worth reading; the plot twists and turns. I hope and pray that the story ends happily and gives me one of those ‘Aww’ moments where my heart pounds whenever Edward speaks. I didn’t really answer the question but oh well 😀

  14. Joyce says:

    See Through the Looking Glass where Alice helps the White Queen dress in, I think, Chapter 5.

  15. Lindsay says:

    Now, I don’t actually think the book I am going to say is the other book she is basing BD on! But I do find one similarity that I think is important. Being a Harry Potter fan, I have been taught to recognize the power of choice! Dumbledore says, “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” Every character in Twilight is defined by the choices they have made, and again, while I do not think that BD will be based from HP in any way, I do think that both stories give great value to the choices a person makes. For example, the Cullens have abilities that would allow them to kill humans, however, they choose to be vegetarian because they believe it’s the right thing to do. Both stories teach us that your choices define who you are and I believe that the choices Bella, Edward, or any other character makes in BD are going to be important, not only to the overall story, but to the very soul of their character. Again, I really do not think the two books are similar, but they both have such strong emphasis on the power of choice and I think that’s a good lesson all around! 🙂

  16. Danielle says:

    Okay… so… I was thinking it might be Sense and Sensibility….
    But i am going to read that after pride and prejiduce… so yeah I will telll u more after I read it.

  17. LeeO says:

    I think that Jane Eyre is a pretty good candidate (not just because Edward is the name of both male lead characters) as there are many parallels in the two stories to date. Specifically as Bella is always referring to the inequities between herself and Edward (going back to Jane being young, plain, penniless and alone in the world to Edward being much older, more worldly wise). Bella often refers to herself as most inequal to Edward Cullen in terms of monetary wealth, physical and mental attributes (is there nothing that Edward doesn’t excel at?)

    Now what causes some stress for me is that if this is even remotely true and there are further parallels, Edward Rochester defies the fates by attempting to take Jane to wife. As Jane and Edward cannot marry due to an *impediment* which then causes Jane to be presumed lost and then finds her cousins the Rivers, you could assume something comes up at the wedding that stops Bella and Edward at the altar. Also, you can also make the scary leap that Edward becomes blinded and disfigured in Jane Eyre in an attempt to defy heaven to have what he wants most (soul in jeopardy).

    There are many other parallels I can come up with. Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books. You could say I was Team Edward from the old school.

  18. Celeste says:

    I’m thinking Breaking Dawn will correlate with Jane Eyre. In the chapter preview, Bella’s uncomfortable attitude toward Edward’s gifts reminded me strongly of Jane’s feelings when she and Mr. Rochester first got engaged and he tried to shower her with presents. If I’m right about the correlation, then we may be seeing one more separation for Bella and Edward before they can live happily ever after, just like Jane and Mr. Rochester. Also, Mr. Rochester and Edward have the same first name, though I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

  19. Robyn says:

    I think the mystery book is REBECCA by DAPHNE DU MAURIER (one of Stephenie Meyer’s favorites). It is about a woman who, after a short courtship, marries a rich man and returns to his mansion. The housekeeper is a villain and tries to put a wedge between the new married couple by always comparing the bride to the groom’s deceased first wife, Rebecca, to whom the new bride feels she can never measure up. The evil housekeeper tries to convince the new bride to jump out the window and kill herself. It turns out that he never loved Rebecca and Rebecca wanted her husband to kill her because she was dying of cancer, so she told him she was pregnant by another man. He shot her, but when it was discovered that she was dying anyway, the husband’s murderous act was seen more as Rebecca’s suicide. The husband and bride exiled themselves to avoid suspicion.

    As far as Breaking Dawn relating to this story, Bella and Edward will marry and she will become a vampire. I think they will maybe live with the Denali vampires as a sort of newborn reinforcement. I think one of those vampires will be jealous of Bella and Edward and try to put a wedge between them by constantly belittling Bella and her awkward fledgling abilities, making her feel that she still isn’t good enough for Edward (one of her biggest fears). I think Bella will leave Edward and the Volturi will capture her and Edward will have to come to her rescue. In the end, Bella will have mastered her vampire skills and she and Edward will destroy the Volturi and live in exile all by themselves, happily for eternity.

