More Comic Con Coverage!
Jul 25th, 2008 | By Krystal | Category: Movie NewsYes, there is more Comic Con coverage, but we can’t complain, right? So here is more Twilight! And be sure to check for updates!
G4 is covering Twilight in a segment that will air sometime between 7 and 10 pm tonight. Check your local listings to be sure!
Entertainment Tonight has as interview with some of the cast here!
Entertainment Weekly has a multi-part interview with Stephenie Meyer, along with a behind-the-scenes look at a photo shoot here!
The Washington Post covers Comic Con in an article here!
MSN has an interview with your own Laurent, Victoria, and Jacob here!
The Hollywood Reporter has coverage as here! has another report here!
Are you still with me? OK, take a breath, and here we go.
The New York Times gives us their two cents here!
Time covers Twilight and True Blood here!
Sci Fi Wire has coverage of Comic Con here!
Alright, I’m all out of exclamation points so…
Okay, I’m back, and there is more.
USA Today has highlights of Comic Con on heir site.
Cinema Blend talks about the fandom here!
Everglow has a great selection of Comic Con pictures here!
MTV has an updated interview with Rob here!
Reelz Channel talks to Robert about how he will sparkle on screen! They also talk to Stephenie!
This isn’t Comic Con, but Twilight Moms has updated their fake quotes of the day here!