Normal Mormon Husband has his own way…

Jul 22nd, 2008 | By | Category: Book News

of counting down the days until Breaking Dawn!


We all have our own ways of counting down the days until the latest book in the Twilight Saga is released.  Some of us will stay up at all hours to read the newest teaser quote, some will stalk the bookstores for early copies while others reread the first three books over and over. (or some will do all of the above like me *Chelsea*)!

However, Normal Mormon Husband has been channeling his inner Stephenie Meyer and he’s going to do something special!

Many of you die-hard Twilight fans are anxiously counting down the milliseconds until Breaking Dawn is released at 12:01 a.m. on August 2nd so that you can rush to your nearest Barnes & Noble and buy it as quickly as possible. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if several of you are planning to buy the book at midnight and then stay up reading it cover-to-cover before your kids wake up at 6:55 a.m. Admit it! You’re out there, I know it. (Side note: Can you imagine how insane Barnes & Noble will be in some parts of the country [read: Utah] when Breaking Dawn is released? Don’t be surprised if it resembles the bi-annual Filene’s Basement Running of the Brides wedding dress stampede. My conservative estimate is that 143 B&N Associates will be killed and another 815 injured.)

*I’m personally thinking this guy knows us fans wayyyy too well!* 🙂