80 Bucks For A Movie Poster!?!

Jun 30th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News


Have you guys been wanting a Twilight Movie Poster, I know I have, but I am not paying 80 bucks for a poster.  I guess I am going to have to wait for Moviegoods.com to restock! We recently heard from Moviegoods.com and this is what they had to say,

 Hello Kallie,

Thank you for your inquiry. We are currently sold out on this title, but we
are diligently working to secure more stock on this title. When we restock
this title, we will email you to let you know. I’m sorry for the


4 Comments to “80 Bucks For A Movie Poster!?!”

  1. Libbey says:

    Hey are you going to update when you get an email from them about the posters being restocked? Because I really want one too. Or could you email me when you get the email?

  2. Chelsea C. says:

    I found a reprint of the same size on amazong and its just the same FOR $18! I honestly dont care if it is a reprint because I dotn plan on reselling it any tiem soon. Not to mention it is absolutely stunning. It is on great paper and actually as soon as I post this I’m going to go get a frame for my Twilight poster =)

  3. Caitlin says:

    $80? That’s like £60 or something. Phew, that’s a lot of money!

  4. Brooke says:

    umm……. yeah i got one 4 free…………. i went to my library and put my name on the waiting list for eclipse and the librarian kept talking to me about it then he gave me a poster……………….

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