Backlash for EW Photos

Jul 10th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News



Apparently not all of us fans are pleased with the photos that were made available.  Have you guys heard the backlash? If not, the LA Times has posted an article talking about it.  Check it out here.

*Not every response has been quite so vitriolic, of course. On, kittykatkate wrote: “Honestly, it’s a good picture, but it kinda reminds me of the covers of those romance novels you see at a grocery store or something.” *

The other photos are absolutely fabulous!! Although, what’s up with Jacob’s hair?? *Thanks to BellaandEdward & His Golden Eyes*

Sound off in the forums! 🙂

17 Comments to “Backlash for EW Photos”

  1. Anonymous says:

    In the article it said that Edward was “90-something”. Isn’ t he like over 100 in twilight?

  2. Amelia says:

    Well, I don’t really like the photo. I can’t say much, as I haven’t yet read the article of anything, but the photo does nothing to impress me. Mostly it just grosses me out, actually.

  3. Tina says:

    :'( It makes me sad that people would criticize the picture so much…i like it! I think its kind of intended to make people look at it and be like ‘heey, twilight! awesome!’
    The ‘Jacob’s Hair’ link won’t work for me….

  4. Denise says:

    yeah, i didn’t like the cover very much. it was kinda weird.
    oh well.
    i saw the other pictures inside the magazing on and.
    i agree.
    what the heck is up with jacobs hair?
    it kinda looks like its painted on x]
    oh well.
    but i just love the picture of only Edward and Bella (Spunk Ransom and Kristen) inside the magazine.

  5. taylor says:

    i mean i get what people mean about the cover.
    but i just love the fact that twilight is getting out there on magazines.
    and i think the photoshoot was more rob and kristen then edward and bella i think they just put them in character a little for the article.
    i love love love the inside pics.
    and i like the cover.

    jacobs hair is combed down to make it look like he has a ponytail without him wearing a wig at least thats what it looks like cause you can see the edges.

    but people dont hate we should all be happy that there are even magazines doing these articles just dont sweat it we have 22 days till breaking dawn and then we will all be happy and not so cranky 🙂

  6. Allison says:

    the cast for Bella, is good, but could have been BETTER!!! WAYYYY BETTER!!!! if you go here:

    you will totally understand… i think that kristen is not delicate enough looking!!! you know? and her voice is a little too deep for my taste.. but please tell me if you agree!!! e-mail me too…

  7. The Twihard says:

    I DON’T like the cover, but the the picture witht he article on it is AWESOME.

    I know that the link doesn’t work, but here is one that works.

  8. Paola says:

    wow I don’t really care for the cover picture, like that girl said it reminds me of those smut romance books, and Kristen looks nothing like herself in this pick for a moment there I though they had used a different actress for this shot. well more publicity for the movie.

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  10. LeAnne says:

    I think people are expecting the cover and the story inside to be “true to the book”, or scenes straight ouf of the movie, but it’s a magazine article… a lot of magazine photo shoots go over the top and “glam out” the actors, or exaggerate certain aspects… it’s not meant to be just like Edward, or just like Bella. People should just take it as it is, a magazine article and an over-the-top photo shoot.

  11. verena says:

    i think the pics are really good..the only thing that disturbes me is that kristen is wearing a dress but yeah as LeAnne sad it´s a magazine photo….

  12. Wray says:

    Does no one have a sense of whimsy here?

    The pictures are beautiful, really. They are just going for the “cast of Twilight dresses up like a vampire romance” look. Even the pictures inside are more artsy than realistic. Why, oh why can’t people relax?

  13. Cassieeee says:

    I have seen some scans of the inside…and they are amazing.
    I just didn’t get the cover one…Not saying it’s anything against the cast, or EW!, I just think it could have been better….It just reminds me too much of those romance covers XD
    But I love the inside ones and I CAN’T WAIT to read the interview! But I’m waiting until my friend ships it over ^_^
    And I know they are meant to be ‘artsy’ and the ones inside are, the overall feel of the cover picture just isn’t to my taste…that’s all.

  14. Jasmine says:

    Honestly, I really like the cover. I see a thirsty Edward, and I think the picture of Bella depicts how Edward makes her feel (not how she really looks!) I also think it’s really sad that all this bickering ended up in the LOS ANGELOS TIMES! It’s embarrassing to the point where I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided against making more movies.

  15. Maura says:

    Taking into consideration that this cover is some creative director’s vision of B and E and not them as depicted in Twilight, I still hate it. Rob is a beautiful man and this picture does him NO justice. Kristen has never looked better, but she still appears to have the under-bite of the century. It could and should have been a lot better. Oh and don’t get me started on Jacob…..

  16. Amanda says:

    i dont understand why people are mad over this.
    its just a picture. it doesnt mean this is how bella and edward are gonna look in the movie.
    personally, i kinda like this pic. i do agree with maura on the point that it doesnt give robert all the sexy-ness props he deserves, but it still is just one person’s idea.

  17. Cathy says:

    My copy came in the mail today! Yay!

    As weird as the cover is, the inside articles and photos are amazing!!!

    I’m still trying to see what they were attempting to do with the cover. If you try to look at it artistically, Edward looks at himself as kind of a monster, or an animal. The picture of Edward/Robert could symbolize that belief of himself — hands dirty like he’s been clawing in the dirt; pale and otherworldly looking and extreme in his almost animal-like fierce protective stance.

    Bella/Kristen is glammed up. Her character sees herself as ordinary (which is generally how she is portrayed), but this could be how Edward sees her — as his personal siren, the goddess-like epitomy of how she seems to him.

    Any thoughts???

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