Christian Serratos Interview
Jun 21st, 2008 | By Kallieross | Category: Movie News
The Twilight Lexicon has posted an interview with Christian, who is playing Angela in the movie Twilight! To read it, click here!
The Twilight Lexicon has posted an interview with Christian, who is playing Angela in the movie Twilight! To read it, click here!
In honor of Edward’s 107th Birthday His Golden took a little trip! You have to watch this video its hilarious!To watch click here!
It is that time again! This week are are asking you a ‘terminal’ question… who will you be giving a death sentence to? What character in the Twilight Series do you think will die in Breaking Dawn? And, how do you think that death will play out in the story?
The Twilight Lexicon has posted 107 Reason We Love Edward, for his 107th Birthday! Here are some of my faves… 14. I love Edward because he never has a bad hair day. -cluck160 49. I love Edward because his dazzling crooked smile makes my knees go weak! -Heather 107.I love Edward so much that I
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Seth has updated her website with some news about the Breaking Dawn tour! To read the latest update click here!
The weekly music write up has been posted on the music page! To check it out click here! (Scroll down and it can be found below the Breaking Dawn cover!)
Hey Twilighters! I have exciting news! You will now be able to listen to the music featured on our playlist here! We will be adding music players! The Twilight player is up and running, and the others should follow soon! To visit our music page click HERE! Enjoy!!!!! 🙂