  20. Jessica loves Edward says:

    I agree with Star. I think it’s going to have the basic plot line from Stephenie Meyer’s story that she decided not to publish. I can think of something by a different author.. my brain doesn’t have that kind of compatibility. Lol

  21. I Believe that the second story is Romeo and Juliet. I think this because, i strongly believe that Jacob may die, and then Bella would die kind of. (A hole in her heart.) I know this sounds far fetched but is my idea. Has anyone ever thought of using an ouji board to find out these questions? LOL

  22. Michelle says:

    I don’t understand why people think it’s Romeo and Juliet. Why would Stephenie use it again? That was the book that correlated to New Moon.

  23. Matt Dub-ya (W) says:

    I know it says book……but i think it will relate with the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Edward and his family are the greek people in the movie who will only accept the groom if he becomes greek, that is basically like replacing bella with the groom and instead of becoming greek she will become vampire. Now heres were it becomes interesting. sinse edwards “real” family will accept bella either way, not counting rosalie, they could not possibley be the greek family who will not accept her. Instead the greek family will be the voulturi, because they either want bella to be a vampire or (gulps) dead. That is the theorie. and to top it all off , the whole movie was about the wedding, and supposedly the book will be about the wedding to. Just give it some thought. I know it is just a bit out there, but is entirely possible.

  24. Sam K says:

    i really love your pocasts im so happy i found them..i just found this site recently and i check it on a daily basis!

    but anyways the tuck everlasting does make sense but i hate hate hate it! i cant let bella ‘live’ so to speak she must be turned!

    but i think that being captain obvious it will be *ROMEO AND JULIET* now i dont want jacob to die, but in the story it says something like

    “They fight. Paris falls”

    I think this works because initially Bella is like Juliet and she falls in love with edward [romeo] And County Paris is jacob and he loves her but ‘juliet’ doesnt want to be with him..Romeo and County Paris fight and romeo wins, also Benvolio is like Jasper because benvolio ‘keeps the peace’ and jasper has his calming powers charlie [lord capulet] objects to the couple when he treatens to kick her out and would rather see juliet with paris [jacob]

    i also hope this doesnt happen because we all know how this story ends :[
    but it doesnt mean thats how is supposed to end because Stephenie just said these stories correlate to Breaking dawn not totally based on it, at least i hope not!!

    and twilight and romeo and juliet are based on the fact of merely “star crossed lovers”

    i cant wait to find out!

  25. Naom says:

    I think it is it will not be Romeo and Juliet ( stephine would never write someting like that) or Jane eyr
    I think it is the book ‘Walk two moons’ beacuse of the scene where Sal and phebe are in ‘danger and think’ of the worst posible resons to pannik and think their life is ending Sal cant not belive Her mom is dead. I htink thatvthis vwill relate beacuse Charlie may not belive at firsgt how Bella “IS DEAD” (yes i think she will fake a deth)**- and Edward may tgink that Bella’s life is in morel dangr

  26. Naom says:

    So ifavent read Wlak two moons read it it is sooooo goood

  27. Elizabeth Cullen says:

    I’m thinking Breaking Dawn might resemble Stephenie Meyer’s other book, The Host.

    here’s a quick sum-up of where we are so far.
    Jacob is still M.I.A. and Edward marries Bella, blah blah blah.
    Once she is a vampire, she’ll be super (supah) powerful. The Volturi might try to brainwash (brainwashing, or changing the images Bella sees when she looks at something (i.e. she’s looking at Edward, but sees an enemy of the Cullen’s) might be Alec’s power) her into destroying the Cullens and werewolves, which essentailly is what the souls did to any survivors.
    This thought also follows our version of how Breaking Dawn correlates with Midsummer’s Night Dream if they want to confuse Bella about who she loves…like it the Host. How Wanderer didn’t know if she loved Jared or Ethan, because of Melanie’s emotions.

