We love Bailey… and so does Mike!

Jul 1st, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

MTV brings you Twilight Tuesday featuring Mike Welch (Mike Newton), where he talks about Mike as a character, and how he got the role.

“He’s the Shia LeBeouf of Forks”

And hey, we all know NoMoreMarbles (aka Bailey) got the Mike Welch stamp of approval. She gets the TST stamp of approval too, hey, she’s cohosting our live show! She’s like our fandom golden child. And she’s now the hottest thing on the MTV Movies Blog!

“Have your people call my people”

Here is their question for this week… If you were stranded on a desert island from now until December 12th, which “Twilight” personality would you want to be there with you and why? To leave your response, click here!