Barnes & Noble Release Parties

Jul 22nd, 2008 | By | Category: Book News


We’ve found that the Twilight Saga website has posted a store locator for release parties but we are aware that it doesn’t list all stores that are having them. I received in my email today from Barnes & Noble a newsletter offering me coupons, gift ideas and even better Breaking Dawn Release Party Locators on the website!

At first I was weary because the last time I used something like it, it listed nothing for either Alaska or Virginia but I figured I’d try again! Lo and behold, there are 4 stores holding parties in Virginia in the Hampton Roads area and B&N is even holding a party in the one Barnes & Noble in Fairbanks, Alaska! Make sure you check it out!

If you’re going to be in the Hampton Roads area for the Lynnhaven release party, come find me (Chelsea) or email me!!