    Bella might succeed and possibly kill Sam; which isn’t likely since he’s had more time to get used to and build his own powers.

    Edward may try to beat the crazy out of Bella (i.e. kisses, actual dueling, or even bringing Jacob back), almost how Jared fought with Wanderer to get his true love, Melanie, back.

    Ooooh, and the Volturi are like the Seekers.

    It might be far-fetched, but I like it.

    Also, I have these new ideas about the Breaking dawn cover.

    The pawn could be either the Denali clan or Cullen family, the queen could be the Volturi.
    (The pawn could go either way depending on which group of vegitarian vamps the Volturi decide to use towards their own benefit.)
    the pawn represents Bella and the Queen is the Volturi. This means more newborns, this time instead of Victoria being their creator, it’s the Volturi. (duh, Victoria is dead)
    They try to copy Victoria and distract the Cullens and kidnap Bella. To of course, brainwash her.

    Of course there are endless possibilities of metaphors the pawn and queen could stand for.

    sorry it’s so long, I’ve got more thoughts, but I’ll save them and give y’all a break. just so y’all know I’m having miny party for my revelations…even if they’re wrong.

    great podcasts, love them love y’all 😉

    flames/comments are welcome

  28. Elizabeth Cullen says:

    quick addition,

    the Volturi might’ve caught Jacob and they bring him around just so that Ailce doesn’t see their movements.

    The Cullens leave Bella while they go deal with the fresh batch of new borns, because they haven’t had time to train her properly. This gives the Volturi a chance to get her alone and do their dirty buisness.

    But there’s always speculation about where or not Alec’s power (“brainwashing”) would work on Bella and her brain.

    I’m contradicting myslef so I’m gonna stop.

    we still love you Kassie. well I do.

  29. emily loves llamas says:

    Weeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll, my god ur right! this is a tough question. I think this book might correlate with Uglies by Scott Westerfield. She might not know it will, but it might. What happens is this girl gets changed into a person called a “Pretty”. Sound kinda similar? Well anyways, she goes to get the operation (extensively painful operation. man, my theory is getting better by the minute!) and these people who are called the “Special Circumstances” tell her that she can be “Pretty” when she turns this group of rebellious people who ran away because they didn’t want to be “Pretty” in. Some of those people happen to be her closest friends. “Special Circumstances” are the police.
    I think this book will correlate with Breaking Dawn because here’s what I think is gonna happen:
    So, Edward has Bella and they’re all married and he’s about to change Bella, but the Volturi come storming in and tell Bella that, until she finds Jacob and the rest of the werewolves and turns them in, the Cullens will be destroyed if she gets changed. She will have to choose who she wants to keep most, her best friend or her husband, knowing full well that, to get what she wants, someone (the pawn on the cover) is going to have to die…
    Hope you like it and it answers your question. I kind of just skimmed the question. Keep up the great work.

  30. Ashley says:

    I think the reason why Stephenie Meyer has not revealed the title of the second literary reference is that the title or the novel is commonly known. If she gave away the title of the book that would give away too much about the plot of Breaking Dawn. So my best guess is that the second literary reference other than A Midsummer Nights Dream, is Tuck Everlasting. In general the Twilight series and this novel have parallel plots and themes. Both involve falling in love with someone that can not die and the ability to decide whether or not to be mortal or immortal. In Tuck Everlasting, Winnie’s (the main character) isn’t quite conflicted over her decision. She wants badly to drink from the immortal spring so she can be young and with the person she loves for eternity. But when Tuck explains the decision that she is making, she changes her mind. After the first Twilight book I was convinced that Bella would not become a vampire because of Tuck Everlasting. But Stephenie Meyer made me want Bella to become a vampire with New Moon and Eclipse. I think that is the point, to make us want it as much as Bella, but to realize that an immortal life is really no life at all, even when you are with the person you love.

