Twilight Calendar Moved Up!

Jul 17th, 2008 | By | Category: Book News, Movie News


Borders has moved up the release date of the Twilight Calendar to July 25th! Make sure you pre-order it, I think it might sell out pretty quickly based on how well other Twilight merchandise is selling!

Also in the news, and thanks to Twilight Fixation for the head-up:
The Herald Dispatch has a small article on the appeal of Twilight to its readers.
“The novel wraps thriller, action, horror, mystery and romance into one brilliant masterpiece that sends readers out thirsting for more.”
Click HERE to read the full article.

The article also includes the Top 10 Books from Empire Books, which happens to include three out of four books from the Twilight saga:

1. “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer

2. “Breaking Dawn” (pre-sales) by Stephenie Meyer

3. “New Moon” by Stephenie Meyer

7 Comments to “Twilight Calendar Moved Up!”

  1. Caressa says:

    This is so cool…lol….Thats my local newspaper…lol…Never thought i would see anything from West Virginia on here….lol….

  2. Katelyn says:

    Is the Twilight Movie Calandar the one that goes from September 2008 to December 2009?

    I need help, cus I can’t remember how far it goes and the Lex doesn’t have a full archrive of their news….

    Oh well, I better add that along with my Breaking Dawn for preordering!

    Thanks for the update! 🙂

  3. Jacki says:

    wow it looks so nice! 😀

  4. Sydney says:

    Okay…I need that.

    I have a good pic of Edward, Alice, and Jasper for my bday too; February!!!

  5. Mandy says:

    I’m not at all surprised that they moved up the release of the calendar. I work at a Waldenbooks (which is owned by Borders) and we called every person who had reserved a copy of Breaking Dawn and asked if they wanted to reserve a copy of the calendar as well. Most of them said yes. If that’s the norm around the country, then I would make the decision to release it early as well, especially since Twilight is going to have a big contingency at Comic-Con, which is going to be that same weekend that the calendar is released.

  6. Immy says:

    Is the calender going to be sold in New Zealand ????????

  7. lorelei says:

    i just know that I need this calendar ! NOW

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