Win an Autographed Movie Poster!

Jul 24th, 2008 | By | Category: Site News

Twilight Series Theories and Twilight Live have a really special prize to give away at the live show… ready?  It’s an AUTOGRAPHED TWILIGHT POSTER, signed by Edi Gathegi (Laurent), Cam Gigandet (James), Rachelle LeFevre (Victoria), Kristen Stewart (Bella), Rob Pattinson (Edward), Catherine Hardwicke the Director, and Stephenie herself.  It’s almost hard to part with!  This is an INVALUABLE and just darned cool item, and we’re extremely thankful to Kia, who is our TST rep at Comic-Con, and our other contacts who made this possible!  So… come to the live show (details at, where you have a chance of winning an autographed Twilight poster!