  31. Alexis says:

    the phantom of the opera!

  32. Mel says:

    Totally Jane Eyre.
    I haven’t read it, because I’m obviously not as smart as LeeO, BUT…like all great literary minds, I found this quote from wikipedia from Jane Eyre…fitting? I think so…
    “I know what it is to live entirely for and with what I love best on earth. I hold myself supremely blest—blest beyond what language can express; because I am my husband’s life as fully as he is mine. No woman was ever nearer to her mate than I am: ever more absolutely bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. I know no weariness of my Edward’s society: he knows none of mine, any more than we each do of the pulsation of the heart that beats in our separate bosoms; consequently, we are ever together. To be together is for us to be at once as free as in solitude, as gay as in company. We talk, I believe, all day long: to talk to each other is but a more animated and an audible thinking. All my confidence is bestowed on him, all his confidence is devoted to me; we are precisely suited in character—perfect concord is the result. (Chapter XXXVIII)”

  33. Sammykins says:

    Hey, I’m fairly new around here as well as new to the series. I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic and this is my theory and I could totally be wrong, but that’s ok!

    If this book is influenced by A Midsummer Night’s Dream, then I agree that Jane Eyre is a good companion to that story. I know many people feel that way, because of the upcoming wedding.

    In Eclipse, they mention Edwards relationship with Tanya from the Denali clan. What if Tanya is more to Edward than we think? In Jane Eyre, the wedding is broken up, because someone objects on the grounds that Mr. Rochester is already married.

    This would play well with A Midsummer Night’s Dream, because Tanya would be the Helena character who was engaged to Demetrius (Edward) before he met Hermia (Bella). Though she and Bella were never friends. Edward turned his back on Tanya after meeting Bella, making Tanya a “jilted” lover.

    The turn of events leads to the forest… Maybe Bella’s dream where Jacob attacks Edward? In Midsummer, Demetrius and Lysander go to fight over Helena IN THE WOODS! The fight doesn’t happen in the play, but maybe in the book it will. Which would be SO weird, but some good drama.

    I’m just hoping my theory isn’t that close, because Eward and Tanya would end up married… Then Jacob and Bella would get married. This sorts out the human/non-human relationships… BUT I’m team Edward all the way and I want Bella with him.

    There are so many classic novels she could choose to parallel, so this is my best guess. I like the idea of revisiting Romeo & Juliet, but in a way I don’t want that either!

    This is off topic, but there is something that has been bothering me!!! How did Billy Black become paralyzed? That was never answered in the book was it? I wonder if it has anything to do with the vampires.

    Love the podcast guys, keep up the good work!

  34. Sarah L. says:

    Wow…… I havent really thought a lot about the whole second book, but I agree Tuck Everlasting is the best option in my mind. It is sooooo similar to Twilight and the werid thing is I didnt really like Tuck. Hmm maybe the whole vampire thing turned me on. Anyways, now that u mentioned Tuck im worried that ur rite because Winnie choose to keep her mortality and if it was Tuck, SM wouldnt say it now cause it would give away Bella’s choice in BD. OH! and I can see how this fits in with Midsummer Nights dream cause then she would fall in love with Jacob. Awww man I hope your wrong! Bella NEEDS to be with EDWARD!! But nice theory

