Angela Opens Up!

Jul 14th, 2008 | By | Category: Movie News

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Starry Constelation Magazine has posted an interview with Christian Seratos! Our very own Angela has spoken up and given us a little more information about herself! Check it out here!

*Q. Do you have a really memorable moment from filming?

A. Oh they were all pretty memorable! There is a scene with me and Anna Kendrick in a dress shop and they were just quick little scenes for editing and I don’t think anyone really knew what we were doing. We just kind of had fun with it and play with it and I just think we had a really good time in that dress shop. I mean, looking at all of those dresses and throwing Anna in and out of dresses and I had this really cool purple dress on and I had glitter all over me. I don’t know how I had glitter on me because nobody put glitter on me, but it was on me and I couldn’t get it off, I think it was on the dress.

Q. What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A. A big, fat thank you! I am so happy that these fans are actually interested, I think it’s really cool that they’re interested in what I’m doing. Not even that, just interested in something that I happen to be doing, that’s really cool. I’m just really excited to be a part of something like this.*