Hey Twilighters!

Jul 9th, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

Hi fellow Twilighters! This is Kelly! So as you may know a couple months ago our Supporters Speculations page went crazy and caused problems when posting theories! Now we have a second page and would like to keep it from going insane! So please help us out by talking about theories, posting fanfic, and chatting on our forum! This way we can keep the new supporters speculations page running smoothly for everyone! That is why we have been deleting comments, we are sorry for the trouble! We just want to make this site the best it can be! Thank you so much! We here at Twilight Series Theories really love reading everyones theories, comments, and feedback! Keep up the great work! And if you have any questions, comments, or ideas you would like to share with me you can email me at: kdslove328@aim.com! Thanks again! 😀             -Kelly