Comic Con Update!
Jul 24th, 2008 | By Chelsea | Category: Movie NewsNews from the Comic Con panel of Twilight!
Thanks to Sarah L. for the link!!
Here is another update from a different site that blogged as the event happened.
Another live blog…Click here.
This one’s a video! Thanks Kate for the link!!
Here is a video from MTV on the madness of the fans!
Robert Pattinson Online has reports, transcripts, and a photo gallery of Comic Con that you can check out here!
Here is the L.A. Times’ coverage of Comic Con.
Here are some backstage insights. (This is by far my favorite! Make sure you listen to Edi Gathegi! He’s amazing.)
Film School Rejects talks about Twilight and a New Moon sequel.
I’ll be updating THIS post as I find more and more information and updates about Comic Con…so be sure to check back to this one! Also if you have a link, feel free to email it to me and I can update it as well! -Chelsea