  35. Toni Sifonte says:

    I agree with someone else about Tuck Everlasting. I’ve read the book before and have seen the similarities in Bella and Winnie. I think that Bella will get cold feet before the wedding, and turn to Jacob for comforting (as he always does). This will probably turn into a whole “If you’re with me, you don’t have to be scared or be changed to fit my life.” (As i am 100% team Edward i would never want this to happen, but i notice that Stephenie is always full of surprises). I predict she will turn to and become, yet again unsure of what she wants in her life. I think Tanya could return, and as in Midsummer Nights Dream, turn it into a mixed up pairing, maybe Edward might no be in love with her, but the mixing will have to do with who is spending “extra” quality time with each other. It will be like a Jacob and Bella, and Tanya and Edward. I dont know if this will be the case, but I am 100% sure that it will not be a Romeo and Juliet ending. I say this, because, if, lets say Jacob were to die for Bella, (him being the pawn) i dont believe Bella would kill herself or Edward let Bella do so; I’m sure Bella would be hurt and have guilt for a while, but not enough to kill herself. I also dont believe that if Edward were to be the pawn (as my sister and i have been arguing) Bella would kill herself either, because as Jacob always says, “he will be waiting in the wings” and I believe Bella will have the will power to keep living, (as she did so in New Moon). I hope i am totally wrong about Tuck Everlasting, just because that would be a sucky way to end a well waited for 4th book.
    I also wanted to say that i adore Twilight Series Theories, i listen to your podcasts before i go to sleep and since its Summer Vacation i stay up late to hear imaginary voice talking through my Ipod headphones. LOL. And I love the way you add music to the simplest things like “Supporter Speculatiooooonnnn!”

  36. Sam K says:

    oooh!! i know i allready posted but i really like the idea of the Host! it makes alot of sense but that could just be because since its by the same author its just her writing style but Jane Eyre sounds really good for it too! i just keep reminding myself that nomatter what story it is it doesnt mean it will end in the same way!

    i do think that it will most likely be from a classic though!

  37. heartsxlie says:

    this isn’t necessarily answering the question of the week, but i thought you guys might find this interesting.

    everyone is worried that bella isn’t going to actually be changed into a vampire, even though we all KNOW that she should. my observation is this:

    stephenie meyer had no intentions of extending the series beyond twilight, right? and it’s not like she’s just making this stuff up (okay, she is, but hold on), she actually has these stories in her head. it’s not like she sits around and deliberates about what should happen. they just come to her and she writes them down. anyways, back to my point, at the end of twilight (before anyone thought that there was going to be a “new moon”), everyone thought that edward bit bella at the end of the epilouge, which means that edward and bella were always going to end up with eachother. so my theory is that because twilight was really supposed to be the only one in the series, that was supposed to be the ending. however, due to popular demand, other books were written and published, but the ending WILL STAY THE SAME.

  38. Christine says:

    Without reading any of the comments above, I think it is Pride and Prejudice…again.

    About a few days ago, I had started reading some cliff notes on the book because I was reluctant on actually reading it. So far, what I have learned about Pride and Prejudice that irony plays out during the whole book, and that reminded me of Eclipse. Remember when Bella thought of the two magnets on her fridge as Edward and Jacob? In the end, she was wrong. Just like how Elizabeth thought of Mr. Darcy being reserved because of his social status. I know that Eclipse wasn’t Twilight, but I can tell that Stephenie has a thing for patterns. And she might even be hiding them like clues.

    I think it will play out in BD by having Bella think of something a certain way (for example, Jacob running away), and in the end, having it turn out the other.
    I know my theory is pretty raw and blank, but hey, why not? Maybe Stephenie recycles, too. 🙂

  39. Tiffany says:

    I think “Phantom of the Opera” by Gaston Leroux

    plot: girl finds boy, love erupts incredibly quickly, someone else comes along to take girl for himself, two men fight over girl, best man gets girl in the end…

    in this case, edward is boy #1 (Raoul). jacob is boy #2. (phantom) its kinda going along with the entire series, and then at the end of phantom of the opera, the final couple live a happy life together, however, this only happens after a serious battle between the opposing forces, and some outsiders as well (opera members equalling cullens, la push people, and possibly the volturi)

    well thats all i have so far! love the podcast!

