Twilight Guy Reads Chapters 18 & 19
Jun 23rd, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Book News
To check out The Twilight Guy’s reaction to Chapter 18: The Hunt and Chapter 19: Goodbyes, click here!
To check out The Twilight Guy’s reaction to Chapter 18: The Hunt and Chapter 19: Goodbyes, click here!
So, Peter has sent a message to his friends on MySpace! There is also a message from Chelle, Peter’s Site Admin, that announces a CONTEST coming soon! When we find out the details they will be delivered directly to you on our site! To read Peter’s note, click here! To read about the contest, click here!
“Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen) is in this weeks edition of ‘US Weekly’ on page 47. There were apparantly some thoughts that she was the new love for Chace Crawford (Gossip Girl) but its not true…they are just friends. Just thought you’d all like to know!” Thanks to Tiffany for the tip!
Mark November 11 on your calender! Amazon now has “The Stephenie Meyer Twilight Companion: The Complete Guide” available for pre-order. To view a few stats on the book, including the number of pages, click here!
Gil Birmingham has updated his website with new behind-the-scenes pictures of the cast. To view them, click here!
One of our listeners, and a fellow Twilighter, Stacey has just informed us that Twilight has been listed on! I know, I know… I wish we could actually rent it, but we will have to wait! To see the listing, click here!
Hey everybody — It’s me, Becka. I’m trying to organize a live podcast on the day of the New York City Stephenie Meyer/Justin Fursterfeld event. The show would take place in Manhattan sometime during the day on August 1st. If you’re interested in attending this event, please send an email over to A simple
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One of our listeners, Nicole, told me that NoMoreMarbles got a birthday cake for Edward’s 107th bithday! I could not help but share the hilarious video! LOL! It is priceless to see the employee react to preparing a cake for a 107 year old man! You can watch it here! [HTML1]
Since all of the Breaking Dawn Tour tickets pretty much sold out, Twilight Lexicon has posted about a way to find tickets if people have ended up with extra tickets! To read more about it, click here!
I know you want to see Stephenie in New York on August 1st, or in Los Angeles on August 7th! I sure do… so why not? Oh, that’s right no money, no time… well, now you can make plans to see the concert by Justin Furstenfeld from Blue October and appearance by Stephenie Meyer
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