Stephenie Meyer lures young readers…

Jul 21st, 2008 | By | Category: Book News

I mean, how could she not?!


The has acknowledged her literary powers. An outstanding article done on Stephenie Meyer and her success can be found here. If you’re new to the story, or new to reading the saga make sure you stop in and check it out!

Excitement for Breaking Dawn has been building since the start of the year when stores around Australia started taking pre-orders. And many retailers report being barely able to keep up with demand for the Twilight books.


logo1.gif has done an article on Stephenie Meyer’s religion and how it affects her writing.  It’s a great article so don’t miss it!

“The intersection of vampirism and Mormonism has caused some comment among other members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ‘Some Mormons, especially those who know me, are surprised by my choice of topics,’ she told the Mormon arts and culture website ‘”Vampires?” they say, with a critical lilt to their voices. Then they add self-righteously, “I don’t read those kinds of books.” I hasten to explain to them that it’s not like that. Unconsciously, I put a lot of my basic beliefs into the story. Free agency is a big theme, as is sacrifice … Even after I explain all that, I still have LDS friends and extended family who look at me funny.”