  40. Paola says:

    I’m thinking through the looking glass by Lewis Carroll. pardon me I might butcher the book here but is late and my brain is not working properly besides english not being my native tongue but I’ll do my best to explain my choice for the second book so bear with me:
    what first got me thinking about this book was the cover art for breaking dawn the chess pieces. now in TTLG Alice ponders what the world is like on the other side of a mirror, just like Bella ponders what is like to be a vampire. also the chess game in TTLG is used as metaphor for fate, in TTLG Alice has been pre-ordained to become the white queen, Just like I believe sorry going out on a limb here since midnight sun is not out yet that Bella has been “pre-destined” to become a vampire all alone since the beginning of twilight why do I believe this simple because Alice can see the future, I’m not one for gambling but I bet that Alice had a vision about Bella becoming a vampire way back when Bella and Edward first started to hang out back in twilight.
    MSND and TTLG both are fantasies that strecht into the realm of reality MSND does it by using faries and TTLG by using dreams and just like Alice Bella is famous for her dreams.
    Anyways I could write a 5 page essay on this but I don’t want to bore y’all but this is my crazy reasonings as to why I think TTLG is the second book that SM used as inspiration.

  41. Ashtyn says:

    Okay so i am reading the sixth harry potter (cuase i have to read something cause i can’t read twilight for the fourth time!! I NEED BREAKING DAWN!!!) anyways i have heard bout the seventh harry potter have not read it but the end i think will be just like breaking dawn!
    i think this becuase i think the volturi/voldermont will die in a war.
    Then Harry/edward will marry Ginny/bella
    Then Ron/Jacob/charlie will marry Hermonie/leah/and leahs mom
    srry for the great novel!!
    but i LOVE the twilight series!!!
    i love you guys!!!
    keep it going!

  42. T-o-doubleN-y-a says:

    Having a serious book obsession, I can think of a million books it could be. But, I’m not going to mention any because in the end, whatever SM writes is the only thing that matters. Sure it would be great if Bella lives, turns, etc etc but if it doesn’t happen, oh well–although I would be dissapointed–it’s still one hell of a good series!! Since SM is often refered to as the “next J.K. Rowling” Breaking Dawn could end just like the HP books: happily ever after.

    Only time will tell.

  43. Sam says:


    dont forget that this might not be the last book in the series!!

    they even announced it on one of the podcasts that stephenie confirmed she has an outline for a 5th and ending for a 6th!!!

    she just needs a break because its been really stressful so this doesnt have to be the end!

  44. Ali says:

    I really feel like there will be a situation with renee and charlie … if she does end up turning into a vampire … who knows.. i also bet there will be a big show down with the boys ..

  45. Jolinda says:

    I can’t believe I just thought of this, but it would go perfectly with MSND. SM loves Jane Austen novels. If you haven’t read Northanger Abbey, read it. It is super funny. Catherine loves Henry and he loves her, but she doesn’t know for sure till the end. Catherine’s brother James loves Isabella, and she loves him. They become engaged. Isabella’s brother John also loves Catherine, but she thinks he’s a cocky jerk. John and James are really good friends. John tells Henry’s father, General Tilney, that Catherine’s family is extremely wealthy. Henry’s brother, Frederick, comes to town and toys with Isabella’s heart. General Tilney brings Catherine to his home, Northanger Abbey, to be a companion for his daughter Eleanor. James gets jealous of Frederick and leaves Isabella (she’s a bit money hungry). The next time John comes across General Tilney, he tells him that Catherine’s family hasn’t a penny to their name. He gets mad and sends her away. Henry finds out, goes after her, and marries her. Talk about your mixed up love story. Catherine = Bella, Henry = Edward, James = Jacob, Isabella = Jessica, John = Mike, Eleanor = Alice, Frederick = ?

  46. Kate says:

    First of all, those of you who said Harry Potter made my day! I love Harry Potter, and it’s a great thought that one of them would inspire SM.

    My first thought was Jane Eyre, but then I read the Last post. And I agree Jolinda completly- Northanger Abbey has many similarities, that could possibly parralel the story. And I agree that everyone should read it! However, I still think SM used Jane Eyre, and that it wuld compare the best.

  47. Francheska says:

    Well, I was thinking so hard it almost became comical.

    I was looking through my book case and considered some Jane Austen.
    It was getting late and I was getting a little bit loopy, and right next to Austen was Nancy Drew!
    Now, this silly thought came across:
    what if it’s based off a mystery?
    haha, I thought I was crazy.
    My thoughts wandered about Charlie getting killed and the Cullen Crew solving the murder Nancy Drew-esque.
    It was nearing three in the morning and I was almost hysterical.

    just a silly thought.
    I don’t really believe it will happen,
    but it’d be cool if it did.
    haha, I’m nuts.

  48. Cyndi says:

    I totally think that Breaking Dawn will be played out a bit like Jane Eyre. Just like the wedding was broken up with the revelation that Mr. Rochester was already married, someone will break the wedding up this time. There was probably more to Edward and Tanya and she heard about the wedding and in revulsion she might have ticked off the Volturi about the werewolves and their alliances with the Cullens. This would give them more reason to dislike Bella because not only does she know a lot about the Vampires but she has also exposed them to their “natural” enemies. They might come after Bella and this might be the emergency transformation.
    It’s a bit off topic sorry, but i love your guys podcasts its the best!!

  49. Jolinda says:

    I was hanging out in Supporter Speculation when I saw something that made me go hhmmm?! It isn’t on here so here it is. Ellie B. said “I think that the second book for BD (other than MSND) could be Anne of Green Gables, because SM mentions it in her book (like she does all the other books that her series is based on)”. It is mentioned in Eclipse twice. The first time is on page 277. The second time is on page 614. They both involve wedding stuff. Sounds good to me, but I didn’t want to take credit for it.

  50. Jessica from England!!! says:

    Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn all correlate to one or two famous pieces of Literature.
    Twilight – Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
    New Moon – Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.
    Eclipse – Withering Heights by (i think) Charlotte Bronte.

    We know that Breaking Dawn partially correlates with A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare. There have been many theories from all you wonderful people about how it correlates e.g imprinting, love triangle etc.
    I think that the mystery book/story could be something connected with a religious story, this might sound a little far fetched but what if Breaking Dawn was slightly based on the two women – in Twilights case two men (Edward and Jacob) claiming that the baby is theirs. (In this case it would be Bella). Now i know Jacob has already given Bella to Edward but i don’t think that he has given up yet. Edward and Jacob will have to decide how to keep Bella alive. It could be that Jacob has to give her up to Edward to turn her into a vampire to save her life (if she is dying).
    Or something drastic will happen resulting (like in New Moon) for Edward to make a final decision to give Bella to Jacob in order for her to live a normal life. Don’t worry Kassie i definately don’t like this idea! Jacob boo!
    Or it could correlate with Hamlet by William Shakespeare.
    Alecs power could be to influence the mind in some way – persuasion or injecting false images into the mind. Maybe as a way of luring Bella to the volturri Alec could project an image of Edward dead, and being killed by the Volturri. Could also fill Bella with rage, grief and also need for revenge. This will lead her to fly to Italy to find the Volturri and landing in the trap.
    In Hamlet, grief and need for revenge are strong aspects of the story. Hamlet wants revenge on his uncle who killed his father. What if something results in Bella going to the volturri or the denali clan (we don’t know their powers yet) and seeking revenge for the death of someone???
    I don’t really want to guess at what the mystery story might be, because even though a Midsummer Nights Dream itself is a confusing, funny and happy story – in the end. In Twilight non of us will be happy if the love gets messed around with…go Edward and Bella! Even though i would like a big battle for the volturri to be defeated yay! And for Jacob to find someone that doesn’t have the name Bella or Swann! We need a good story, love story, adventure story that correlates with Breaking Dawn, non that will mess with the Cullens!

    love the podcast


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